Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Yeah, see, the difference? My biases are about telling a good story. A good Alliance story, a good story, so long as we’re not being shoveled crap with a smile, I’m here for it. I don’t have a single F to give for raiding, arenas, mythic whatever.

Single desire; good storytelling.

That is my bias. My post history shows it. I state reasoned opinions on both factions, because the factions aren’t my main draw. The story is. That’s my bias.

Your bias is that you like the pretty people and want them to beat up the ugly ones, and any suggestion otherwise is heresy.

Go sit down. Come back at me when you can be honest with yourself and others.

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We don’t know we aren’t, but being specifically told we’re saving Alliance souls sets a precedent that they could have us save the Horde’s, but are specifically choosing not to.

If you had bothered to read any of my other posts, you’d know this to be nonsense. And I have no problem with the Alliance admitting mistakes, as long as there is no pretense as to who did worse, and who should atone more.
I just want Teldrassil to have the effect it deserves. That’s all. That doesn’t mean the Horde has to be destroyed, or beg for eternity. But they have to do something because of the magnitude of what they did.

But we’re not saving Alliance souls either. I’d be fine if people were saying “let’s save all the souls, not just Night elf souls”. Instead, it’s “lets save Night elf and horde souls”, while forgetting about the rest of the Alliance. Or atleast that’s how I interpreted it.

There are also times when you are told to save souls… and not look at who those souls were in the past.


That’s a fair assessment and I’ll admit there’s some truth to do it. I suppose my point was we at least could be shown saving some important horde souls is all. Not to much to ask for is it?

What faction are the night elves on again?

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Yeah, there’s a high chance we’re saving absolute monsters along the way, considering the maw was used for those for countless eons.

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Ew. So dripping with condescension it’s almost funny.

“My only flaw is that I am too perfect”

Get outta here. You literally know nothing about me.

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Is the rest of the Alliance somehow a nonfactor here? Did all of them somehow mass ress after bfa?

Well, there’s kinda sorta Vol’jin for God-knows-why. I for one can’t wait until the horde has their brand new Loa of Oops-I’m-A-Screw-Up.

Damn right. You come in here and tell people they aren’t “Alliance enough” for you, you get condescended to.

Hilarious the hypocrisy here. Happy to have baited it out of you.

Because here you are, telling people what factions they like and dislike without knowing a single damn thing about them. But someone treats you the same? “You don’t even know me, I’m not like other drainos!!”

Sit. Down.


You’re presenting a very good argument for the Kyrian Path.

What was done to Vol’jin lays solely at the feet of the writers. They destroyed his character just so their pretty waifu could be the next Murderer in Chief.


How so?

So unless we save all of the Alliance, we can’t see any Horde? That really the argument you wanna make while also saying you don’t want to see one side suffer for the kicks of it?

It’s the arguement he’s been making for a while and I don’t think he realizes it.

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Yeah but the same goes for Sylvanas. Still doesn’t make me interested in seeing Vol’jin come back. I’d have preferred he stay dead and buried. :confused:

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They literally admitted they don’t like the Alliance. I’m not sure what you’re on about.

No thanks, I’m good. You should get off your high horse though, miss “totally unbiased by the way”.


And I’m sorry you feel that way hun.Hugs I feel bad you guys got dumped on hard these last few years.

When did I say that? I’m saying we should save both Horde, Alliance, and Night elf souls. The Night elves are a separate category because so many more of them died. That’s it. that’s all i’m saying.

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