Tyrande, Beloved Character [Spoilers]

And without screwing over Tyrande in the process please!


Sounds to me like the jailer’s powers are definitely hindering on her abilities. But darkshore/teldrassil was kind of a plot device to get the war started, and come hell or high water it was going to happen, even if elune could do anything about it.

True, I meant more along the lines of why Elune couldn’t save their souls from going to the Maw. We know she intervened to give all those there a peaceful death, but why wasn’t she able to get their souls?


A weakened Elune explains a lot of things. Like, why Night Warrior Tyrande wasn’t as powerful as we think she should have been. Or why Tyrande was easily able to survive the incredibly dangerous ritual in the first place…she wasn’t getting the brunt of Elune’s power. Also explains why we and the NPCs who witnessed the ritual didn’t go crazy.

I think that will be answered in SL.

Very likely we go into the maw, and retrieve the recent souls that were funneled there for the arbiter, to judge their final destination.

as long as we go into the maw, free those souls and give them a happy afterlife somewhere far away from the genocidal horde I’ll be happy. They still won’t see their families and loved ones for thousands of years but atleast it’s better than eternal suffering. Oh and Sylvanas has to pay for what she did.


I’ll take my victory in Darkshore and Ashenvale for now. Hopefully we see that change, similar to how we see Arathi, and darkshore now, I think Ashenvale is a much more organic choice for the Night elves, less blight and less old Highborne ruins.

Iam sure we will see the end of Sylvanas in SL.


I mean it’s a bitter feeling having all those innocent souls suffer eternal torment because of the horde. And I don’t want the Night Elves to go to Ashenvale, it’s way too risky. The horde could plan another genocide. They should go back to Hyjal and kick the horde out of it.

Also not sure about Ashenvale, nothing confirms that we’ve retaken it, but it’s most likely I’d say.


Thing about Ashenvale it that it’s most naturally defensible for the night elves.

I am hopeful next expac we get to set those souls free, but yeah it’s definitely an uneasy feeling that the night elves were used to fuel Sylvanas.


Well didn’t work out so well in the War of Thorns. I want them far far away from the horde.

They held an entire military at bay, without reinforcements. Even if they only doubled their forces and remained on alert, with a capital and fortress nearby. They would be just fine.

We just don’t know at this point if the horde will ever do that again. We know they willingly participated, but are they stupid enough to try one more time?

Hoping to that the alliance actually does something to bolster their forces there.


Well but it just wasn’t enough and with most night elves dead I can’t see them being able to defend anything anymore.

I mean, most of them were happy after it happened and they are still happy to get away unpunished with it, so why not? It was still a huge success from the horde perspective.

I won’t lie, I’m hopeful for everything I’m hearing.


Random thought.

Whether or not they fully reveal Elune (i hope not) I think Blizz should break out the Song of Elune from classic.


I’m low-key expecting them to have Elune be the Jailer, as crappy as that would be, I could see it happening.

In context now, Sylvanas’ Val’kyr were getting powered up the same as Sylvanas was, and their empowering Nathanos to hold as long as he did can be explained by all the death Sylvanas caused giving her Val’kyr greater powers as well.


This. The Nathanos fight was garbage before, like I HATED it, but now it makes sense somewhat. Nathanos was being powered by TWO Val’kyr, who were powered by Sylvanas, who is powered by this Jailer god entity. So really how strong is Tyrande that she was able to take on Nathanos and then one-shot one of the Val’kyr?

I will point out that they still should have hinted at the Val’kyr being buffed by a mysterious power that Sylvanas had, because at the time it looked like Tyrande was just useless.


Read all of this very carefully and realize that he never answered the first question. “Will Tyrande become a villain?”

He intentionally skipped that question. I can only wonder why.


See everyone’s posts of “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

I mean… the silhouette doesn’t look like Elune at all so that would be stupid even for Blizz standards.

Only if they say that Elunes powers were severely weakened at that time too and that in Shadowlands, we’ll “free” elune or something and she gets her full powers.

We know exactly why.

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