Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

So because killing a few unnamed characters would, in your eyes, not be enough, you instead think that the Night elves should get nothing? Great logic right here folks.
And for the record, the Horde doesn’t necessarily have to pay through blood. There are other ways to atone.

And it is equally tiresome being a punching bag who isn’t allowed to fight back. Your suggestion would simply leave the Alliance with nothing. Not exactly nice of you.


That would be a very good way to restart a war during a time where neither side can afford to wage one after having exhausted all manpower and resources after the last one.

What that translates to isn’t “I want my just revenge”, but “I don’t want the war to stop.”.

You should look at the situation from a leader’s point of the view in the story. There are some things that aren’t worth the cost to achieve. It isn’t worth dragging thousands of more people down into their graves to achieve a personal goal. Even more of them aren’t soldiers, but farmers, masons, woodcarvers and more. A war in an already tumultuous time would be highly disruptive for them and set long lasting, devastating consequences for them. Nevermind the danger of revolt and slow of production as a logistical concern, there’s a serious moral concern to consider.

I didn’t want to stray off topic, but I saw this post in particular and felt it needed a very specific response before it turned into a nesting ground for boogaloo talk.


TL:DR - From a narrative side I think the story arc was a failure. It had some potential and really didn’t see as much character development as I wanted. We’re seeing more in Shadowlands but disconnecting it from the original storyline introduction seems disjointed (to me personally) and didn’t improve my view of the character.

I think my opinion of Tyrande has always been fairly negative because of her treatment of Illidan (which seems somewhat manipulative). When Illidan saves the Night Elves (the first time) and his people turn on him, she also turns her back on him (as a lifelong friend). Then when it’s convenient, she murders some of her own people to free Illidan to fight back the Legion. To me (and maybe I read too much into it) it seemed there was some manipulation of his feelings toward her initially, then after he’s going down the path toward saving his people she does finally crush that hope he has for them. He still helps and even saves her life, but then he’s banished and she lets it happen.

The fact that she went hardcore vengeance for Teldrassil actually seemed like it had the potential to be an interesting step. She literally was embracing dangerous power for her people. In a moment of reflection (if it was possible) she might have seen some parallels to what Illidan had done. The story could have had interesting arcs. Her people might have reacted to it more negatively (it’s a thirst for vengeance driving her now, not protection). In fact, she’s taken power and is (in essence) isolating herself from her own people for her own goals (which might show some similarity to Sylvanas’ level of selfishness). But most of the potentially interesting interactions have been limited to the Night Warrior itself.

If she had grown as a person in the story I think it would’ve improved my views of her. Personally, seeing the conflicts within folks taking extreme actions tends to improve my view of them because it develops the character and isn’t as one dimensional. It doesn’t even have to change my overall view of their relative “goodness” or “badness.” For instance, exploring the Culling of Stratholme dungeon (and the story of Frostmourne) didn’t make Arthas any less of the “bad guy” in Wrath of the Lich King, but I enjoyed seeing the decision-making that led to where he was. Tyrande’s Night Warrior story just seemed to fall short of that exploration in my opinion.


The Night Warrior’s biggest problem is the same thing that breaks a lot of stories in WoW.

It was started to be used purely for foreshadowing.

BfA began with the War of the Thorns and the Burning of Teldrassil. This story should have been in the forefront of, at least, the Alliance side of the expansion. Instead it was just used as setup to teh Night Fae campaign for Shadowlands, released 2 years later.

Because of that, nothing could reasonably be done with the Night Warrior plot through BfA, it just had to be there to wink and nudge us to Shadowlands where the payoff is. The only positive thing I can say about it is that, unlike the Bombing of Theramore, it only had to put off it’s potential conclusion for 2 years, as opposed to Jaina’s damn near 6 to 8?

There was no reason to have the Night Warrior plotline in BFA at all if it was completely pointless to it’s narrative.


You’re :billed_cap: :billed_cap: :billed_cap: if you think killing nobody’s would satisfy night elf fans… or anybody. I’m saying I’d be upset because it’s a worthless gesture with no weight… do you really think that’d be fine?

And you guys have fought back… and won both darkshore and arathi. Not a punching bag that can’t fight back.

Keep being childish in your arguments, it just proves why people are sick of trying to reach an understanding with extreme night elf fans

Tell me how the horde makes amends without having the faction decimated, because in my view it’s either that or we drop telsrassil if we plan to move on


I think there are layers of satisfaction here. My personal opinion on resolutions for Teldrassil are the following.

I for one, am glad that the night elven souls are saved, which doesnt sound much, but when you think that everyone that died in the 4th war is either on the maw or was pulled by bolvar to become a DK, is a pretty goos start.

Second, I want Sylvanas defeated and her loyalists, having a Horde character helping out (Thrall) would be to me more than enough to just go back to not having war but not being best buddies yet.

A new place to live, a new tree, Hyjal or whatever.

Sylvanas loyalists are pretty much dealt with. Syra is locked up, Nathanos is so far nowhere to be seen.


Wait, wait, wait.

Your issue with Tyrande is that a character in a story reacts to the Horde constantly attacking her people?


Partially, yeah. Another is that I’m forced to partner up with her as she denigrates my faction and character. This has been an issue since Legion.


I mean, I’m not really saying you are wrong.

But this is more or less exactly the same thing the Alliance complains about constantly when they have to work with the Horde. At least in MoP, after copious amounts of complaining, the Alliance got to call Vol’jin out on it.

But Thrall and his entire quest chain in Cataclysm was a perfect example where the Alliance had to help out the enemy. It sucks.

But, the fact is, your faction and your character have, canonically, taken direct part in trying to genocide her people. The better choice for Blizzard would be to just not have the Horde interact with Alliance characters, and vice versa


I still have no idea why the expansion was set up as a conflict between the Horde and Alliance when we basically play that conflict out on a command table. We kill a fake Old God, clear out the Naga Palace, fight one actual Horde vs Alliance battle, and kill an Old God that had been teased as the big bad behind a number of expansions (in one content patch no less).

It’s not that I wanted to see more atrocities (such as the Burning of Teldrassil) but it felt like the entire thing was false advertising.


Tell me more.
How often do you work with the Horde?
How long are the quest chains?
Does the Horde denigrate your character or the Alliance?
How long do you have to wait to partner up with an Alliance hero after partnering with a Horde hero?

Nope, but good lord do I wish I could’ve. I also wish it was replayable with new options where I man the catapult and aim at night elves.


I think helping out the enemy is slightly different than having Shandris and Tyrande basically spit on me then say, “Go do this. I still hate you. You’re a scumbag. Now help me go do this, you piece of garbage.”


Exactly. Because Blizzard has no confidence in their story telling anymore, it’s like they cannot tell a complete story. Everything has to be foreshadowing something, or be the pay off to a plot they started a decade again but just kinda forgot about. They told us BfA was to be the Faction War expansion, then we spent 90% of it NOT having a faction war.

Like how N’zoth has been diking around since Cataclysm but we only deal with him now. 9 years. 9 years we finally kill the one cashing Deathwing’s checks. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to I dunno, finish up on that plot thread from Cataclysm?

Nah we need a “Horde Find Yourself Story, featuring Pandas” instead my gods what a rabbit whole that took us all down.

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I think helping out the enemy is slightly different than having Shandris and Tyrande basically spit on me then say, “Go do this. I still hate you. You’re a scumbag. Now help me go do this, you piece of garbage.”

Except he was screaming about wanting to split the throne in two. Aggra was talking about how justified he was.

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Yes. Yes the Horde has. Even if you skipped all of those quests, which is unlikely, it’s still the story and the way it’s set up.

The Horde needs to be completely rewritten as a faction to not be evil. The players don’t like it. The alliance doesn’t like it.

Only blizzard seems to like

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Also. All Tyrande said was that you could make up for the bad stuff the Horde has done.


I’m not moving the goal post. It’s canon that you and your faction have tried to commit genocide on the Night Elves


No, it absolutely is not. the Horde is given the choice to spare npcs in Ashenvale. they are literally forced to save npcs before the tree burns.

Posts like this are why I’m chomping at the bit to kill more night elves and destroy more night elven cities. They have more lands and places than any race in the game.

Time to even the scales.


That same questline also had another aspect of Thrall wanting to surrender to the alliance, if I recall correctly. He wasn’t exactly in a right state of mind, due to being split into four.

Granted, Tyrande isn’t either, but the difference is that her hatred is justified. And you also have not-empowered Shandris right there equally disdainful of you.