Tyrande is coming to destroy you all including Alliance

If Anduin dies fighting N’Zoth or gets rejected as the Horde Warchief by the people of Stormwind, she could probably make Genn High King. Then the next expansion could start with the Alliance doing a Teldrassil on Thunder Bluff, and the Alliance would finally be “morally grey”.

Plus, we could have a postbonfire cinematic with some humans angsting about how they’ve become just as bad as the Horde are, and others saying, “All’s fair in war. Here, have some more steak.”

we’re more likely to end up with three factions, or a multi-faction mess and a removal of “two faction” system

Yeah, not really worried.

It’s nice they’re trying though. Good for them!

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Nah, you have N’Zoth the death god at the top, and then his three lieutenants Azshara, Sylvanas, and Tyrande below. It’s like Charlie’s Angels, but with insane elves.


Oh yeah? Her and what army?

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LMAO!!! Bad boys! Bad boys! Whatchu gonna do when night elves come for you!

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I wouldn’t go that far. But she certainly does resent teaming up with them at this stage, since they didn’t help much. At least Stormwindians. The Gilneans did.


bring it on you short lived mayfly

and that my friend, is why you’ll lose. never underestimate your foe. i’ll see you and the rest of your arrogant ilk on the battle field

I would be pissed too if I were in her shoes truth be told. Horde keeps getting the pass card whenever they do something evil, finally an Alliance leader will try to do something about it.


Sweet, hope it means I get to kill Malfurion.

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I really do feel for Tyrande though. She came to SW to ask Anduin for his help and he’s like, “Nah breh, got some other thangZ I need to handle. Matter of fact, we could use your help handling more pressing matters like deciding what kind of pizza we should order. What do you think Genn?”

*tyrande leaves
*Anduin shrugs

The end


Ya know what would be interesting?

if tyrande had supporters not of just nelf origin but one that had mixed races, a choice option as you will.

fight with tyrande or just leave to tell anduin as she does this.


Hopefully she kills Baine. Night Elves really need a win, y’know?


No she’s not. And if Blizz went this route, it’d be completely against character and a very craptastic injustice.


honestly, at this rate, we will have to wait an see.

in the meantime, how are you rhielle?


The 400th TyrANdE GoiNg tO DiE thread since Tuesday.

Her Vengeance is going to be shoehorned into her hunting down Sylvanas and Nathanos at best.

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Can’t be as bad as when you got roflstomped by Rezan’s evil twin with a lightsaber.

Love your name for the record. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree. We Hordies all got together and decided in honor of our newfound friendship with the Alliance we’ll let Tyrande murder Baine. It will help with the healing process.


/friendly pat on the shoulder.