Tyrande got her revenge

The only revenge Alliance gets is how sad the Saurfang is.

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And they keep beating us over the head with his cinematics.

Side-note, but some of us take on ye hubby’s ‘patronym’ because we want to shed every scrap of Dad. :slight_smile:

Its strange … I despise the setup for how we face down Azshara, because it excludes Tyrande from the equation; but at the same time that setup makes perfect sense to me that it would be Feathermoon instead (who has been working pretty closely with the seventh legion this expansion) that would be the leading NE. I am also NOT opposed to Feathermoon getting more development, because I’ve been arguing for a LONG time that she is one of the characters most deserving of that (along with Rokhan and Gazlowe). Mixed feelings I have on this…

As to Tyrande getting her revenge? What on Earth are you talking about Blizz? I know you’re desperate to sweep the whole Burning under the a rug, but come-on! I was fine with Nathanos escaping (because, honestly … I don’t think Sylvie would sacrifice a Prime for him if he had died; and I DO think he’s being setup as her replacement) … but that in no way means Tyrande should be done rampaging! If it turns out its Summermoon and Sira that get to take (at the very least) Syvlie’s last extra life (sending her off to MORE extremes) … fine, I get it … but you cannot pull a chekov’s gun like the Night Warrior and then not pull the trigger on it!


Please put your helm back on.

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Pretty sure burning them alive was not exactly getting information out of them, a Good War does sort of make it a point that the NEs were wasting a lot of unnecessary energy torturing Horde soldiers (an not for information, but as outlets for their grief and rage). Sylvie actually scoffs at how valueless and unfocused the methods really were; and how wasteful the use of their rage was.


Terror has its purposes beyond information extraction, which of course torture isn’t even good at. Sylvanas can scoff all she wants, but the Troll who saw his Orc friend suffocated and buried alive by Malfurion is now paralyzed with fear. My head canon (gasp! that’s invalid) is that one of the reasons we only see Forsakens and Goblins in the Darkshore warfront is because they’re some of the only ones still willing… the other races mighta started peacing out once they saw the night warrior.


I think they are talking about that scene with the Forsaken rogue.

You are a bit extrapolating there. A Good War speaks of only one group doing so.

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Ah, a scene that still warms my jaded, ActiBlizzard hating heart.

If they gave us an HD cinematic of that, with the Horde being pushed from Darkshore and Ashenvale, I might begin to mildly entertain the notion that the beginning of the Night Elves’ vengeance has been slightly achieved.


You mean Rifen, the Forsaken rogue that attacked with Lorash? He had information. And they didn’t even torture him. They just threatened to use his own poisons on him, but they didn’t even get the chance to bother with the poisons since he died of the wounds he already sustained in the fight.


Having not the read the book please tell they spent awhile threatening him before realizing he was dead-dead.

Actually it did, the night elves exit BFA vastly changed from when it started… the problem for you is that it was mostly negative development.

becoming emo and tyrande not being able to kill nathanos who escaped for some reason while facing 2 of the strongests characters not only in the alliance but also in the game and instead killing a random valkyr that no one cares about,and being in a zone limbo is not a positive development.

for it to become positive then they have to push to darkshore,ashenvale and probably nuking orgrimmar. that would be positive while exploring the darker side of the nelfs, the alliance and malfurion and tyrande.


Hmm … we’ll see how things go. I am pissed that they essentially have used the tragedy of the NEs for the sake of a plot device (it is a women in refrigerator situation in a major way) … however, I also have NO idea where they are going with the NE (or Forsaken NE) plot atm.

I do feel like Tyrande has a major part to play going forward; and I will admit (despite it seemingly coming at the expense of Tyrande’s participation) … Shandris’ role in Naz’jatar is interesting. She has been LONG overdue for development, and (along with Rokhan) is at the top of the list of B-List characters who deserve a custom model by now IMO.


They did the same with Theramore.

The latest interview statements just makes it plain how clueless they are.


A little late to this argument but that the Horde has a &@%#ty story does not mean that the Alliance must have it better.

Both the Horde and Alliance have %@!$tastic stories for different reasons. That people still argue that the Alliance should have the same dumb story decisions as the Horde for parity and vice versa is incredibly stupid.


That would be funny, but fortunately not. From Elegy:

    “Do not. Test. Me.”

    The cruel glee faded from his rotting features as he realized she was not making an idle threat. “You cannot win,” he said. “We are everywhere. Have you not yet grasped that it’s all of your posts that are under attack? Dozens like me have descended upon them with our painful poisons. And your clever hunters, your vaunted Sentinels, your slinking druids—none had the slightest idea.”

    Delaryn thought of the druid who had flown to Silverwind Refuge with his message. Some outposts had indeed reported a surprise attack. But there was something in the Forsaken’s words that felt forced.

    “You are bluffing,” Delaryn snapped. “What is your plan?

    The Horde was marching on Silithus. Why divert to Ashenv—”

    And then the answer presented itself, so blindingly obvious that she felt as though she’d been stabbed in the gut.

    The night elven fleet was en route to Feralas.

    Tyrande was in Stormwind.

    “You are clearing a path,” she murmured, horrified.

    The Forsaken made no answer but laughed again. Delaryn raised the dagger, but the rogue’s laughter turned to a coughing wheeze. Gooey liquid spewed from his throat, and then he lay still. He had cheated her; his wounds had claimed his unlife before she could.

I dunno. I’ll have to re-evaluate when I play it myself, but Shandris’ quests in Naz’jatar don’t really feel like they develop her. They don’t really add or change anything about her. Exploring a character’s past can be useful if it changes our views of them. But if it’s just fluff it’s just there for the sake of it.


She has/had a baby brother now. But yes, it’s more fluffing her backstory than moving her story forward. But that, in and of itself, isn’t necessarily bad for a former background character like Shandris.