Tyrande got her revenge

Narrative elements will be shoe-horned in no matter how ridiculous to provide for some kind of pretext for X number of raid tiers.

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I made this for you, thread-goers.



Omg… Someone on Blizz REALLY hates the Nelves (or loves to use them as plot devices in humiliating circumstances).

I can’t believe the devs would admit such BS in regards to Nelf narrative…


Blizzard also thought it a swell idea to announce Mobile Diablo as the bookend of the opening ceremony of BlizzCon after hyping it up so much prior they had to release a seperate statement pointedly saying “calm down its not Diablo 4”.

They haven’t really had their finger on the pulse of the community lately

Well, I guess it’s hard for them to understand the playerbase when they’re so busy patting themselves in the back and keeping their heads firmly inside their behinds…


Remember the live stream about the story when they just did that live whitout answering any question?


The one in which they became exhibit A of my previous post? Of course I remember…

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As I understand it the majority of the books were written by contracted freelancers who were given very specific instructions and boundaries on what to write and how to write about it.

I thought most of the books were either Knaak or Golden and that its only recently that we’ve seen other authors (a la William King for Illidan)

You can’t have a clear victory with a sea saw warfront.

I take serious issue with the idea that this is happening because the writers were forced against their will to burn Teldrassil. If they actually felt bad about it they would have given us real apologetic content for night elves to look cool in instead of more Forsaken wank.


I doubt that they were dragged kicking and screaming to do so. Blizzard simply said “Write this story.” And they did. Keep in mind that the NPC script follows game content… not the other way around.

And how do you know the writers had any say in the matter?

Im not defending the decision mind you, this expansions over arching story is garbage, I’m just saying it may not be fair to jump down the writers throats.

i refuse to play this game until they give the nelfs or the alliance some sort of payoff.
a cgi cinematic about tyrande, a rule of cool moment, I DON’T CARE, anything!

like is not only to nelfs fans. this also destroys the alliance.

Why should i care about the other characters in the alliance if they treat one of their playable races like this?
i don’t even care about gilneas at this point FFS and i have been waiting YEARS for that.

i am not even asking to delete the horde or destroy their cities or their characters
is too much to ask, A STORY at least about THE ALLIANCE?


What is happening is bad news concerning Night Elves… What should be done about the bearer of bad news(I.E. Blizzard Entertainment)?

You’ll go Save Baine and like it.

But yeah, theres a lot of readons I unsubbed, the way the Alliance (especially Night Elves) is treates is one of em.


Just give us Gilneas and revamp Blackwald as the new home of the Night Elves. Easy. Done. No need to even lay a finger on their precious Horde’s head.

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Just wow…:rofl:

i am fine saving him to help jaina with her quest after what he did for her.
but Here is the thing:

i understand (more than anyone) that jaina is important to the alliance story, but that is the thing, the alliance is not only her.
is about the nations and their leaders.
What kind of alliance would be when only anduin and she are relevant? that isn’t an alliance. that is just a story about 2 characters,and while that would be fine, i was told that this was going to be a story about THE ALLIANCE.
and that, right there is my problem.
you can’t just ignore the nelfs, who is an alliance race and their leader. when you started the expansion with the genocide.

You can’t just use humans for everything, because why even have an alliance in the first place? instead of the alliance better call it anduin and his friends.

why have an alliance when any kind of conflict is just ignored?
that just make us in a cartoon board faction with no deep at all… we are basically useless secondary characters and punching bags to serve the horde story to get their 4k hd cinematics.

And THAT is my problem with all of this.

the fact that we aren’t getting actual pay off for teldrassil in any form that means, that with teldrassil, blizzard also burned the alliance as a faction.
and it pains me to say that they are killing any sort of invest in the story at all…