Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

I have this sudden urge to see a Worgen riding a kaldorei soul abomination into battle, howling all kinds of battle nonsense :gift_heart:

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Sure, but once the emergency had passed it should have sunken in, what he had done.

I wonder about you two sometimes.
Let me explain things in a simple manner. We had Alliance deaths, and Horde deaths, from the war itself. Then, on top of this, we had, specifically, a lot of dead elves. An enormous ammount. So currently we are focused on that large group of dead elves, and not the rest. Mind you, I would think this way even if it was something like a whole lot of dead orcs instead. Do you both understand?

Do you understand that we are only saving Alliance souls currently?


Because there are disproportionally more Alliance souls, Night elves specifically. Do you understand?

I think thats the part he’s not getting. The story is currently ignoring the suffering and loss the horde went through


It’s ignoring every race in the maw except the night elves. And you know why that is. Cmon.

I am not even sure where rescued Horde souls would go except Revendreth by the way the writing has forced them to act. Even most grunts would be guilty of aiding in some pretty heinous stuff.

Revendreth should just have an Azeroth department at this point.

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Proof of that? Because the Horde lost a TON of bodies fighting in Darkshore twice, Arathi, plus all those ships sunk by Azshara. More were lost in the battle for Daz’alore.

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Today smoke rises up from da campfire. Smoke tells Ogmot good story.
Ogmot sees lady wrapped in dark swirlies. She leads herd of blind sheep.
Da sheepies follow her everplace she go. Do everthin she say. Never doubt lady.
She guide dem over tall cliff! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Stupid sheepies!
Da crows get fat eatin da sheepflesh. Da lady laugh as crows eat!
Ogmot laugh too!


Wait I missed the entire point of my own point. Sleep deprivation, man.
It doesn’t matter if she killed more Alliance or if she killed more Horde.
We’re only saving one, and that kind of preference sucks for the other half of the playerbase.

Because, in the end, the Alliance could not defeat the Horde alone. If they had lost as many more soldiers as you say, then the whole of 8.2.5 would not have happened. Not to mention, a civilian population is much larger than it’s military personall.

And you dragged as many as you could with you. Civilian or otherwise.

We’re not saving anything else either. Not anyone except Night elves, who lost a lot more than either side did.

I’ve seen a lot of People mention how they disliked the wording specifically. That he hates what Sylvanasis doing to “his Horde” and whatnot. I don’t see how that cannot be interpreted “we’ve some bad stuff as the Horde, we need to turn around”. Should he have mentioned Night Elves specifically?


How did you warp the prophecy of Sylvanas ordering the Horde into situations that would kill its troops, into something about your faction?


I mean sure, but I suppose you’re also going to ignore that the sheer amount of kaldorei survivors overwhelmed Stormwind, a MASSIVE city story wise, to hold them all and they were forced to send some of the survivors to Goldshire and the surrounding area.


The focus is wrong. He should have had flashbacks to the path of glory, and how it was repeating again. Not ramble on about how his idea of the Horde had been broken. He comes off as selfish.

Just an observation of how the Horde, despite being tricked by Sylvanas, still dealt as much damage to the Alliance’ military as it suffered itself, on top of Teldrassil.

I think more than indicates how many died. Only a small portion of Night elves survived. That massive ammount is that portion. Let that sink in.

This is like proof positive that everything has to be about the Alliance forever with you. You can’t just recognize that the Horde got screwed, it’s also “yeah and they screwed the Alliance so the Alliance getting screwed matters more.”

Christ, that’s tiresome.


Vashj didn’t have to go to revendreth.

Orc Grunt #2345 who went to war to defend his homeland or to get revenge for the alliance backstabbing the horde in Stormheim isn’t likely to go there


I have stated again and again that the Horde got screwed. I have yet to see you say the same about the Alliance.

Nah, they screwed the Alliance just as hard. Thing is, if they don’t handle the aftershocks in a good manner, we will have been screwed twice over.

Seriously? What? The only thing it proves is, how many did NOT die. We don’t have specific numbers and the amount that died is grossly exaggerated


I wish. The narrative certainly didn’t act like that, and it acts like if the majority of the Kaldorei population burned up with Teldrassil. That’s the impression I got atleast.