Tyrande scenario updated (spoilers)

night fae players save the night elf souls who burned at teldrassil and tyrande is missing


No body, no death.


I highly doubt she’s dying. I know that the idea gives some people the warm and fuzzies for some reason, and is expected by those who think Blizzard will always choose the worst option for Night Elves, but I don’t think they’re going to kill her off.

This takes place before the Ardenweald campaign, iirc, so she’ll show later on I’m sure. Either way, glad we get to save the night elf souls.


Seems like the Night Elves (some or all?) are being saved pretty early on.


i thought this scenario was part of the night fae questline

It is, but each covenant has their own campaign. This is part of the levelling storyline as you go through each zone, at least that’s my understanding. As in, we go through the zones as we level, and then when we decide on a covenant at level 60, we get a campaign dealing with that covenant as well.


at least the ones who burned at teldrassil

If she dies, I hope we get more information about Elune as a concession. Because I’m still hoping through Tyrande we’ll get more answers about the moon goddess. And if Tyrande dies, I’d like to know what Tyrande did to prompt Elune to abandon her “chosen” when she used divine intervention to save her in the past.

No this is the ending of the ardenweald campagin, you cant do this scen if you dont pick ardenweald, in fact none of the tyrande or voljin stuff are able to be done by players who dont pick ardenweald


The scenario linked above is the ending of Ardenweald campaign? They’re going to leave a cliffhanger at the end or is this just what is the ending “so far”?

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could be that the covenant campaigns continue through the other patches like the war campaign did

The campaigns are like the war campaigns and class ones, they are gonna go on for the whole xpac

Did they say if they’ll merge into one central campaign later one? I always figured that’d happen but haven’t seen anything. So we me be searching for Tyrande and then “oh no, something major happened, we all need to team up now.”

nope maybe they will do that maybe they wont

i dont know if they said anything about that, what will likely happen is each covenant takes care of their own problems

Hm I won’t lie I’m a little disappointed.

Not about it being Night Fae, per say, cause I actually really dig the Night fae, and was planning on doing it on my troll, so either way i was getting Volly content on me troll.

But I was hoping the Covenants would be about… the covenants? I guess this still falls under their duties, but I am interested in learning more about the Night Fae.

That and I’d rather a continuation of Tyrande’s and Vol’jin’s story to not be locked behind on particular content. Maybe more of a ‘world’ content thing? Max level quest chain? Blizz?

Hm actually, I take Vol’jin back, it does make sense for his story to continue here, he is dead after all. It’s not that different from Kael’s story being in the venthyr campaign.

Tyrande, though, should’ve definitely been seperated from the campaign and avaliable to all covenants even if it is about the Night Fae.


All of them have cliffhangers

Same. She’s 100% gonna be the savior of the Winter Queen given the winter queen’s heart is tied to the lock of the maw. I see it coming.

Tyrande is gonna save the Winter Queen and Ardenweald by tying her to “the heart of Teldrassil” or osmething which will restore Teldrassil and SUPER POWER Winter Queen to revive all the Night Elves.

Nah it really looks like four separate narratives until we all kill the Jailer at the end.

But the Venthyr campaign involves us going into Maldraxxus to beat up someone bad we know so

Oh this is making it harder then. I’m choosing a character per covenant so I can see all the stories.

I always figured they’d meet up in the middle like how the horde and alliance always tend to do.

Ye that’s what I’m doing:

Blood Elf Warlock for the Venthyr
Kul Tiran Druid or Zanadalari Shaman for the Night Fae (probably Druid)
Blood Elf Death Knight (head canon, ranger raised with Sylvanas, part of the Dark Rangers, might race change to female undead, still deciding) with the Necrolords
Blood Elf Paladin with the Kyrians


Well this means I have to level up that druid then…/grumble grumble