Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

We lost Vol’jin, Saurfang, Sylvanas, and Nathanos. We lost a city / land incredibly far more important than Teldrassil ever was to the setting. but “the horde allegedly didn’t lose vendor npcs, abloobloobloobloo so they lost less than the Alliance.”

I wish you would get Horde style writing. I wish you’d lose all of your characters and faction identity, your second to most important city, while civilians OF ONE SINGLE RACE run roughshod over your entire faction, proving you’re worthless in war/battle. I wish you’d lose all of this, while we temporarily lose our literally second to least important city and continue to win in complete totality the entire expansion whilst the Alliance is constantly brow beaten and reminded of how evil and wrong and incompetent that they are for being tricked by their own leader for the rest of this expansion, the next, and if our experience is any sign the rest of the game’s life.

edit: Also, the leader of one of your races has to admit that the player was wrong to have ever liked your faction.



Tess Greymane told Worgen players they suck and must bow to their human potential masters for eternity and we suck for being worgen.

Does that count?


It absolutely sucks.


This is dead on this side as well. The Alliance as an organization is useless if we can’t defend our member states, or send the message that harming them will incur that same harm upon the attacker. We have failed with both. We are simply dogs eager to roll over for peace once the chance is there. That to me, is devestating.

And their population made it out fine. And Lordaeron is still there. Once the blight is removed, it’s prime real estate. Teldrassil isn’t even a zone anymore, it’s a skybox.

And we lost Varian. And while he’s dead as a doornail, Vol’jin is getting elevated to loa status.

Your opinion. And I oh so wish that both you and Micah would understand this. The Undercity means nothing to me, just like Teldrassil probably meant nothing to you guys. But that does not mean it didn’t matter.

In any case, this is once again devolving into a who has it worse discussion. Just understand Micah, and Treng, whether you believe it or not, I would have preffered having the Horde’s story in bfa. And that includes the character assassinations, and the guilt. Anything would have been better than what I got in bfa. And I do mean anything.


Hard fact, baby.
Night Elves didn’t sell WC3 nor did Night Elves make it a star for Blizzard.
That was all Lordaeron and the Scourge.

There’s a reason Ion says that they don’t invoke Arthas’s name lightly.


And one of the devs is quoted as saying Trees can be regrown So it’s not like it’s even a permanent loss. It will heal given enough time.


Ok, but you asked what the Horde lost. I was just giving you an answer, not opening things up for a point-counterpoint discussion.

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And they also said, if they did use Arthas during SL it would have to be a special moment. It was Arthas and Arthas alone that carried WC 3 and the main reason so many of us look back on the game fondly.

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Undercity? Gallywix? Nathanos? Baine’s last shred of dignity?


I swear the lot of you don’t read the entirety of my posts. I guess it’s on me for not putting it in quotations.

For whatever reason, you horde posters think that the Alliance got it better than the Horde. And despite me telling you just how bad it was for the Alliance, and how utterly soul crushing it felt playing through it, and watching the story unfold, you simply don’t believe me when I say it. But whatever. I guess I will never be able to convince the likes of Micah and Treng of how much I hated bfa. How I wish that the story was different. I would even have preffered a reverse, where the Alliance was villain batted, because then I would not have had to feel like a victim once again, but this time worse.


Ok, but no I don’t. And I never made such a statement. And I certainly didn’t in that post. You asked a question, I gave an answer. I literally never even mentioned the Alliance at all.

Seriously, Morg. What the actual hell? How is it I can answer your question, with a list of answers, and you somehow interpret that as some other thing entirely?

The actual.

Because it wasn’t a question, Alynsa. I was trying to make Micah understand, that what she values is not what I value. This

Was a direct mirror of this:

I was just trying to get the point across, but I can see that it failed miserably.
In any case, in short, what the Alliance lost in bfa was very important to me. Because we didn’t just lose Teldrassil or it’s population, we lost the reason the Alliance exists in the first place. It’s pointless as it is now.

Ok, but you’re still not explaining at all how you willingly interpreted my list of things not Sylvanas or Saurfang into something about how the Alliance lost less or had it better.

That is what I’m asking. Where the hell did you even get that? Is the idea of making a list beyond those two NPCs somehow an attack on your losses? No. It’s not. So why did you go out of your way to interpret it like that?

I…did not. At least I didn’t intend for it to come across like that.
I just wish Micah, Treng, and everyone like them, understood that losses can be measured in more ways than they think, and above all that they stopped downplaying what the Alliance lost in bfa. That’s all.

If you think Teldrassil represents what the alliance stands for…than I don’t know what to tell you, except your’re clearly not playing the same game as the rest of us.

And besides, Nathanos is dead, the souls are now canonically saved from the Maw. All that is left is seeing what happens to Sylvanas. I honestly don’t know what you want other than that.

Not quite, but letting someone genocide one of your member states, in this case the Night elves, without even demanding as much as a apology from the ones who did it, have frankly destroyed the Alliance for me. If the Alliance can’t safeguard it’s members, or avenge them, or even make the ones responsible atone, then what is it good for?

I mean, are you going to ignore the part where the alliance kicked in the hordes teeth so hard, Sylvanas and Co had to recruit civilians just to mount any so of defense in Ogrimaar?

If there is anything that our descendants should learn from this exchange it’s this.

If 38,000 plus years from now, one of our descendants should get the bright idea of sticking a text to voice device onto the throne of the dead but living Emperor of Mankind. For Sigmar’s sake, PLEASE DON’T.

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You mean the same Alliance that had to group up with the Horde rebels to have any chance to win against the Loyalists?

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Going to leave this here and be done with this. I’m weary of it.