Tyrande is coming to destroy you all including Alliance

Andiun made peace, Andiun does not lead the Night Elves. And until they leave our lands, they are our enemy!


Or worse
 special characters over her nameplate.

Well if it makes ya feel at ease, theres not alot of us and we scare off the toxic posters.

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I’m pretty sure they have already, that was part of making peace.

An Alliance leader who could bring strive to their own faction in their pursuit of justice/revenge?


Blizz will shove the storyline aside until the next exp. following whatever’s after BFA and everything will take place in a book while in-game the Nelf suddenly get a new home (Hopefully Gilneas so Genn can pay them back for their hospitality.) and everything is pleasantly peaceful in the Alliance.


I’m hoping what’ll really happen is, just when Sylvanas is defeated and at our mercy, Anduin will tell her that they won’t kill her and that after giving everything a bit of thought, he’s perfectly willing to forgive her. Then after Tyrande appears, he’ll tell Sylvanas that she, on the other hand, is not as forgiving and is unfortunately beyond his orders at this point. Therefore, he cannot order her to hold back. As he leaves, he whispers to Tyrande, “She’s all yours.”


Piggy backing off of your idea here because I love it.

What if

Three factions. Why?

Because there are a lot of people that want to play their horde with allies and vice versa. So they go with Andouli sausage and get their wish.

The Tyrande loyalists choose to stick with her and have their eyes blacked out like Coraline’s other mother (yay!)

The Sylvanas loyalists choose death and get they’re eyes glowin and turn all gray n stuff (sweeeet).

Faction war continues, but only you choose to decide where you stand morally. Grey in the middle, nice and toasty on the sides; seared like a well grilled steak, pink in the middle after cooked.

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Her era has been over for 10000 years, i understand her 30 year hold tree burning down sucks, But war is war, there were good reasons to not help her vengeful cause. She should count her days at this point.

Nope, night elf lands are still occupied. Anduin didn’t give a damn about getting those back, just as much as he cared in preventing the genocide from happening.

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I think we’ll see three factions. That way they can fix PvP also. Three faction world PvP is the best proven system.

(Pushes Thrall to the front of the line)

Start with this guy.

I love this idea and your presentation is impeccable.

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I can dream.

Destroy me mommy

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I’ve always wanted to do this with EVA foam and a heat gun. It looks so cool!

This could be really cool!

Gilneas’ historical rivalry with Stormwind/Lorderon would further fan the flames, I think.

If Tyrande does decide to go rogue and strike out on her own, she doesn’t exactly have the means to do so. The Army of The Black Moon has probably shrunk by a good degree since invading Darkshore to try and reclaim it and most of the Night Elves probably not on her level of thinking anyway in regards to the Horde.

Why thank you, good sir :mage:

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Please this is still Blizzard. Tyrandes gonna appear with her army of the moon, attack some fledgling Horde settlement, be stopped by the flight path master (but she’ll kill a single one of his beasts OH NO) Than Anduin’s going to show up with some “Tyrande this is a mistake, HaVe A lItTlE pAtIeNcE” and she’ll cry out “Anduin my love! I’m so wrong how could I be so stupid, thank you glorious human for showing my how stupid I am”

The End


Oh boy how exciting, they never did this with a character before

How is it forced to insist on balancing the scales? There must be retribution, Teldrassil can not go unanswered and saying “well, they killed a Val’kyr and a few soldiers so they got their revenge” is absolute garbage.

I want the same choice Sylvanas loyalists got; serve Tyrande or play nice with Anduin’s vision of forgive and forget. I know what side I’m on.
