Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

One of the few things I gotta say BFA did that was nice was having both factions on a distinct campaign. Short of disbanding the factions I am not so sure having them work together makes much sense.

They opened a pandora’s box when they drummed up so much triablistic loyalty to factions. I do not think they know what to do with it now that they have it, as neither side can ever actually win in a satisfying manner.


Lmao good luck with that. For as many Alliance posters I’ve seen say that the Horde had it rough in some regards, I hardly ever see any Horde poster show concern for the Alliance storyline or acknowledge that it’s crappy for us as well. Only to belittle and tell us our faction is boring.

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That’s because if you bothered to actually look at the alliance, it’s the blandest of the two factions and really is boring as hell. It’s all human potential and purple elves.

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Called it. Like clockwork.

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I very much acknowlege how crappy the BFA story has been for the allaince.

I just vehemently refuse to believe that punishing players for the devs’ idiotic story choices is a good idea.


The emergency (to Saurfang) never ended until he died. There was never a moment where the war stopped before then.

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Still doesn’t change the fact that the alliance is boring over all, And I’m not the only one alliance side to make that claim.

What is “punishing players”? Like, do you think Teldrassil should just be entirely forgotten by the plot or something?

And you think that’s fun? The Alliance have got potential, if only the writers cared for it.

What constitutes as punising players to you? All I want is for the Horde to atone, or be made to atone. Doesn’t have to affect players. Can just be a bloody book.

Then I hope he’s contemplating his sins in the maw.

“Alliance side” you’re about as much of an alliance player as Dreadmoore is. Every single post you have made was to crap on the Alliance. I could also grab a Horde alt and call myself a Horde player while caping hard for the Horde, s’not hard.


“Guys, all I want, is for the horde’s entire story to be begging the alliance for forgiveness they’ll never get, while the Alliance never has to ever, ever acknowlege that they’ve done anything wrong. is that so wrong?”

Oh hell no. You know me morghel. You know how I been harping on how the alliance needs actual development and needs to go darker.

So, here’s the thing. Take it or leave it, but your arguments about just saving night elf souls? It comes across exactly as screwing one side over twice. Save the elves, because they died first and alleged by forum posters as more (though in-game, there is absolutely no numbers attached to any of these slaughters, so it’s just forum assumption without real basis). But saving Horde souls? Ain’t no time for that.

I know you don’t intend it, but it def comes across as some aftershocks matter and need to be addressed correctly, and some just don’t and can be handwaved away.


You can only read “The Horde needs to apologize to Tyrande, lose characters, lose civilians, lose Orgrimmar” (all of which HAVE been claimed on Story Forum ad nauseum) so many times before you just quit caring.


Okay, but you gotta understand that anything that happens to the Horde narratively will affect the fans because they will be following that story.

You can’t divide the two. Yeah, it sucks, but it’s the position we’re in right now.

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Seeing both sides doesn’t make someone NOT an Alliance main. Arguing for equal mistreatment isn’t picking a side.

Get your head out of your bias and you’ll get that.


I acknowledge I have a bias and ANYONE here who doesn’t admit the same is just lying to themselves, you included.

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How do you know you aren’t? Outside of the scenarios where you are specifically recovering Night Elf souls as part of the Tyrande storyline, the souls you do recover don’t have a definable form that identifies them as race or faction.

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They’re force-feeding him pork.


You don’t know me, but Alynsa can vouch for me. I never claimed to have any love for the alliance. I’m only on alliance because thats the side blizz put the worgen on.

I’d much prefer if the Kaldorei,Draenei and Worgen were their own faction.

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