Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

You lost Darkshore. You reclaimed Darkshore. Then, you reclaimed the Arathi Highlands.

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That’s hardly winning territory.

We reinforced out hold on the place by rebuilding Stromgarde, but we allways had a foothold there in the form of refugee point.

And we didn’t simply lose Teldrassil. The zone is gone. Erased.

Where exactly did we, as you put it:


It’s literally, by definition, winning territory.

You reclaimed Stromgarde after the Horde took it from you in Cataclysm.

I didn’t even mention Teldrassil, but that zone is coming back anyway. Blizzard tweeted out that “Trees can be regrown” in a twitter thread whinging about the World Stump.

No it’s not. If I lose money, and then recoup my losses, that’s not “gaining” money. It’s a net zero, just like our zones. Except we are at a deficit, because of Teldrassil.

The Alliance have not held Stromgarde since before vanilla. It was either controlled by the Syndicate, in vanilla, or held by Galen trollbane. We only reclaimed it now in bfa. And i’m almost certain that we lost refuge point in bfa.
I’m glad we got Stromgarde back, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it went up in flames next.

Well we’ll see. They make a lot of promises they don’t keep. You should know.

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::He would gently clasp your hand and lead you on the path to discovery.::
If you lose money.
And you get that money back.
You have gained money.

Trollbanes have sat the castle for years before Cataclysm.

I certainly know that they lie to the Horde while uplifting the Alliance. I also know they’ve made no such assuasion to the Horde over Tirisfal.

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Then why was Stromgarde occupied by the Syndicate, who the Alliance were hostile to? Galen was squatting near the Thoradin wall, and when he returned to life by the Forsaken he joined them, before betraying them in legion. When exactly in this, did the Alliance hold Stromgarde?

Isn’t there in game dialogue about Calia wanting to return the Forsaken to Lordaeron?

Gain is not the same as regain.
In any case, we didn’t lose either of the zones in the first place, so your point is moot. We succesfully kept what we had. That’s gaining squat.


It’s winning back territory. Blizzard’s solution for “resolving” the Fourth War was to bring in a bigger bad to once again… force us to cooperate.

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Because the Alliance wasn’t powerful enough to sit it alone.
They were there, though.
Despite my playing an alliance character, do you think that I just didn’t do the quest???
I honestly can’t tell if you’re blithely ignorant or just trying to lie here.

I don’t know.

If you have lost money.
And you get that money back.
You have gained money.
You did not gain more than you had before you lost it, but you have gained money.

Nevermind, it’s pretty clear you’re being intentionally disingenuous.

They also said that they had intended to remove capital cities that weren’t being used.

And this tweet makes it clear that they’re walking that back.

But we didn’t lose those zones. We fought about them, and we kept them. Or a part of it regarding Arathi. If you keep what you already had, you’re not gaining anything.

So we held a third of the city, or rather the remaining Stromgarde forces did, which we then lost. Then in bfa we retook it. While losing refuge point. So overall, we kept the same pressence in Arathi we had before. Where’s the gain?

You most certainly did. The Horde arrived, set up shop, and disputed territory control to the point that the night elves and the Horde traded the control point several times over the course of the expansion.

Thank you for admitting the fact of the situation.

You traded a hub for a literal kingdom.


When you’re ready to have an honest conversation, you may return to the table.


Refuge Point wasn’t “lost”. With Stromgarde regained, the folks at Refuge Point were no longer refugees from a lost Stromgarde but actually were able to move back into their city and live in real houses again. So there was no longer any reason to maintain it. Or are you going to claim that Refuge Point was the equivalent to Hammerfall?


Is Hammerfall still there, or abandoned now? Because if it’s the latter, I don’t see how the alliance isn’t gaining territory with Arathi by pushing the horde out of a zone they had partial control in for all of WoW up to that point.

Stromgarde keep is not the entire kingdom. Far from it. I will admit we traded a camp for a fort, but Stromgarde as a kingdom remains dead. Perhaps that will change, but for now, it’s just a fort with the same enemies and obstacles around as before. Better than refuge point sure, but a kingdom it is not.

Well they renovated the place in bfa, so unless we learn that it was destroyed during the war I think it’s safe to say it’s still there, along with the Horde itself.

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Last I checked, Hammerfall is still present in both versions of Arathi but it’ s not a player in the Horde side of the Warfront. The Alliance however now has a stronger presence with Stromgarde reclaimed.

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You said we gained zones, not territory within zones. Even you have to admit that there is a pretty major difference between gaining a zone, and gaining a bit of territory within a zone you already had a foothold in, while losing the foothold you originally had.

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Treng, you can’t say that we gained territory, because we kept the territory we already had. No, we didn’t “lose” it either. The Night elves continued to fight in Darkshore after Teldrassil, and eventually managed to repel the Horde. While in Arathi, we increased the ammount of forces we already had there. We haven’t driven the Horde out of Arathi. It’s largely the same, except we now hold Stromgarde instead of Refuge point. At no point, did we leave or lose these zones, and then return to reclaim it. The Exception is of course Teldrassil, which we did leave and is permanently lost.

So where is the Zone we gained? Or any part of a zone we didn’t already have a stake in. Because i’m not seeing it, unless there’s a third zone you can pull out of your pocket.

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