Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Just saying, in the end, the Alliance could not mount an offense without first teaming up with the loyalists. I’d say that means they were about even in manpower, which means in terms of military casualties, the Horde gave as good as it got. This is excluding Teldrassil, ofc.



You think we genocided the Forsaken at the battle of Lordaeron? How, exactly?

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Just don’t mention the towns the alliance burnt to the ground while marching on Undercity.

Though I would’ve like it better if it was just Ivar being the massive prick that he is and burnt Brill to spite the forsaken.

Read what you wrote. The Alliance did not just meekly capitulate. They did not “”“let the Horde commit genocide.”"" They took their entire army and tried to capture the Warchief.

Oh, you’re refering to the old Alliance, in which case I fully agree. They did fail in helping Lordaeron. Although I wonder how it could have been saved.



Do you think the current Horde is the same as the old Horde?

In any case, take it up with Human fans. Gilneas left the Alliance long before the plague, so if you think the Alliance is to blame, blame the one nation that was still part of it.

I think you’re being intentionally obtuse.


Just when Ethedald went away with that weird Phaendra. At least these larpers could try to be funny or satirical while throwing their baits

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You know you could just tell me what you mean, instead of showing me a picture of Tirisifal? A picture does, after all, say more than a thousand words.

Whether you believe it or not, I did not acutally know what he was refering to, so I guessed that he was refering to when Lordaeron fell to the scourge, and the kingdom of Stormwind didn’t send help. My mistake.

Back to the discussion at hand, the problem was that in order to make someone answer for something like a genocide, you have to either beat them and make demands afterwards, or try to create a peace agreement that promises that the side who did the genocide do things to make up for it. Instead, we just gave the Horde a blank peace, and have nothing to show for it. We hung the Nightelves out to dry. And there lies the problem with the current Alliance. It can’t look after it’s members interests, and thus it’s useless.

I supposed that seeing the Dead Scar that Anduin’s Alliance had wrent across Tirisfal to Sylvanas’s Horde would be a strong enough clue for the average reader to know exactly what was being said.

I’m sorry for overestimating.


Well I thought “picture of Tirisifal, Lordaeron was part of the Alliance, it fell, while Stormwind didn’t sent help to it. I guess that’s what he’s talking about, since i’m talking about the current Alliance letting genocide slide”.

Again, just type. Or type with a picture. I shouldn’t have to guess what your intentions are.

I fully agree. The Battle for Lordaeron was the direct answer and consequence of the War of Thorns. Hopefully you’ll be quicker in future.


The TTS universe seems like its doing better than the canon counterpart :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s a city… a bit smaller than Stormwind but pretty much the kingdom as it was just prior to the fall of Lordaeron.

That it is honorable battle brother, that it is.

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Basically this, the alliance didn’t simply let Teldrassyl slide after it happened. They immediately launched a massive invasion upon capital city, fully intent on getting retribution upon Sylvanas. So I gotta side with Treng here on this one, to say Teld was just immediately brushed off is rather disingenuous but lord oh lord how I wish Blizz just had Syl keep to merely capturing Teld. Been waaaaaay less of a headache.

I do remember the defense of Undercity to be. . . . Less then glorious horde side, Syl blighting enemies and allies alike. Horde players opting more for getting blight throwers and masks to kill everything, while a small few I saw myself included grabbed only masks and tried to save the npc soldiers. Then Syl raising both sides as mindless undead, really cemented my deep dislike I’ve had of here since WC3.


The burning would’ve been much better if it we found later on that it was a outside force who did it. Like Azshara or N’zoths forces secretly set up Azeroth bombs everywhere and fighting to capture the tree accidentally set the whole thing aflame.

Than you could’ve had sylvanas and co stare on in horror, wondering what the hell just happened.

Eh the burning would only work in my mind of the horde has ahold of it like they intended to from the offset, hold it hostage but a group of twilight cultist/Naga infiltrated the tree after azerite shipments started making their way there then using it to destroy the tree with some horde forces and the night elf citizens still there trapped within. The assistance would without meta knowledge then still be able to continue with the siege of lordaeron, but the horde aren’t super mustache twirling villains and instead victims of a grander scheme in play.

That’s just my opinion, and something I would’ve retconned it being, buuuuut if they did it like that they couldn’t really have syl be set up for SLs.