Tyrande got her revenge

This is the issue with the burning of Teldrassil. Had the horde just taken it over and Tyrande liberated it. Or if it was her not Jaina that showed up during the seige of undercity and saved the alliance. Or if she was involved in the attack of dazar’alor

Then I could get behind ya she got her revenge.

I personally think the burning of Teldrassil was added at last minute. It would fix so many story issues had it not happened. Like Surfang and Baine not turning the corner until latter. Just my 2 cents…


Normally I post on my BE warlock, Fythra. However, in this case, I’m posting on my first ever character whom I made back in 2004.

I don’t always agree with what other Alliance posters say, but I’m standing in solidarity with them today. If I had any shred of respect for this story team, it’s now gone.

To say Tyrande has gotten her revenge is the height of stupidity. i didn’t honestly think it could get any worse. Boy, what was I thinking?


My disappointment is immeasurable.

This was their chance. The night elves had lost so much, but with this came an opportunity to bring them back to their roots. Through them was a chance to right many of the narrative issues with the Alliance, to put the faction on the genuine warpath while inciting lasting internal tension.

To think that story of revenge will end here… after a warfront and single questline.

Another footnote before the status quo returns.


I’d click the heart but I spent my good kid points already. So I am here now to say amen I guess.


Meh if the alternative is continuing the unification of the Human kingdoms then I’m for it. Night Elves are butchered at this point. Let it die.

I’m not a night elf fanboy or anything but…yeah I have to agree that was pretty lame.

Like, the fight on Darkshore is just starting. Tyrande is a demigodess now, she just got there and all she did was kill a Val’kyr and slap Nathanos for a couple of secs.

This doesn’t even qualify as a concept of a revenge, much less a full revenge.


sigh Fine, I give up. Are you happy Blizzard? You killed hope. I’m done. Time to strap in and just follow this train wreck off the cliff.


According to Metzen, some of the last stuff he did before retiring was the early work on the BfA opening cinematic. He was later shocked to see Teldrassil get burned down, so at the very least it wasn’t planned in the beginning when he was still there.


I can see a lot of Nelves either race changing or deciding to unsub due to this. It sounds melodramatic but to eviscerate and gut everything about the Night Elves and who they essentially are via backstory is bad. To do so over multiple expansions of getting their face beaten in, previous allies turning to neutrality, etc, is worse.


picture the val’kyr like heart to sylvanas life they are linked to her life if they all dispear she back in hell if she lose them all. she now down to one val’kyr

by killed one that major blown struck against her

yea i see that as a issue for a lot of characters and their behaviors.

Blizzard sees Night Elves as the Melniboneans, the Vadhagh of Wow. They’re the token ancient elven civilization that has passed into irrelevance, and is in the process of being swept into the dustbin of history.


except for the Horde variant of night elves ofc


I actually, mulling it over, does this mean that canonically the night elves have retaken their land? If Tyrande got her revenge, so to speak, and the nelves are focusing on Nazjatar in 8.2, does this mean that Darkshore and Ashenvale are now under night elf control?

I’ve sort of suspected for a while that the Darkshore warfront, unlike the Arathi Warfront, is actually in a certain order in terms of narrative, with the Horde version happening first and the Alliance version of retaking it happening after. Mostly because of the world boss there, who is normal Ivus for Horde, but then Ivus the Decayed for Alliance, same NPC but clearly one happens before the other.

I dunno, maybe I’m looking for silver linings where there are none…

This proves that the “Don’t you guys have phones?” incident was not an accident or a one-time thing. This is how Blizzard really sees their playerbase. People that will lap up whatever they show.


The problem is, knowing Blizzard’s track record of kicking the kaldorei while they’re down, they’ll likely never actually retake Darkshore and in fact they may even end up being the token “conflict on the Alliance side” Blizzard has been trying to use to make Alliance players feel better once the Faction War is all said and done.


uh excuse me valued customer did you not find the incredibly DEEP black eyes quest line to be a fair compensation for torching every part of the lore and setting you identified with?


This is true… but it’s some wiggle room for my guild at least. A silver lining interpretation that I can cling to until Tyrande outright says ‘Yeah we’re good with the Horde now’.

Then we riot.

I don’t understand how a group of presumably hundreds of developers, many of them die-hard fans of the material they work with, and with what is supposedly paid staffers whose only job is to maintain lore consistency, with actual professional novelists on the payroll keep messing up the lore and writing this badly. Was Metzen really the only one keeping it together all those years?


Yeah, the Zandalari are basically what the NE should have been. Ancient, powerful, rich heritage, regal yet perilous bearing, isolationist, supremacist and has close ties and the favour of powerful, godlike beings.