Tyrande got her revenge

It’s Tyrande Whisperwind-Stormrage.

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It’s a port connecting a major Alliance settlement—Azuremyst Isles—with all the Night Elf territories. That alone gives it some importance, aside from whatever cultural value the land might have.


Sometimes I just enter a thread and think “what the hell is going on here?”


I thought they settled on Tyrande Stormwind.


That’s true, i underestimated that aspect.

I may have skimmed the 200+ replies, so it’s possible someone already made that point and I missed it. I apologize if so.

You did get some of that, but only in one of the novellas that covered the War that showed that the Night Elf Sentinels had tortured Forsaken prisoners before killing them.

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How rude

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Horde favortism in the narrative.
Nothing new mate.

Its all lies. I was there. They were performing an autopsy for the sherrif.

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Ah, carry on then.



I literally can’t evil, rn. I’m literally shaking.

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No it isn’t. Taking on the male patrynom is only for women who have a lesser status than their husband. That is not the case here. On the other hand, Malfurion is not in the same boat as Phillip Mountbatten who had to give up his family name when he was married to Elizabeth. (He didn’t get hers either.)

Of course it is. She’s a woman married to a man. How else will people know she’s his if he doesn’t label his property?

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I thought everyone knew since hush Tyrande


Let your campaign evolve as you would. It should find it’s own path not slavishly follow the MMORG.

I love Darkshore. I started in Cata and am going to play classic solely for Auberdine because I’ve only seen screenshots and I still think it’s amazing. After Teldrassil, Darkshore is my favorite zone in the game. So maybe it’d be a weird hill for you to die on but I adore it, and man, everyone has their own taste. I think Silvermoon city is garish, gaudy, and ugly, but some folks love it. So, it’s fine that you don’t care about Darkshore, but don’t assume that because you don’t see the appeal, there isn’t any.

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I would chew my own leg off to escape a Warhammer vibe. That said, while I wouldn’t go as far as what you’re suggesting I really, really, dear GOD REALLY want to see the kaldorei portrayed as they were described by freakin Gromash Hellscream: “these women fight with unmatched savagery, I’ve never seen their equal. They are…perfect warriors.” It drives me nuts that we have this amazing lore for the kaldorei where the gender roles are swapped but without the sexism that usually gets applied when a writer or story switches what our culture thinks of as the typical gender roles, where they’re equal parts ruthless and compassionate (see Tyrande and Broxigar in WotA), savage and elegant, with well-established lore surrounding the only actual full-on deity in the game, and they just…

…kill us off so that some guy can go fight some other guy over something else entirely.



In fairness, they weren’t doing it for fun or for revenge, they were doing it to get information.

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Actually, they were doing it mainly for revenge as those prisoners had no information of value.


Hey I know tensions are running high but maybe read all the posts that I wrote instead of doubling down on one part. The point - perhaps which I wasn’t clear in making tho everyone except you and Drah got it - is that the alleged retaking of Darkshore by the kaldorei is in no way, shape or form even a tenth of the “revenge” the Night Elves deserve for the unnecessary conquest and destruction of their home.