Tyrande, Beloved Character [Spoilers]

What do you mean the silhouette doesn’t look like Elune? Have we ever seen Elune? Other than the fact that she is the moon? The Jailer very well could be her for all we know, as dumb as that would be, but you never know with Blizzard.

I don’t know too much about elune, but I thought her visual appearance would be like a night elf?

Maybe I just got blinded by the artworks


I hate it here.


Steve Danuser said at the Q&A Panel at Blizzcon that the Jailer is a new character, not a character we already know of.


Oh good. That gives me some hope, then again they are known to lie…

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Tyrande and beloved character in the same sentence…I don’t if you are smoking the same thing as Illidan and Furion but I tell you she isn’t so much loved beside of certain kind of public that does a few things in her fantarts


You’re just jealous no one makes Rastakhan fanart like that.


Wait a minute. Why are their 4 Valk’yr in this picture? She only has 3 left. :man_facepalming:

John Hight also answered this at his interview at Blizzcon:

    Who’s to say she can’t create more [Val’kyr]? I mean she basically has the Kyrian at her disposal, and Odyn was able to, by sacrificing a single eye, create the power of the Val’kyr.

Well this is kind of bs because before we were all thinking she has one more get out of hell free card because she had 3 left, and it takes 3 to revive her. So if she can just keep making more Val’kyr then is she not immortal?


So the whole Helya deal and that lantern is now irrelevant? :expressionless: And when did she get the Kyrian?


I think it has to do with these guys:


    Rarely, an Aspirant will fail to complete a rite of passage. These once-bright souls darken and become lost, wandering the plains of Bastion to lament. Containing the Forsworn is key, for if left unchecked, doubt can spread like a disease . . .

A couple loud people in the forums doesn’t equate to the millions of people that play, which is why alot of people do adore Sylvanas even though here it’s a general dislike.


We know that Elune is against the Jailer, so i don’t think Tyrande is going to become a villain if Elune is against the confirmed “center” baddie.

It is still a trash scenario no matter how those hacks go back and retcon it.


Rastakhan and Bwonsamdi got a lot of healthy love and fantarts in this expansion with the 5 minute of screen time they got unlike Tyrande that only has her beauty while she sitted idle for literally 15 years or more.

They will either make Tyrande a villain or kill Elune in a rushed storyline that wont actually have any dramatic impact due to the sheer amount of “OwO MYSTERY GODDESS” lore she has had, and all her different feats over the years (making a species, having artifacts that could awaken a Primal Naaru, and given that Naaru are shards of the Light when the Void and Light first clashed, most likely they’re some of the oldest things that could have possibly existed, likely around the time of the Shadowlands forming from the cosmic clashes as well) being ignored to set her up as some minor deathlands entity to just die.

Not that I want to be right in this situation, but it would be par for the course on how they write Night Elves when it’s not a Highborne Empire part of the lore.


OMG it just hit me! I hope they don’t play the Illidan card on Tyrande where she has to stay in the Shadowlands to help incoming souls with the power of The Night Warrior leaving Shandris as the new leader.


I do not care how much they’ve ruined the smart side of Malfurion. I do not want Shandris, in her current situation, to lead the Night Elves. She is not a social leader, and she is too loyal to the Alliance at this point (for some reason? Before BfA she was Tyrande’s right hand, now she’s just more Anduin’s purple loyalists lol)


Lol its so funny to see nelves complain about the alliance, like they arent part of it even tho they won back so many battles do the combined efforts of themselves who are in the alliance and the alliance.