Tyrande got her revenge

Yep, that’s sort of what they were presented as originally, mysterious shadowy demigods, Maiev in wc3 even casually remarks that they’ve wiped out entire species before. Basically, they should’ve been on the same level as dragons were.

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I bloody called it! But I feel no joy in my vindication, just… emptiness.

Good news is that my wallet is $18/month CND more full!


I meant Nightborne but this interpretation is incredibly legit


Varian will be the one who stops Archimonde.


All this FF14 talk reminds me I need to log back in and finish off my Dark Knight Eureka weapon. I only need like 60 more crystals. I suspect it would be a lot harder to do once the expansion arrives.

I only just noticed how many of you said this, but thank you for the nomination.


Grandblade: Let her go, Wallurian!

Tyrande: Wallurian…

Grandblade: Let… her… go!

[Wallurian releases Tyrande]

Wallurian: You turned the Alliance against me!

Grandblade: You have done that yourself!


Grandblade: Your anger and your lust for power have already done that. You have allowed this Alliance of Lordaeron to twist your mind, until now- now, you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

Wallurian: Don’t lecture me, Grandblade. I see through the lies of the Night Elves. I do not fear the Warcraft 2 as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Alliance!

Grandblade: Your new Alliance?!

Wallurian: Don’t make me kill you.

Grandblade: Wallurian, my allegiance is to the Grande Alliance, to Anduin!

Wallurian: If you like Tyrande, then you’re not a true Alliance fan!

Grandblade: Only a Male Human Paladin deals in Warcraft II’s. I do what I must.

Wallurian: You will try.

Both bubble hearth away


That was beautiful


Wait until the fanfics turns it into Grandblade x Wallurian.



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The bubble hearth got me.


Isn’t the head of story development Christie Golden? Wasn’t she a fan fiction writer before getting hired?

I think its important to note we dont really know how much control over the story the actual writers have.

There was a Metzen interview a while back that seems to indicate that the big story beats are decided by those outside of the story department, than given to the story department to make “work”.

Its entirely possible it seems that, say the burning of Teldrassil happened because a not writer decided they wanted Teldrassil to burn.


That seems to be how it works. The game devs come up with the expansion idea, dungeons/raids, new continent, etc. They then hand all that off to the story team and tell them to come up with a story around all of it. Then, to make things more complicated, the quest team is separate from the story team, so while they do coordinate there are plenty of times where details are wrong between questing and the official story.


It really does come down to that, doesn’t it? We don’t have access to the story development area and the messages that come down to them.

It could be "Let’s burn Teldrassil. make it happen’ and the story team has a lot of freedom. Or it could be much more detailed instructions and the story team has to go from there.

We just don’t know how much freedom they have.

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Pretty much. Its why when im criticizing the story I try to stay general with “Blizzard” instead of naming people in specific.


Still if the devs are the one choosing the major plot of the story they must have some kind on lore person themself to at least know what kind of story are possible.

But I think it is a bit more complicated, the writing team may propose different really broad story line like Void/South Seas / Legion etc with some kind of ideas for it, and then the content makers choose what they find best for gameplay.

Could be.

At the end of the day, outside of very general inference based on interviews, we dont really know how the story boarding process works. Its the reason I’m usually hesitant about ascribing blame for A,B,C storyline to X,Y,Z writer.


Christie Golden has said numerous times that her control over the story is very limited. Had she had full control, we probably wouldn’t have seen the time traveling pirate breakout scene in War Crimes.


This is the other point I tend to look at that makes me believe the writers don’t have as much control as we would like.

Both in game and out of game we have seen some great stories being told. Hell the Zone stories tend to consistently be very well done.

Why then is the over arching story hot garbage? Would make sense if said writers don’t control all that much of the narrative.