Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

My name is Tyrande Whisperwind, you killed my people, prepare to die!


No there isnt, i dont agree with most of what hakuro said but there is no way to make a reasonable resolution, bfa was that damaging to the lore.

If you really believe what you proposed would fix your immersion with the night elf lore, more power to you.

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Except … defend it.


She can’t beat that top notch writing.

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Exactly. The fact that the game is based around a two faction system where the Horde can’t be destroyed automatically makes the burning of Teldrassil the dumbest thing Blizzard could have done.

If this was a single player game literally all the neutral factions (Kirin Tor, Ebon Blade, Cenarion Circle, etc) would have sided with the Alliance to completely eradicate the Horde after Teldrassil. There is no way they wouldn’t have.

Now does that mean all the Horde citizens being killed? Absolutely not. But the Alliance would have likely killed every leader of the Horde that sided with Sylvanas, all of her loyalists would be killed, and commanders apart of the Burning would be killed. And then the Horde would be dismantled and separated so that all the races could never come in contact with each other again to go on a genocidal war path.

You can’t tell me the Horde wouldn’t be the evil faction in a singleplayer game because they would be. They’d be the enemy you are fighting to stop. But, as I said, this will never happen because the game is built on a playable two faction system so we the players have to have complete suspension of disbelief that the Alliance, and every neutral faction, is okay with the Horde existing after committing genocide, mass murder, etc in twice in the span of 4 years.

You know what is really sad? The fact that Blizzard thought it was a good idea. I bet a huge chunk of Horde players signed up to be outcasts, trying to survive and find their place in the world, not be genocidal maniacs who fall in line with the next Warchief who says go kill.


I will say that the burning of Teldrassil wasn’t the single, solitary event that dismantled the Kaldorei story. It was a long string of abuses from Blizzard that can be traced back to even pre-WoW.

The War of the Ancients trilogy was and still is a total disaster. The introduction of male characters that blurred the lines of gender roles in the social structure, without explanation of the significance of Kaldorei matriarchy, nor the when and why it took shape. Moreover green-washing the most significant event of Kaldorei history to be centered around a time traveling orc and the Author’s self inserts.

Following up with Stormrage and Richard Knaacks abyssal portrayal of female characters. Which is extremely damaging for a race that is essentially made up of girl bosses and wise yet timid old men.

Night Elves consistently being the convenient punching bag for the Horde, mostly to serve as motivation for non-Kaldorei characters. (War of Thorns can be grouped up in this).

Tyrande constantly being portrayed as brash and irrational, which is already a sexist trope for many female characters in media. Especially in the service of making a male character seem cool, collected and experienced, case-in-point, the A Little Patience scenario in MOP, and the “Hush Tyrande” incident.

The Burning of Teldrassil just the final blow. But really, the death of the Kaldorei has been a death of a million sexist paper cuts. Not to mention the problematic implications of white-washing their culture to be more homogenous with the more white bread races of the Alliance.


God, yeah, and it’s irritating. I just wanted to play a cool monster man who wasn’t actually bad just because he looked scary. Now the best I can go for is “repentant axis general” and ugh.


The solution is easy. Play a Draenei or a Worgen.



What… what reality has swallowed you and taken you from ours, only to torment you and us by giving you access to our internet… Aki I genuinely am baffled when you share your thoughts on most things you talk about. Like… what are you playing? Are we playing the same game?

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Why did you have to go and make eye contact.


I can’t help it, its one of those disaster scenes you can’t look away from except it seems to play out over the course of a life time, all started from two people a few decades ago that really weren’t ready to have kids.

I can’t see how she’s wrong though. Everything she said does describe their handling of night elves when juxtaposed against their earliest depiction.


Who did they enslave?



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I mean … I see no reason not to. Frankly, if I’m going to be hated as a RL person for playing the races and cultures I find far more interesting … then I might as well embrace it right? I’m doomed if I do, doomed if I don’t, and at least with the apathy route I might be able to focus on looking for positive small stories from my faction and characters.

I’m a bad person because I play Horde regardless if I feel bad about Teld or not anymore. 2 years of Alliance player nonsense has taught me that. So might as well not care anymore. Screw Teld.


Honestly, Teldrassil was ugly as sin (from the outside, on top it was beautiful!), but if we got a sparkly new home of Suramar-quality, but Night-Elf aesthetic, spanning down the reaches of Hyjal? I’d be content.

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LOL this makes me laugh.

Hey, at least something positive came from it.

I mean, I’m fine with the Alliance getting some resolution … but it can’t come at the cost of sterilizing the Horde for future stories like some demand. I’m just too tired from Teld to care about Teld. Its a strange feeling.


I kinda stopped caring about Teld the moment I learned I would be blamed for it were I involved in the story in any capacity going forward.

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You know what is funny is Horde players complain about the Alliance having the moral high ground and how they hate constantly being talked down to by NPCs for something they had no control over and that just makes me laugh.

Having the moral high ground means jack squat in a videogame. I don’t care to have that. I would rather the Alliance completely decimate the Horde in an event like Teldrassil, even if it is evil, and actually make the Alliance look competent and dangerous. The Horde can talk down to me and call me a horrible person all the want, I don’t care.

I would quite literally prefer to have the tables flipped because the Alliance “high ground” is worthless, especially when you have dumbass Anduin who is like, “Oh yeah the Horde committed genocide, again, oh well! Let’s forgive them because it is the right thing to do. Oh you Night Elves are still mad? Yeah that sucks you suffered, but so did the Horde at Sylvanas’s hand. Try to be understanding.”

It is very annoying.


I didn’t say it wasn’t a genocide. I said I had nothing to do with the tree burning – which is canonically accurate.