I really love all the cinematics that are being created for this xpac. I love getting to see these very character-driven, often really quiet moments for the big players in the expansion – Sylanas, Jaina, Saurfang (three times now?) Anduin, now Thrall. So I’ve been waiting patiently for some nice character moments from the perspective of the kaldorei, whose wholesale slaughter at the hands of the Horde is what kicked off this conflict, but Blizzard thinks they told that story with the Night Warrior scenario when they “told some of [Tyrande’s] story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves.”
I don’t know how it’s possible to look at what happened and think that the kaldorei have been in ANY WAY avenged. Or even noticed. She killed a bunch of forsaken and a valkyr, and dead Sentinels are being raised as Dark Rangers working for Sylvanas. This isn’t revenge, it’s barely the start of a story of revenge. The pre-expac quests gave us the gut-punch of trying to rescue people from being burned alive in Teldrassil and seeing a freakin’ counter showing us how many we failed to save, and if this all we’re going to get for the kaldorei, then Blizzard just fridged them. Gave us a heartwrenching story of near-genocide so that some other folks could go fight a war about something else entirely.
I’ve been waiting and waiting for the kaldorei to be relevant in this xpac as anything but a sacrifice so someone else could fight, and… I just really want to cry. If I weren’t running a guild, I’d probably unsub and just write fanfiction.
I have been trying to remind myself that WoW is being written as episodic nonsense with no overarching plot, but some days it’s so difficult not to expect better.
I’ve been playing WoW since launch. I fell in love with the franchise in 1995 with Warcraft 2, and identified very heavily with the Night Elves of Warcraft 3, and early WoW.
For the first time in the last 24 years of playing Warcraft, I am not excited to log in. I am not excited to see what comes next. As someone who really has no nostalgia for Vanilla WoW, I can’t wait for classic, because its from a time when Night Elves weren’t maliciously hated by Blizzard, at least not so obviously.
Even still, I worry… Because I hear Blizzard is making some narrative changed to Warcraft 3 reforged, so it better fits with the current lore… And I read that as “We are going to take the last thing about this franchise that you love and destroy it.”
Oh my god. What garbage tier writing. Got her revenge?! Against who?! Who from the horde that commits the atrocities that were done in Darkshore and Teldrasill was held accountable?
For gods sake the battle of darkshore boss is a frigging undead night elf who was raised as a puppet of Sylvanas during said atrocities.
The fact that blizzard thinks is “revenge” is infuriating, they always show their total contempt and disregard for the Alliance.
Crap like this really makes playing and investing in the story such a struggle.
This is way i play ESO and GW2. Cant wait until ShB but in the meantime I have a dragon mount to earn in GW2 and a Necromancer to play in ESO later this month.
Them coming out and admitting that really ought to tell everyone everything they need to know about Blizzard storytelling. They aren’t good storytellers folks. They haven’t been for a long, long time. Their best writers left the company long ago and the modern team has no comprehension of how to craft a story for an IP as big as Warcraft has become. When your writers flat out say they’re not interested in maintaining continuity from one expansion to the next you should abandon all hope for a good storyline.
Best Advice: Adopt a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 perspective on BfA and just ask yourself “How could it possibly get WORSE?” then put together a bingo sheet and see which boxes you can fill out!
I see your still talking about me. What’s matter? Don’t like us other Human Paladin Males who just want the Regular Original Alliance Back instead of Dark Edgy Blueberries or other Races that isn’t Alliance? To think you call yourself a Real Alliance Fan.