Tyrande got her revenge

Would it tho? I saw plenty of gloating from Horde players about the burning of Teldrassil. It’s kind of the Go-to now.


that is more out of spite than it is to genuine support for sylvannas

Spite for what? For being attacked by the Horde, and have our children burned alive?

I get it, its not the story you wanted for the Horde… How is that our fault?

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you still arent understanding me alot of horde players that post to this forums state that they are loyal to sylvannas to spite blizzard


Then don’t get butt hurt when Alliance players point out that you are supporting genocide and murder… Because that’s just the truth.


Yeah, organize your thoughts a bit, man. I get why Horde players are frustrated, but it is annoying to me that they act like Alliance has it so good, when literally the horrors of War of Thorns was used as a plot device for Horde characters…


you do you literally have all godmodded chars like anduin muh magic bones wrynn
tyrande make the stars fall on you stormrage malfurion demigod stormrage
jaine lol i got a flying dutchman proudmoore on top of that you guys magically escape having past wrongdoing thrown in your face so the way I see it you guys have it pretty good. while the number of horde chars have been outright sacrificed to the great altar of pve if that does not sound awesome to you then i do not know what to say i mean what does the horde have lore wise? sylvannas im totally morally grey btw windrunner? varrok I actually looked to anduin for help saurfang? or baine lemme send pieces of my self to anduin bloodhoof?

I sympathize with your frustration, Choclithunda, but I feel like your posting is lowering in legibility. It’s getting hard to follow what you’re writing now.


man i unsubbed i do not think she understands how good the alliance has it at this point im just blowing off steam by poking fun at both the god modded lore characters as well as the mundane ones

Tyrande Whisperwind.

Not Stormrage

Why is this a problem? Horde and Alliance have been joining forces for years. Thrall needed Jaina’s help to stop Demon Corrupted Grom.

Why is the power level of our characters important… At least Horde characters get development. Rather than being these static characters who only serve to be plot devices for Horde Story.


why can’t we solve this our selves for once why do you as an alliance player want to help the horde? this only reinforces the notion that the horde cannot do anything on their own except cause trouble and can only do good when the alliance is helping.

You mean like G’huun?

The Alliance and Horde are two world super powers on Azeroth… Their stories are going to overlap. Neither of us gets an entire expansion all to ourselves, unfortunately.

i did not mean that i meant the horde killing sylvannas without the alliances help
i do not want a retread of mop where the alliance once again get to raid a horde city

The Alliance has more reason to kill her… It’s not about the Horde not being able to handle it on their own, it’s about to who justice is owed. I would say the Night Elves have the highest claim to her head. But we both know Saurfang is going to get it, because like I said, Horde gets development, and Alliance are plot devices.

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ok, so no raid setting and saurfang thrall tyrande and malfurion get to kill her. I’m just bouncing ideas around at this point.


Actually, one of my favorite theories is that she is betrayed and killed by Delaryn, furthering the parallels between her and the Sentinel Captain. I also think “I grieve for you” and a sad and sympathetic send off to Sylvanas would be most appropriate.

But… the feedback I have received for that theory has been mostly negative lol.

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[quote=“Choclithunda-wyrmrest-accord, post:272, topic:173337”]
anduin muh magic bones wrynn
tyrande make the stars fall on you Whisperwind malfurion demigod stormrage
jaina lol i got a flying dutchman proudmoore
[/quote] so which of these were funny to you? also

Well, I am mostly triggered that you’ve said Tyrande Stormrage twice now.

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fixed for you

Your posts come off as illegible drunken rants. Like I’m trying to follow you, but it’s a total mess.