Tyrande isn't thinking logically

A replacement that didn’t have the power of his predecessor.

A powerful warrior who was outmatched because Sylvanas was amped up on Jailer juice.

And lost. I will not be debating this.

He had her in the death grip and sent her running from that dungeon, just like Jaina.

This is just bull.

I’m fairly certain that was Varimathras acting on her orders.

The Horde won that but they also took vastly more loses in the battle then the Kaldorei did even though they outnumbered them 8 to 1. I won’t be debating this either.

Which is really just rumored. She’s had 2 big wins, Wot and stalling Arthas, I could throw in the Lorderon trap too. Beyond that she shown no ability to vastly outflank her enemies beyond those and its not like she’s had the opportunity to. Her time as Ranger General was fairly quite and isn’t not like she fight in the Troll Wars. If anyone is a tactical genius, it’s Alleria.

Mmhm ok.

Next time come with the corrected facts please


I, uh, don’t thing death was posting that to be factual. I believe they posted it tongue-in-cheek in response to the more extreme segment of the forum posters.

I could be wrong though.


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Doesn’t have to be Tyrande alone:

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Where is the lie?

Where is the lie?

These character vrs character topics are the biggest waste of time in which literally no minds will be changed and will 100% go the way that cdevs wants it. Its really just the ideal time for us nerds to gush all over our favorite characters.

On that note; notice no one is gushing over Tyrande. Her resume is complete and utter trash bags compared to Sylvanas. Again where is the lie? I double dare you to post and a single instance of Tyrande going toe to toe with anyone of note and winning.

I’ll wait.

I think that’s one of the complaints Night elf fans have, she doesn’t do much. I mean, look at her presence in Legion.


You finally got the feral savage raging Night Warrior you all have been waiting for years, and we still get complaints.

Just can’t please anyone. :slight_smile:

Tyrande needed and got her 15 mins of fame.

I doubt she will be taking any other victories anytime soon.

Wow story has always been tit for tat.

We don’t really know Tyrande’s current strength. We know she’s supposedly stronger than she was at Darkshore. We also know a Night Warrior was seemingly able to take out an Old God before.

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Tyrande was near Malfurion’s level of power “before” the Night Warrior buff. She’s ended armies. She’s created armies of clones. She is, bar none, the biggest powerhouse the Alliance has. The range of her powers outstrips anything we’ve seen.

She can and has created weapons from thin air, again, created clones, silencing light that stopped large chunks of an entire army from being able to see, and held alone surrounded by an army of undead.

Even Sylvanas recognized Tyrande was a threat and was glad she was gone.

That was before the Night Warrior. Now Tyrande has almost all of Elune’s power, and the longer she has it the more it manifests and matures. And that isn’t a hyperbole. Quest text from BFA confirmes almost all of Elunes power is going into Tyrande. Flat out says it.

Sylvanas isn’t even a speed bump. This is the power that kills Old Gods.

Sadly, most people don’t see this stuff. books only


Although Tyrande is powerful and likely to continue to get more powerful at an alarming rate as the Night Warrior power settles in, I’m honestly started to get a little freaked out by the literal Tyrande worship on this forums by NEFPAs; the level of fanatical religious adoration towards her is equal in magnitude to the blinding hatred and rage they show towards the (fictional character) Sylvanas.

It’s creepy, some people need to take it down a notch. We’re a few weeks away from NEFPAs claiming that Tyrande is capable of tearing through reality into the real world to claim vengeance on Blizzard writers. I’m not even saying she isn’t as powerful as they claim, it’s just the wording of some people is starting to get a little close to requiring psychiatric evaluation.


The jailors powers give to Sylvanas are probably greater than that available to Elune. Just from feats alone.

Not only is this overly dramatic, it’s really annoying and unfair to paint all Night Elf fans as fanatic when in truth most of the rage only comes from a small handful of posters, and at this point we know who they are by name.


We haven’t really seen feats of either.


…and that’s what’s wrong with WoW books. They give an author some contract, some guidelines and then let them go crazy on their given character’s powers because it’s cool. Then they have to be SEVERELY toned down for the game or nothing even remotely makes sense anymore.

Her most impressive feats of holding her own in the middle of an army was WC3

Kaileena, you dont fall in to the category of NEFPA. You make sound arguments and worthwhile discussion. The NEFPA, sadly, are just the loudest.



The night warrior is probably going to be curbed by the Jailor to show how powerful he is. Though I do see the NW beating Slyvanas and THEN the Jailor stepping in to stop Tyrande presumably resurrecting a defeated Slyvanas (giving the expac a Rising Action in its story curve). A lot of WoW lore is like a ping pong game, someone wins and then loses immediately after.

Warcraft 3 Heroes were gods by design. If I recall correctly she called Starfall on a large group of Ghouls… I could be wrong, it’s been almost 20 years. :wink:

what, did tyrande get headshot by Godfrey twice or something?


Y’know, the only thing she wasn’t logical about taking out Nate the way she did was if she had a little prep-time … maybe she could have bothered Bwon to snag his soul when she ripped his head off. Bwon does seem to be a target because of his constant use of loophole that lets him circumnavigate the Arbiter system; and Nate did try to kill him.

Outside of that, Tyrande is the only canon character so far to be able to break the Jailor’s chains … twice. Once in Darkshore when Sylvie’s Primes used them on her, and then again in the most recent patch. Even Bolvar couldn’t break free of them. Which is probably why she’s thought of as some level of threat by Sylvanas … enough so that she was on the capture list (alongside exclusively peaceniks preventing further inter-faction escalation).