Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

My mains are a NE druid and a NE hunter. But since Blizzard is ignoring not only Night Elf characters/lore, but also Night Elf players/customers, I figured I would post on a human, the only alliance race they seem willing to touch.

Adding another interesting thread about Tyrande:

Tyrande is coming to destroy you all including Alliance

I am not optimistic that they will give NE voices again, or real content or their land back. Even if they did write her as an antagonist (which she is not, and is completely justified in any rage or vengeance) , they would still have horde bias and will probably find another way to add fake powerups, which will not matter when their plot armored favorites “outwit” them (aka, writing team dumbs down any Alliance characters so Horde can look smart or strategic).