Tyrande is coming to destroy you all including Alliance

Cool. Just as long as I have the option to side with her… to destroy the rest of the Alliance too.

Because F Anduin and his BS. :smiley:


Sleepy! But I can’t sleep, because I have to work my midnight shift tomorrow. So I have to get back on my work sleep schedule. :confused:

How’re you?

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I’m alright, been working on my creative thoughts, and planning out a few things.

even thinking about getting an interest in peparuka. (Basically people who make cosplay armor/gear out of certain paper)


Oooh! Nifty! :smiley:

I’m thinking about doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I’ve actually never done it. Which is ironic as a writer. lol

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We are the Army of the Black Moon.

When night falls and the Black Moon rises vengeance will be served!


Neato, if you ever wanted to try out a WoW fictional story, the worlds even tavern (RP side of the forums) might be able too help a bit, most people i know there are friendly might offer suggestions.

but all i can say is, have fun with it and good luck :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve got quite a lot of WoW fan fic laying around, actually! Just never shared outside of my RP guilds. :blush:

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That’s what I don’t get. They already have an Alliance leader who’s willing to do completely irrational things to kill Sylvanas; they didn’t need to spend all this effort making another one.

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Tyrande will be a Raid Boss and will die!

Sylvanas will become a hero and savior of all!

You read it here first. =/

Well thats nice, than i wish you best of luck then :slight_smile:

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If you mean Genn, I think part of it is just that it’s easier to think up a way to power up someone like Tyrande to stronger levels than Genn, who will forever remain just a Badass Normal type of character.

The most they could do with Genn is make him the new Scion of Goldrinn after Varian’s passing but I don’t think Goldrinn sees him as a worthy champion and Goldrinn himself is not that powerful of a figure compared to Elune, who I think has the power to measure up again whatever forces Sylvanas has called up to gain the power she has.


Maybe someday I’ll share on the forums. I’m always hesitant of others’ reactions.

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Well just do to Northern Kalimdor what we did to Gnomeregan. I mean, we have that nifty de-activated bomb in Mechagon just waiting to be used.

It’s about time the gnomes were able to either recover gnomer or at least make their own town of importance.

I mean, if the Kaldorei decide they just want to start killing Alliance. We’ll leave Darkshore and Ashenvale in cinders.

I misread what you said… comfused by how many threads are out there about killing tyrande off and what not.

Night elves won’t be going to war with the alliance any time soon. So no worries :wink:

I would totally follow Tyrande but not against the Alliance, we not unless they sided with our enemy!

So you’re thrice a betrayer. First you followed Illidan and betrayed the Kal’dorei, then you betrayed Illidan in Legion, then you betrayed the Alliance.

We didn’t side against our people, we gave our all to bring the fight to the Legion and their worlds. And If the Alliance sides with our enemy, then they are making the choice to put themselves in the line of fire.

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Except we made peace with them, so we can break this cycle of vengeance?

I mean, if you want to go. “MUH VENGEANCE,” go ahead, but know that Taran Zhu was right.