Tyrande, Beloved Character [Spoilers]

Well I think in their love of Sylvanas they didnt realize they made her universally disliked by the community. So mission accomplished?

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Nathanos is 10 times more hated than Sylvanas and they wouldn’t even let us kill him in the perfect moment.


Funny you say that cause that wasn’t what was said anduin told Saurfang that that was only amount of troops he could send no where in that is what the status of the alliance and now in 8.3 during the vulpera quest the horde is stated to be so broken they can’t accept them into the horde

How and they were losing on all fronts? We know they were outnumbered in Darkshore. What Anduin said is that he could provide enough troops for a final assault.


The vulpera quest is next patch lol

The previous canon was that Elune made the Kaldorei in her image. That’s completely gone now because she had no part in shaping or teaching the Kaldorei as of Blizzcon, because instead it was the Night Fae.

We already knew that was wrong cause nelves are trolls who swam on Titan blood

I thought that the night elves were kind of having a civil war. It was the azshara night elves and legion vs tyrande and malfurions rebelion. I dont recall just how the night elf population split. It just means the only thing that could fight the night elves, was the night elves.

To clarify, in wc3 they were portrayed as a race of demigods, so players going into wow brought that expectation. They have still had stuff throught expansions that is a testament to their glorious people.

They totally get hit with the stupid when it fits the story that blizzard is trying to tell but so does everyone. The stupid moments sting more because of how over the top amazing tyrande and nightelves are. As much as i hate varian, the example kinda proves my point. “How dare this welp preach anything to a night elf, we had waged and won entire campaigns against empires while your people were still marveling at hitting rocks together to make fire.”

What bugs me about these invasions into ashenvale is how clear it is that the night elves are on their own. They recieve very little assistance if any from the alliance. Yet they have been pitted against the entirety (aka combined military strength of nearly the entire horde) and night elf players wonder why they are losing those fights.

Night elves shouldnt win that fight. 80+% of the horde vs +/-25% of the alliance? Its that night elf superiority from wc3 that makes some think that night elves should be able to take that kind of a fight. I wish more alliance would own up to the kind of odds night elves faced, so many think that they should have been able to hold their own no problem.

This isn’t going into the rediculousness that is the super sayan arch druid malfurion, cuz lets be honest, he probably would have tipped the scales and the night elves would push the horde out of ashenvale even with the huge army they had gathered.

How terrible would that be for horde though? Your entire faction gathers and gets stomped by a single race from the alliance, just lame.

Granted having really dumb things happen on top of having to fight such unfair odds sucks. Its like having a fraction of your sports team against one with a full roster and the refs make every call against you, that crap aint fun.

WoT was just trash. Remember when everyone said sylvanas was evil and we were told that no shes morally gray and there was a good reason she burned Teldrassil? Yeah, bold face lie there.


The Army of the Black Moon was able to defeat the Horde and reclaim Darkshore from them seemingly on their own, and didn’t show up with the Horde Rebels and their Alliance allies at Orgrimmar. The Sylvanas Loyalists players also saw first hand that Orgrimmar and its people did not fully support Sylvanas when the rebels showed up and were putting in efforts to suppress their own people, which probably contributed to how quickly she was fully turned against when she called the Horde nothing.

The strength of either side currently is speculative at best, and at the whims of Blizzard regardless of logic at worst.

I agree with this, though. It probably applies to all of the current Horde leadership, really.


I still think (and hope) that the night elves have reclaimed it already because otherwise the whole point of Tyrande going to reclaim her land in 8.1 would be pointless.

And then they settle in Hyjal and build up their defenses to be prepared when the disgusting animals… uh I mean the horde attacks again.

I must have missed that part but I never heard the Night Fae shaped Night Elves. Until it’s made official I still believe Elune shaped us in her image.

This is pretty much it. All the Night Elves lived Azshara bit she only loved the Highborne and the Highborne was mostly dispised by the rest of the population. The spilt was Azshara and her Highborne in Zin Azshari with the Legion vs everyone else.

I agree.

They never recieve help. During Worlfheart Varian barely wanted to help and tube Dreanei were no where to be found.

I don’t think they should have won. But tune home feild advantage certainly gives them an edge. I think WoT accurately showed their abilities as fighters, too bad they were on the losing end. My real issue isn’t eight the fact that they lost but the way they lost in the end. That pincers strategy depended on Saurfang and Sylvanas attacking at the same time. There is no way she should have been smoked to hear him at such a distance.

He probably could seeing who he is but that’s why Sylvanas was trying to keep him busy.

Other than that I agree with the rest.

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Gonna stop you there, Starfox.

Just like the night elves and worgen going off on their lonesome to Ashenvale, the forsaken and goblins were doing ashenvale on their lonesome. The Forsaken and Goblins were separated from the mainstay Horde forces. I remember thinking about this the last time someone argued about it here on the forums, when the warfront started.

Your own faction comments on the strength of current sides.

Any Horde presence was bound to lose at Darkshore. In the WoT the city guard held their groud as long as they could outnumbered 8:1 against the full might of the Horde and still there were more casualties on the red side.
Now that the main army now with Tyrande empowered by the Night Warrior and Elune casting an endless night over the zone would make defeating the Horde way easier.


I agree, just not for the reasons you’ve listed. Blizzard BSed night elven strength to the extreme to make the War of Thorns more palatable for you. “See? We gave better than we got!”

But we know this isn’t the truth to the setting. The Night Elves have – time and again – been utterly defeated until someone comes to save them, be it Cenarius, Varian Wrynn, the player, the mission table soldiers, or Elune.

Night Elves aren’t naturally superior to the entire Horde. If they were, they wouldn’t need the Alliance and the Horde would not currently exist.

I’ve never considered ne superior compared to other races. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. What I’ve said is that they have a huge advantage by fighting in their own turf with the help of their long time friends like keepers, dryads, ancients and nature itself.
In this particular setting they are the obvious winners unless extreme circumstances demand otherwise like catapults with transcontinental reach of Saurfang finding a secret passage small enough to remain unknown to the elves that know every inch of their land but big enough to let an army through.
Same can be applied to the Horde where Goblins could just march through the forest burning everything in their path but nothing can beat Blizzard’s latest plot.


Fixed that for you. I loved that game as a kid. Was fun playing it again on the 3DS years ago, too.

Orcs, Trolls, and Blood Elves were also there, as seen by “Terror of Darkshore” and the introductory questing Alliance side to the Darkshore Warfront.

And they are speculating, too. Hence why I would appreciate confirmation.


The introductory quests where Tyrande and Malfurion force them to retreat?
They are not seen there in the War Front.

They aren’t speculating about being outnumbered.

That would be part of winning, yes.

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