Tyrande got her revenge

I don’t agree with that either. To me it still seems quite connected to the playable faction’s identity.

I would point that out as the problem. You have (imo) different views and expectations surrounding them because of that. Which is only natural given the investment.


And also connected to Troll, Worgen and Tauren… So it is not uniquely Night Elven lore, and also not what defines the culture. To say that is does would be to say that the History of the Catholic Church is also the History of Europe. While technically true, you will find many European nations who do not feel represented by the Catholic Church.

I do not think that is a problem. Night Elves are pretty separated from the Alliance, culturally. Blizzard doesn’t do a good job showing that.

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Obviously not, from their point of view. But that’s not the test of merit for the story or the gameplay. One might as well ask whether the British got a satisfactory conclusion from the American War of Independence.

I found the gameplay fresh and stimulating and I was engaged by the story. My character obviously isn’t happy about it, but I enjoyed it.

Do you or have you played a Night Elf druid to level cap, diligently doing every quest for your class and race?

Just curious. Might be an investment thing - the writing team are clearly very casual fans of Night Elves.


It didn’t hold back then either. Druidism was as much a Tauren thing as Night Elf, only the Tauren aspects got pretty overshadowed and weren’t developed until later.


Well, we don’t see eye to eye entirely. For me, it’s just the start of the start. Doesn’t look like more is coming, hence the dissatisfaction.

The problem is not that bad things happen to nelves as much as its using tragedy of the night elves as a plot device for other races with their own fan base. War of Thorns led to little to no development for nelves.


Not to current level cap. I think my level 101 Worgen might have been a Night Elf when I was leveling before I made him a Tauren, but I can’t recall. I can’t comment much on past diligence.

I imagine investment is part of it, yeah. It creates differing expectations and so on.

you forget that many alliance players enjoy the alliance as squeaky clean as possible even to the point where their story suffers as a result there was once a time when their was a bit more parity between factions. did you see those threads when the alliance found out they were to commit war crimes against the vulpera? that could have started a fracture in the alliance itself.


I think the big issue with that was that is was nonsensical. Many of the Alliance complained because it was one of those things where the Horde and Sylvanas committed genocide against the Alliance, and started this war… Then the Alliance turns around and starts having purge squads against the Vulpera? Like what? How does that remotely make sense? It doesn’t. If it was purge squads against the Forsaken or Orcs it would have made sense.


what didn’t make sense about it aren’t the vulpera allied with the horde?
so you would have been striking at forces allied with the horde war machine so i don’t get it do you just want to commit war crimes without feeling bad?


Vulpera, at the time, were just some desert nomads. They aren’t allied with the Horde at all. They are affiliated, sure, but I don’t think anyone realistically saw them as a threat to the Alliance. Speaking for myself, I wasn’t upset that the Alliance was doing something bad, I was upset because it felt forced. Like Blizzard pointing at it with big, glowing signs that say “See, Alliance are bad too. Feel better, Horde players?”

I know I am bias, but I would want to see Night Elves represent the “morally grey” side of the Alliance. I always kind of assumed that Night Elves would approach violence in such a casual way, that it would be terrifying to shorter lived races. The kind of approach to violence that you would expect from a pride of lions.

If Darkshore showed Night Elves mutilating Horde corpses and hanging them from trees. Using injured Horde as live bait to lure other Horde into ambushes. Adopting a kind of Warhammer Wood Elf vibe where every broken twig is punished with a broken bone… I would be all for that.


I would not mind if we alliance had more inter faction conflict.


ewww no that kind of stuff got teldrassil burned in the first place tbh alliance should have started the war officially rather than the horde but hey when blizz needs villains they just sacrifice horde chars to the GREAT ALTAR OF PVE duh duh duuuuuhh.


I don’t see how… Night Elves have been totally declawed since WC3…

Sylvanas makes that tricky… Because she is a baddie and always had been. But, before BfA was announced, I started a D&D game set in Azeroth. How I did it, was I had Sylvanas really play into Anduin’s peace talks, knowing that it would create a point of contention between Anduin and the Humans from the Northern Kingdoms, Such as Genn, Jaina and Danath.

At the time, my headcannon for Sylvanas was that she was less concerned about fighting the Alliance on her own terms, and more seeking a war with a politically divided Alliance.

I always kind of assumed I was Alliance Bias, but my D&D campaign makes me question it, because the Horde is very much winning in that scenario.

People were pissed about that because there’s zero cause for it.

What have the vulpera done against the Alliance aside from helping a handful of Zandalari, before the Zandalari even joined the Horde? Vol’dun is almost entirely self-contained.

It was just hamfisted.


zero cause for teldrassil burning but that still happend to us why should they be immune


The cause was that Sylvanas was warchief and is a crazy person. Also, nelves as a faction have been enemies of the Horde for the entirety of WoW.

It’d be like if the Alliance took war to the Tortollans because they give the Horde player Azerite in exchange for getting turtles to the water.

The whole thing was just a hamfisted way to force Vulpera to be more Horde-aligned in case they decide to make them playable, otherwise they’d be pretty neutral.


Asking for bad story telling for the Alliance because it happened to the Horde wont make the story any better.


would have stopped alot of the gloating and demoralizing that happend as a result what is even more insulting is blizzards tendency to white wash the alliance or simply pretend they have not went out to kill troll whelps, an entire tauren tribe (stonespire) the bombing of what was at the tiem a neutral goblinship( retconned to galywix doing it) etc.