Tyrande isn't thinking logically

I wasnt just burning her city down. It was genocide in Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil. So many Night Elves died that they’re now an endangered species. Remember she suffered the War of the Ancients, War of the Satyr, Scarab War, and Third War, Horde-Alliance War, Fourth War and Legion Invasion. After enduring these events she finally snapped. All things considered I’m surprised she took this long to become the Night Warrior.


You do understand that Arthas was just toying with her in the halls of reflection right? He could’ve killed her anytime he wanted and Pappa Glenn got the last laugh on Sylvanas when he ruined her plans in stormheim.

She’s not the tactical genius you think she is


I understand…

There isn’t a single tactical genius that works for Blizzard.

Its not me. The characters in-game are in a constant state of awe of Sylvanas’ tactical prowess and strategical genius.


The Simple Answer: Plot Armour.

More depth: She’ll be ‘The unstoppable Night Warrior’ - probably growing on tier with or more powerful than the Jailor & Sylvanas.

Whether you like it or not, Tyrande will most likely be the one landing the killing blow on Sylvanas eventually – or at the very least play the major role in it unfolding, but I extremely doubt that Sylvanas is getting redeemed: She’s getting the nuke treatment for sure.

They’ll probably give an idle struggle where ‘the Night Warrior power is killing Tyrande!’ or something no doubt, and they have to work to stop or sate it - but the end result will most likely be the same.

Forsaken having a loveable recognisable hero with a darkside but ultimately good is not allowed.

I mean, lol - look at the signs lately, Blizzard is clearly run by the male-human-pally trope when it comes to faction conflict & balanced scenarios.

  • Horde = Evil.
  • Alliance = Good.
  • Horde Heroes = Die pathetically or demonised
  • Alliance Heroes = Die heroically or elevated. (Horde have Vol’Jin but in comparison to the tier the Alliance has + the Diamond King planet speaker it’s a meager attempt).
    Humans = Limitless Potential
    Orcs = No potential, had their planet steamrolled and constantly shamed.

Everytime there’s a faction conflict it’s generally the Horde’s fault. That’s not going to change from what it appears, and the end result is always the same too - Alliance comes bearing down, knocks them flat on their back with a shotgun faced at their head and paints the concrete with another lesson that they are hopelessly flawed & outmatched by the might of the Alliance (as always).