Tyrande isn't thinking logically

She’s chasing Sylvanas on her own, without Malfurion or anyone. Did she not hear Sylvanas dismantled the lich king with ease? Night Warrior powers or no, It seems likely that if they were to fight right now, Sylvanas would dominate her.

Taking out a Nathanos with no buffs is not the same thing as what Tyrande is trying to do. At this point Tyrande needs to stop, think, and bring along some powerful help. Malfurion would be a start, but as it stands, maybe even the two of them working together possibly wouldn’t be enough anymore.

Well, naturally. That’s the point. It’s hard to think ‘logically’ as the leader of the night elves after the events of BFA lol.


I mean, If some one burned my city down, sure Id be pissed too, but what would running face first into a suicidal, unwinnable fight accomplish?


It seems the power of the night warrior keeps growing constantly and also appears to create an unsatiable desire for revenge.

So she is basically just feeding her night warrior powers by killing more and more.

About her powers being enough to defeat Sylvanas, that remains to be seem, I speculate, and it is my theory, based on the lore we have about the night warrior of that other universe, that the power of the Night Warrior will grow to the point of breaking Tyrande, she will have to share it with a lot of people (maybe a raid group, wink wink), or the night elf souls in ardenweald, and that will be the power used to defeat a big player in the shadowlands (Sylvanas or the Jailer).


I’d rather not have another Tyrande / Malfurion questline.

Shandris / Tyrande works way better with what we have on beta.

Bolvar is not strong, but it’s not like power levels matter anyway. I just hope we won’t hear much of Bolvar anymore because he’s such a damn boring character.

Also keep in mind that Sylvanas ran alone into the entire scourge and basically defeated the lich king and the scourge single handedly. Why shouldn’t Tyrande be able to stand her own against some maw forces then? Sylvanas was empowered by the jailer, Tyrande by Elune.

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Freeing her people from the maw before Sylvanas can obliterate even more of them.

It’s not like you can take your time and make a great plan while your people are being tortured in hell, and eventually obliterated (as we’ve seen on the beta), so Tyrande is not acting unreasonably here by trying to atleast save as many as possible

She’s overflowing with power. I wouldn’t be shocked if it somehow forces her into a tunnel vision where she’s blind to the danger she faces by rushing off alone to face an enemy where they are strongest.

Her odds are better than most, but, I’d wager it’s still a deadly gambit that isn’t in her favor. Arthas needed an army from both of the world’s superpowers, the most iconic Paladin the world had seen in recent time and direct intervention from the Holy Light, and victory was just barely purchased. A Death God that’s Arthas but on steroids and amped up to 100 is going to be a hard play.

She’ll either have her Night Warrior problem handled, or something else’ll work out. I doubt they’d kill off Tyrande to underline the flaws of rushing headlong into danger without careful forethought.

It’d be funny if she uses the Night Warrior power itself as a weapon and pours all of it into Sylvanas to blow her up from trying to absorb too much power.

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Kuwabara, is that you?

I don’t know what that means.

It’s a meme from Yu Yu Hakusho in the 90s. Kuwabara has this spirit sword that he uses to defeat up some gluttonous BBEG by overwhelming him with so much energy to absorb that he explodes.

Yeah I never watched that. I always think of how Hulk defeated Absorbing Man.

Or how Po defeated Kai in Kung fu Panda 3.

Overwhelming the enemy with the power said enemy wanted is a common trope it seems.

It’s probably because it’s standard irony and somewhat karmic.


Night warrior or no, Tyrande’s always been kinda brash. Charging in to do what she thinks is right or best is not a new thing for her.


Like I said in the other thread Tyrande doesn’t want that smoke from the G.O.A.T(its literally death).

Ganking Blightcaller while he’s fighting is one thing; coming face to face with the greatest warrior that WoW has ever known is another.

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The powers of the Moon Goddess far surpass that of the replacement Lich King. The true extent of Sylvanas’ and the Night Warriors power has yet to be shown.


The Night Warrior is a less-cool version of the Sword of Khaine.


Agree with the sentiment that WoW does not do power scaling. I wouldn’t even say they don’t do it well; it just doesn’t do it.

A character who can engage in Superman level antics one moment can be laid low by a pointy stick the next. WoW is all about in the moment presentation to advance the story being told at the time, numbers, logistics, “power levels” all are highly irrelevant unless the story needs them.

What this means in practice is, the story forum is filled with yarn-web-on-wall and newspaper clipping theories attempting to create a logical and consistent framework for something that is neither of those things, but we love anyway.


Sylvanas bodied the Lich King and Saurfang, went toe to toe with Malfurion(mano y mano) and Arthas when he was LK, went head up with Genn sent him limping back to his dog house. She dismantled and dismembered the Dreadlords and took and held Lordaeron for years; absolutely wrecked the NE during the WoT and don’t get me started on her tactical and strategical prowess.

My money is on Sylvanas her resume is impeccable.