Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

I just realized that the perfect mirror isn’t Halford, or Alleria as you say. Instead, it would be Turalyon. Both are from the same time period, both veterans of many wars, and both carry many scars. Have him be the equivalent to Saurfang.

So we’re comparing those of the same time period, in game, instead of their beliefs, actions or past. can’t agree with that.
By that admission, Genn would go in exile for whatever reason, just like Gallywix did. And someone like crowley would take over. Fine with that.

I’m saying, outside of her little role in val’sharah, she had been relegated to book material since the siege of orgrimmar. And her role in Val’sharah could have been supplanted by nearly anyone, or just removed. Malf would still have been caught by Xavius, and Ysera would still have been Corrupted.

I didn’t realize Malf led the dwarves. But I think a good comparisson would be if Magni died, and the dwarves were then led by the Dark iron. Oh wait.

I’d be fine if Horde characters called me names, as long as I did something that deserved it.

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Is Tess actually a worgen, or just Gilnean?

Nope, you lose Alleria.

Nope, just overall impact.

Nope, Genn goes dark, goes darker, then dies. You’ll learn that Tess is the official leader two years later.

Still counts.

He don’t, but there’s no perfect analogs here.

Yeah, that isn’t gonna happen here, nor did it happen in WoW. You got the Three Hammers.

So, seems you’re in the denial and bargaining stage. And I also realize that none of anything I’ve typed matters. Because no matter what, you’re just going to keep on “grass is always greener” the entire time. Hell, that’s exactly how this derail started; “Yeah, both sides got it bad, but I’d’ve rather had THEIR suck than MY suck! Their suck isn’t as suck as my suck!”

So while this was entertaining for me, I think I’ll just stop now. I cannot help you see that the grass is just as green here as it is over there, so why bother trying with you?

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TBH, I picked Tess to get that “but why is this character even leading us” vibe that Voss brings out.


I’m 99% certain that Alynsa is talking about how Saurfang snubs the horde player during the Stormwind extraction scenario. I don’t know who in the alliance has the history or player-created hype that could then turn around and look down at his own side because you’re not good enough for someone who helped commit a war crime.


She’s just gilnean. She’s the one hit us with the lol worgen wut? Human potential baby!

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This man gets it.

I mean, the entire reason I picked Alleria was because there’s no real Saurfang-like character, an archtype for what the represented race means but with a player-driven history behind them. But, Alleria has literal years of people asking where she is, and I felt bad throwing two huge characters in at the same time, so it was Alleria.

Besides, there’s a subtle Windrunner for a Windrunner going on in batching Saurfang and Sylvanas for Malf and Alleria.


Then you have completely missed my point. I literally start off every post with “I know that the Horde has it bad”. I know that, deeply. But I have also know how utterly rage inducingly bad bfa was for the Alliance, or at least for me. And the salve for that would be for the Horde to make amends. Not neccesarily in game, a book would be fine. But Mikah likes to think that the Alliance have got it so much better than the Horde, when from where i’m looking, who honestly cares more about the world than characters, they really don’t. I just wish she, and you, understood that.

You do, I’m not claiming you don’t.

But, especially in the post that started this derail, you’ll make some comment about how you’d rather have the crapsack the Horde had, how you’d give up your crapsack in a second for this other crapsack.

I honestly believe it’s not even something you set out to do, but you inevitably find some way to “say without saying” that the Alliance did, in fact, get it worse.

I don’t think Micah is actually saying what you think she’s saying. I think she’s trying to highlight what the Horde actually dealt with when you subtlety downplay it.

Your phrasing here is not complete, and I can’t really tell what you’re trying to say.


thats exactly what I’m saying. And please guys, stop telling me how I feel about the game, the factions or heroes I care about. It’s tiring and I’m sick of it honestly.

You know who are. I’m asking you to stop. Nicely.

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Then i’ll say it right here, so that there is no confusion. Both sides got it bad, and I hope both can have it better. It just so happens the Alliance can have it better by having the Horde be nice to us for a change. As for the Horde, I think it’s high time they felt heroic. Just don’t make it off the Alliance’s backs.

Then she words it very poorly.

What i’m saying here, is that the Alliance, to me, have gotten it as bad as the Horde, but not for the same reasons.


I think it just depends on what kind of fantasy people want out of their preferred faction. These 1:1 comparisons seem extremely difficult to really make work because both sides were screwed in such wildly different ways that even the interpretations of the comparisons get read differently. It doesn’t help that the downer stuff of each side was done twice, so the hypothetical reversals would seem novel instead.

While I disliked having a faction war expansion to begin with, I (at this point in time, admittedly) would have vastly preferred having a Teldrassil-like event because even before BFA, it feels like the horde’s lacking a lot of necessary sympathy, especially in the wake of Cata/MoP. But at the same time, I know I’m hardly invested in minor characters so having something like Thunder Bluff torn down wouldn’t bruise me as much as Teldrassil would a nelf fan. I guess it’d suck that Auctioneer Stampi (I think that’s his name?) would bite it.

If it happened now, though? Meh. Feels like the horde more than deserves it on a story level at this point, and it’s a bummer to feel that way as a horde-exclusive player. So I don’t think I can be affected on the same level. And to flip it around, I’d imagine it’d be a lot harder of a sell to alliance players to really feel bad about seeing a horde race get demolished at this point, even if their own side admonishes them for it.


Sometimes Sarm, you say the things I want to say but my brain can’t string together the words to say it, so it remains unsaid.

And you say it in a less condescending, insulting or snarky way than me, so double extra credit.

Thank you for having a better brain than me.


I offset it by having QQed a hell of a lot ever since BFA was announced, and I know I’m not immune to the tit-for-tat thinking. Misery liking company and all that.

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Tell me what the alliance lost outside of Teldrassil than. I’ll wait. I guarantee it’s not worse than what the horde went through.

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You tell me what the Horde lost outside of Sylvanas and Saurfang. I’ll wait. I guarantee it’s not worse than what the Alliance went through.

See how that souns? Because that’s how you sound. Understand that what I find important is not what you find important, and vice versa. I could have cared less if two characters from the Alliance died, while having an elaborate storyline for both. But what I cared about, and did not want to happen, was that the Horde walked all over the Alliance for the second time, but this time they walked over us with steel toe boots. I would gladly have given two characters to prevent that from happening.


Are going to ignore the point where the horde got their teeth kicked in by the alliance? Because it;s something that happens a lot, You weren’t walked all over The alliance utterly embarrassed the horde so bad, Sylvie and Co had to recruit CIVILIANS to defend Orgrimaar.

Why are you such a fallacious liar?


Their entire identity and sense of self? Their dignity? Honor? The war on every front after the initial stages?


And the forsaken lost their home and entire cultural identity too. But that somehow doesn’t count either.