Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

People who want in game lore to suffer just to spite players need to reevaluate their priorities. Its really juvenile and just plain toxic.


I agree. The Night Elves asking for every race to be destroyed to placate them are incredibly toxic.

Not as many in this thread yet, though. Nor do I see their relevance here.


In all my time here, I have never, ever, seen this. I have seen calls for the Alliance to make the Horde atone through blood, but never to the extent that their entire race are to be exterminated. I’ve seen Alliance who thinks the Horde should be disbanded for what they have done, but again, that isn’t exaclty on the level you accuse them of.
Stop throwing out baseless nonsense. It’s tiresome.


Then you haven’t been here long.


There are extreme opinions, and people that take the game lore to the personal side too much.


I have. They are usually human (paladin) players. Some nelves have, but they are a minority.

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Long enough to know you’re full of it. Even Elesana weren’t as extreme as you make ALL Night elf players out to be. And she was an exception.

Why you have this raging hatred for Night elf players is beyond me. They merely want catharsis. For Teldrassil to matter, and have consequences. That shouldn’t be too much to ask for.


If your example of extreme is Elesana, you’ve just proven to me you’ve not been here long enough to make your claims.


Then would you be so kind to link these vile posts they have made? I’m sure you should have no problem finding them, with them beings so fresh in your memory.


I’m not going to dig through 1-2 years to please some newbie who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


I don’t like her lack of nuance. Her comment about Calia’s “kind” was weird. It wasn’t a warped conclusion at the end of a logic trap that the character naturally fell into. It was more like the writers checked a box for “bigot” on her chaeacter and worked backwards from there.

Her sadness in the Nathanos cinematic was good. Showed she wasn’t just a one-dimensional ball of rage. But I don’t think the writers can pull it off.


Then I guess i’ll just have to take your word for it.



Just me on ignore if you’re going to be an infant about topics you know nothing about.

Edit: anyway, back to work. Have fun!

You’re just going to purposely derail the thread, so you and your lore discord cronies can gather posts to report.


I know enough that your fervent hatred of Night elf players is unjustified. And that is more than enough for me to decide if you’re worth talking to further.
And that answer is of course no.

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Hmmm, honestly I dislike her since WC3 and in Legion the way she behave with the Nighborn kind of reminded me why I dislike her… but the Horde had Nathanos so I thought she was carrying the torch of being dislikable… so basically I was indifferent to her to say the least.

Now being doing an Illidan taking a forbidden dark power to take Vengeance and becoming a Dem~er I mean “Night Warrior”?

Gives me one of 3 fleeting hopes:

  1. Night Elves Paladin are unlock
  2. Demon Hunters unlock some 3rd spec using this Night Warrior as a Template
  3. New Hero Class maybe?

Beyond that… I feel that like others have mention before she is a hypocrite after all that preaching she has done over the years as High Priestess of the Moon… but at least she does it with DH style! (IMO) :rofl: :man_shrugging: :sweat_smile:

On a serious note: She is an Illidan or a Maiev 2.0 to me at this point as I see it, but instead her hunt is for Sylvannas… yet I don’t blame her since her home got burn. :grimacing:
It must be a Nightelven cultural tradition thing to go to extremes to get vengeance in WoW. She is an edge lady dress in white… :sunglasses:


It was probably there just to gaslight the forsaken fan base just a little bit more.


They aren’t punching bags, they’re worfs. Which is a two-fold problem that is creating frustrations on both sides of the fanbase.

Night-Elves are sick of being kicked to prove a point, for a frankly stupid story or a retread of an already told story. It’s not really fun seeing your team get dragged through the mud, to make someone else look strong.

The other issue is, the Night Elves are always portrayed as strong and overbearing. It makes Horde races inferior and lives in this shadow, a shadow they always have to conquer. The writers are also refusing to budge on this “evil, but not evil, but also superheroes, but also fascist analogies” Horde and it’s just bad.

Though I take major issue with this. Let’s stop trying to ruin things other people like, that be it stormwind by “burning it down.” Or the Horde by making them raging barbarian villains.

Side-Note: I can’t use the National Socialist Party word, to talk about how the horde is their analogies. This is hilarious, cause the writers are the ones using the words and the Nuremberg trials.


He had an army of murderhobos with him, they sent every last force their planet could muster in a last ditch attempt to kill the old god. Must we do the Darkshore power levels thing ever time?

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My experience really engaging in Night Elf lore consists of playing the WC3 ROC, and TFT campaigns. I liked Maiev more than Tyrande back then, and in most wow content, I don’t really care for Tyrande.

I feel like they could have just had her do something cool as POTM. Right now she just kind of looks like a pseudo Demon-hunter thing. I mean, she does look kinda cool with the glaives, swirling around like Illidan… but that isn’t Tyrande to me.

It’s a weird development. I would have liked it better if Night Elves could have gotten more Night Elf exclusive things like Umbra Crescents and moonglaives…. but that’s just my outside opinion/2 cents.