Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

It;s like I signed up to play a fantasy game you know? I want to slay dragons, ethereal creatures, and other fantasy creatures. I didn’t sign up to deal with the wholesale slaughter of a playable race.

I am honestly still waiting for the required amount of time to pass so that someone can give the actual answer for what the heck happened in BfA. I know it takes years usually before someone feels like they can talk about this stuff (see all the Ghostcrawler comments years after he left Blizz) but I’m hopeful that, eventually, I at least will be able to satisfy my morbid curiosity about exactly what it was that went so completely wrong.

Until then, I still have my speculation!


What went wrong was having Syl ever get near the warchief position.

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Judging by the promotional stuff we got versus what we got in game? Yeah, it’s quite clear someone at Activision demanded a total rewrite of BfA half way through.

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I vaguely remember a quote from a dev saying they wanted to bring WoW back to it’s WC1 and 2 roots, even though the WC2 horde has been dead and buried for longer than many players have been alive.


Metzen literally said mop would have a war not seen since warcraft 2.

The going theory that’s kind of been mashed together is definitely that BfA was rewritten relatively late in its development (see all the weird, dangling comments by certain characters like Rexxar and interviews with staff that indicated a much different story) and also seems like it had at least one, possibly two, other expansions bolted onto it.

I kind of get the overall notion that the current writing team wanted to sweep up and conclude any last trailing ends of pre-existing WoW lore so they could move onto the new direction they have cooked up (Shadowlands and cosmic forces nonsense). You can even see this in how they attempt to bizarrely and abruptly wrap up several unrelated threads in a single on-aggro shout by Mueh’zala in a 5-man dungeon.


Yah I believe I remember a thread about BFA lies, but for the most part the fact they had like 3? 2.5 expansion worthy things all tied into one was rather jarring, held no narrative cohesion for something advertised as a faction war. Yes zones had old god stuff but I feel it was kind of tacked on last minute in my opinion.

Actually it could be… after all what do you think “Schindler’s List”, a movie that won critical acclaim and awards was about?

That was based on a historical event though. I signed up to play a FANTASY game. You know, involving dragons,magic, demons, etc. No one signed up for a genocide.

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I think it’s pretty much been a total flop and waste of time. It didn’t achieve anything besides making her/the Kaldorei situation worse. The inevitable doom and gloom of it is tiresome as well, just doesn’t feel like a real development imo.


On top of it splitting the fan base. One side has been complaining and bringing up it constantly for over two years now that everyone else has become numb to it and lost all sympathy for the fans of kaldorei race.


Iam only playing a NE because they did me a solid with the best customizations. The night warrior literally was an attempt at creativity that has no outlet for a full story that makes sense. The night warrior would have made more sense had she used it against the legion or the void lords… not against Sylvanas/the horde.


I didn’t sign up to be born into a world where a grifter with no skills became leader of the most powerful nation in the free world.

Signing up to an MMORG means signing up for the unexpected.


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how many levels of irony are we on?

i literally can’t tell if this is delusion or trolling anymore


There’s a small but significant amount of extreme pro-alliance posters who legitimately act like horde players are at fault for all of BFA and should be punished accordingly.

I can’t tell if it’s trolling or if they’re legitimately that angry that not everyone plays/likes blueside. It’s a worse take than even what Erevan puts out but somehow gets repeated by the same people over and over.

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Both aren’t mutually excluding my friend. But honestly it’s better just let them cry rivers and continue with their black RP until they reach Blizzard levels where people will start to ignore them completely.

Bonus note: I love the new forms you can farm in Ardenweald, gameplay wise I like a lot of stuff I see, oh man If only Tyrande and Ysera were Alliance only content I’d level my alt quicker yo play in that zone

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I exclusively blame writers for the issues with night elves as well as other races. They can’t get orcs or forsaken right, they either make them super evil or misunderstood beasts… the night elves they write as incompetent buffoons needing the whole of the alliance’s aid… but we’re the most powerful Wild force to be reckoned with.

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I feel the difference is, watching Schindler’s List doesn’t put the viewer into the role of the genocider. You can cheer for the heroes and boo the villains from a safe distance.

In a video game, you’re forcing a player to take on the role of sadistic villain. It’s not a good storytelling move unless you advertise that before hand and treat it with the seriousness it deserves. And even then, it’s going to be questionable on the best of days, and probably not be well-received. It’s a bad storytelling move in all but the best of circumstances.

Given WoW’s history, even with a top shelf writing team, it’s a terrible move. WoW uses too much comedy, and either a gritty story will be sandwiched between goblins and gnomes blowing themselves up for the luls, or it’ll lack all comedic elements and feel too dissonant from prior stories.