Tyrande got her revenge

Thats the issue with BfA. Blizzard doesn’t care what their fans want.


Or the story is just too boring.

Still a charred body laying on the ground? Yep, still a charred body laying on the ground…

Source for ashenvale

They just don’t give a damn about Night Elves


Datamined SIlverwing dialogue

I think that’s just dialog for war song gulch bg


Did we ever confirm it was a reclamation of Ashenvale or just a token dialogue for the revamped Warsong Gulch battleground?

Maybe, but there is not Horde equivalent found yet. Either way, it implies fighting in Ashenvale.

Mhm. Yep. See that? Got a bunch of hack writers cloggin’ up the charaborator. Ooh, and this is one baaaad clog.

Also, so called it with Tyrande being defanged before BfA’s end. Expect 8.3 to include the Virgin Tyrande trying to be a strong sassy warrior goddess and stutter out a meek threat at the Horde. Cause it’s either that or nothing.

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This basically.

“So we all really hate the night elves, right? Good, that’s agreed. How are we going to justify burning down their tree because it’d be really awesome if we did that.”


Blizz has such an obvious disdain for night elves that it’s sad. Might as well have just made humans and orcs the only playable races.


I would chalk it up to apathy rather than hate. They just don’t care. Hate is too much credit.


Suddenly, this post is relevant again:



“Put yourself in the shoes of someone in the Horde. They’ve known nothing but conflict for over 20 years. They believe that Sylvanas is the person who will bring an end to this. She’s the one who can unite the Horde in ways it’s never been before. You can see how people would want that. They might think, “I would like to know peace, please. Sylvanas will get us there.”

It galls me that these developers probably get paid $80k+…


That one literally made my jaw drop. No one in the Horde has ever thought that Sylvanas is the means to everlasting peace, ever.


“Y’know who is concerned with the long term health of the Horde?
The undead elf who seems to sneer when anyone living makes eye contact with her and who seems to make a hobby of pissing off people who had nothing to do with the Horde-Alliance conflict.”


I wish I couldn’t. This is not exactly a break from pattern. Remember when the Alliance fist pump moment was getting Dalaran back in the fold even though we got lectured for it and never saw it in game?

“Implies” is kind of the problem here. We need to see some progress, not guess at what probably happened.


This expac is a such a train wreck I now expect Samuel L Jackson appear and fish a superhero out of it


‘Garrosh and Sylvanas both put us into wars. Thrall and Baine have both actively worked to avoid it/got us out of it. But you know, the person starting wars is more likely to avoid them.’

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Daily reminder: http://imgur.com/dlzJpv4

Faction pride for the Alliance is licking the boots of whomever runs stormwind and pretending you arent a vassal in a human-ran empire.