Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

That’s fair. No one wanted the burning to happen. It explains why blizz was so quick to kill of Nathanos in the SL prepatch event and have us rescue the night elf souls two weeks into the night Fae convenant. They want it to put it to bed as quickly as possible. Which they should’ve done two years ago mind you.

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It’s also why they shifted gears hard away from faction war too old God stuff, and really N’zoth should’ve been his own expac and Azshara should’ve been in both of them. I still hate what they did to mah boi N’zoth.

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Yeah. I mean, imagine coming out SL and finding out Azshara and N’zoth had conquered Azeroth while we were away. That would’ve made N’zoth way more cunning than they portrayed him in BfA

Meh. It might have somewhat placated more horde players, but I hated the premise of WoT in the first place. I didn’t need the burning to feel put off by the faction and expansion.

God I still hope for that, sadly blizzard dashed those dreams when they said. “All old gods in Azeroth are dead.” It’s like. . . What was the point of the gift of N’zoth thing? And why do some of his cultists with the gift think that the masters plan is still not finished?

lol I forgot I never purged the eyeball off my head. Oopsie!

Trust me I found it distasteful as well especially after legion, I understood how Syl was able to bring the horde around to war and I’ve always assumed that if she became warchief she’d find a way to go shoot it. In the end though if they wanted a faction war with the impact of Teld but without villain batting the horde to such an egregious degree I feel my option is mildly better.

Don’t do it brother! The master still may see his vision made reality! (Baseless hope at this point)

Only thing we can do now, is eat popcorn and wait a few years until blizzard forgets they killed off the old gods, and they reuse them again :gift_heart:

I’d be down for some more N’zoth Voice lines, Denathrius somehow managed to beat N’zoth for favorite character voices and I thought that’d be hard to do.

Originally went:

  1. Lich king
  2. Garrosh
  3. N’zoth

Now it’s:

  1. Lich king
  2. Sire Denathrius
  3. Garrosh
  4. N’zoth
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Anduin stood together with Saurfang’s forces facing Sylvannas’ still loyal troops at the gates of Orgrimmar… and he had doubts that even together they could take the city.

That’s something you can’t ignore.

Well you can, but it takes denial on the level of delusion.

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I mean the jerkbag night elf who originally planted the tree became a weird fire cultist. Seems like a connection blizzard could have easily pursued.

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In all honesty I’m certain that the reason Orgrimmar was going to be hard to take was because of those improvements, curtesy of Deathwing/Garrosh. Y’ know cause deathwing destroyed it and it had to be rebuilt more defensible.

Could’ve honestly done allot of different things there.

Both sides were in bad shape militarily at the end. Mostly due to the war dragging out needlessly.

Also the fourth war was the bloodiest war in Azeroth history apparently, so both sides where really hurting. It’s just somehow Syl has more supporters even though her only vocal supporters where AU Thrall genderbend, and Gallywix.

Anything would’ve been better than what they gave us. My biggest gripe though, is that blizz really didn’t need to crap on the entire horde fan base again and strip them of what people originally signed up to play as.

It’s not compelling storytelling at all.


They also didn’t need to burn purple elves just to reinforce the fact the horde didn’t learn its lesson.


Yeah. Whoever thought that showing an actual genocide in game was good storytelling needs to be replaced in my opinion.

“Guys! You know what the fans will love with no complaints? Genocide!”