Tyrande got her revenge

i wanna see wallurian and grand blade duel it out tbh


Would be more entertaining than BFA story for sure.


Y’know, if you don’t want the Male Human Paladin meme to endure, maybe stop upholding it this much by acting EXACTLY like the stereotype - claiming that I’m not a real Alliance fan, deeming whether other races are true Alliance, constantly spouting off about OG Warcraft… anyway, what do your alts think about all this?

It happened once. It ended with him logging off.


I saw this story literally right after I watched the Thrall cinematic, and wow, as much as I am hype city about Thrall and finally deposing Sylvanas… jeez, could Blizzard make their contempt for night elves any more obvious?

“Hi Horde, sorry our crap writing forced you to commit genocide! Here are several beautifully animated CGI cinematics to remind you that all hope is not lost!”

“Hi Alliance, sorry our crap writing forced one of your foundational races to die in a fiery genocide! Here are a couple of in-game cinematics and a repeatable warfront you can grind for l00t that has no canonical winner and which ends with the most annoying Horde villain laughing at your racial leader as he escapes!”


You mention me having Alts to create Threads and Stuff. Yet almost every single Post you make when someone disagrees with ya you have to go on your other Alts to like yourself. You think I’m only One who is Sad. Guess again.

Don’t you mean Him stalking me because I dislike something or so called made something that He Disprove of. Its more of him being a Stalker than Dueling.

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I have only done this once, and it was on the post where you did it - AND it was to prove a point, one which you clearly missed. I even said upfront they were my alts; you on the other hand thought that nobody would notice you’re agreeing with yourself. THAT is the sad bit.

You are well and truly the epitome of the Male Human Paladin meme. And now you’re a liar to boot.


It wasn’t even two in-game cinematics… it was one in-game cinematic and then a wonky half-cutscene that wasn’t pre-rendered for her big ascension.

They didn’t even give a lore reason for why the other nelves have black eyes too. Their response was literally ‘yeah people can totally have their own canon for it’.


Wallurian vs Grandblade would basically be Obi-Wan vs Anakin remade as a WoW machinima.


SuBvErTeD ExPeCtAtIoNs.


someone make the “oh? you’re approaching me?” jojo meme but with 2 human paladins


“If you like Tyrande, you’re not a true Alliance fan.”

“Only a Male Human Paladin deals in Warcraft II’s. I do what I must.”


Which shouldn’t be a problem. Only one of mine has it right now… the one that was there for the ritual.

I love Blizzard shoving aside actual interesting characters who have great potential in favor of their boring and rehashed plots.

First it was Vol’jin for Sylvanas’ dumb plot and now it’s Tyrande/Night Elves once again for Sylvanas’ dumb plot. So at this point why was Teldrassil even burned if you’re not going to give Night Elves the justice they deserve? Teldrassil was just another stupid decision to push another stupid Sylvanas plot.

Why even stay subbed to a game who has a team of writers who can’t write worth crap? You all need a new team, because to be quite honest this expansion has had the worst story since Cataclysm. I would even go as far to say BfA’s main plot is worse than Cata’s.


This would be a better expansion than BFA


For the shock value of course, and to get the Alliance on the warpath.


I’ve been saying since War of Thorns dropped.

I think Cata and WoD are all aro7nd bettwr expansions than BfA by a country mile.


I don’t know… WoD was basically "Hey you guys want a draenei lore xpac? Look at all this great draenei stuff… on fire. As we throw orc themed gear at you… and the orcs basically get off scott free until decades later when your hero is villain batted to make them be victims.

I really should just turn all my characters into orcs.


I was fine with the Burning of Teldrassil because I hoped that it would be a return of the Long Vigil era of the Night Elves, which would create some internal conflicts in the Alliance for a change.

But no… not only was the destruction of the Night Elf capital city only to serve as a plot device for non-Kaldorei characters, but I am willing to bet the Alliance will continue on being perfect and not having any major disagreements about anything.


At the bare minimum the Draenei were actually featured in the expac on Draenor.

So far outside of one Warfront the Night Elves have not featured in the expac that started with their own genocide.


I can’t dispute this…