Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

What are you even talking about? Tyrande shows up in 8.1 for the piss poor excuse of “Night Elf revenge” and then we don’t see her at all until she tells Anduin off in 8.3

Meanwhile Jaina is in every single patch of BfA… And now Shadowlands. Even though Jaina had nothing to with Azshara and it would have made way more sense to have Tyrande. But I guess Blizzard has to get their Human Potential in there.

I agree Night Elves get a lot of attention, just none of it is good, but to say that Tyrande is relevant to everything sine Darkshore is objectively false.



That back don’t lie, I can’t deny.


Maybe if you level past 10, you’ll get to do the actual Darkshore quest chain that unlocks the Night Warrior eyes and experience it yourself.

Yeah well that could have an interesting development and could have placated some of the complaints of night elves turning on their former friends as well. If Summermoon instead of featuring in the warfront she chucked a bit of a godfrey rejected Sylvanas and became the night warrior continuing her role from the warbringers clip.


First, she doesn’t solo a Horde base it is a group of like 15-20 Forsaken. Second, the issue is that Blizzard wrote the Night Warrior as this amazing power up that makes her awesome, yet she could have done what she did in the Darkshore scenario BEFORE becoming the Night Warrior.

And finally, the issue is that Nathanos did exactly what he wanted, went to toe to toe with Night Warrior Tyrande, Malfurion, AND the Alliance champion… please. That was insulting on so many levels. But the whole issue would have been avoided if Nathanos was all smug and Tyrande killed him, had the Val’kyr sacrifice itself to bring him back, and then he fled. She at least would have looked competent then.


Night Warrior is a failure cause it’s a B-tier plot from a C-tier shonen, implemented by D-tier writers.


Please don’t call Dragon Ball C-tier again.


Just another body being warmed up as a loot piñata.

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Sorry, was going to address the other points but the fact you genuinely believe this proves to me you didn’t play the scenario.

Tyrande and Malfurion destroy Nathanos in both Horde and Alliance scenarios. Nathanos is raising dead Night Elves to help hold off the Alliance from Darkshore, which they canonically lost.

Darkshore is unquestionably 100% a Horde defeat.


As far as the question asked by the OP, I think the Night Warrior idea made me like Tyrande more. I am not sure I can say it was the arch of the Night Warrior story that did that, merely the premise behind the idea of the Night Warrior from the World/Culture building perspective.

I have always hated that Blizzard has tried to make Night Elves just a reflavor of Tolkien elves, making them only aesthetically different than High Elves or humans, but culturally and philosophically homogenous.

the Development of the Night Elves since Vanilla WoW has been the slow dismantling of everything that made them unique in some futile effort to make them more palatable for the gaming industry’s consumers.

A savage and isolationist race, weary of the outside world due to a history rife with conflict and tragedy. Blizzard is more than willing to vindicate or glorify human colonialism and Orc war mongering, but are hesitant to do the same with Kaldorei Matriarchy, Religous Zeal, and violent defense of nature.

The Night Elves are really the only race that 180s on their cultural morays and folkways. I see the Night Warrior arch a bit of a return to what Night Elves were always supposed to be, but given how Blizzard has butchered their lore and depiction, I am not confident that they won’t use this to once again invalidate the Kaldorei’s just vengeance, and have Anduin mansplain the superiority of psudo Post-Christian European Culture.


Tyrande is a awesome character. I just wish they would have expanded on the whole Night Warrior thing a bit more.

And sweeping Teldrassil under the rug would have been the worst thing they could have done. That would’ve angered people even more than they are already


Dude what? Tyrande shows up to fight Nathanos, then the Alliance player and Malfurion show up to help her and fight one of the Val’kyr… Nathanos succeeds in his mission of raising the Night Elves there and then gets away after Tyrande kills the Val’kyr (which we know means nothing since Sylvanas’ Jailer daddy can give her infinite now).

The Darkshore scenario, which Blizzard said was the Night Elf revenge, was an absolute failure on Tyrande and the Night Elves part since Nathanos succeeded in his mission of raising dead Night Elves.

Darkshore as the Warfront? Was an Alliance victory but that is after the scenario.


This is exactly what is going to happen and it pisses me off. The Wrynn family can all die and rot in the Maw frankly.


I’ve done the entire thing. No where, does she do what you say she does. Not to mention, the Horde succeded in raising the night elves they were sent there to raise, and afterwards we had an entire warfront, where Tyrande were no where to be seen.
Where exactly was she seen soloing bases? And how does it even matter, when the Horde still had enough strength to continue fighting there for who knows how long? What are you even on about?


I think this would be a case of “you write what you know”.

This is a big mess that not even tyrande curb stomping sylvanas will solve, ive been having this idea that she will be talked down in ardenweald, some vision ysera had of tyrande saving it.


As to the OPs point, I honestly have no idea how to feel about the Night Warrior. Most of my impressions of the character is surface trait. Like, I like the general lore they’re building off the concept, and that new model looks real good on Tyrande. That extra tone and muscle really fits her.

However, she already was pretty damned powerful (at least comparably to any Horde character) that giving her a powerup feels more like just respeccing her to a Melee-Priest. Not to mention … i cannot fathom a reason to put off Nate’s death till the prepatch, if that’s all they were going to do with him? I also have rather … strong opinions about such a favorites playing “One True God”.

  1. Tyrande literally moonfires an entire base in Darkshore after freezing them all with her dragon ball magic. “It’s just 20 dudes” is a cop-out that dismisses game scale, especially because it’s one of the main Horde base of operations in the area.

Even before her power-up, you find entire Horde camps slaughtered with demolishers burning.

  1. Horde raising the dead Nelves wasn’t an objective. It was a desperation move to try and supplement their weakened numbers because Tyrande and her people was slaughtering them en-mass. The few Horde troops left were too scared to go out and do anything.

  2. The Horde failed to hold Darkshore and thus everything the Horde player did at Darkshore was pointless.

  3. Tyrande defeats Nathanos empowered by Valkyr (which canonically makes him empowered by the Jailer, if you want to argue the Jailer makes the Valkyr death irrelevant) and she mops the floor with him. She even force chokes the entire Forsaken squad with him and kills them as they beg for mercy.

She stays at 98% or so while Nathanos is at 20% before he says “enough!” and roots us, but that literally means nothing cause we get out 2 seconds later because Tyrande planned for it.

It’s even more egregious in the Horde scenario where Tyrande literally oneshots the Valkyr.

This is why writers should stop appealing to the Night Elf fanbase, they’ll never be happy.


First thing, I admit you bring up some good points there. I can see the arguments there and can agree with them, but I also see the Night Elf side as well.

Second, honestly they wouldn’t have to appease the Night Elf playerbase if they stopped making the Night Elves the punching bag for the Horde. Let’s see the Humans and Stormwind get their crap pushed in by the Horde. Let’s see their lands attacked and cities burned instead.


The same base that I, the player, could effortlessly solo. And no, the player is not meant to be as powerful as Tyrande. Not by a long shot.

And they still succeded. Hurrah. What a great showcase of the Nightwarrior’s power. Can’t stop a guy with a bow and his ghost ladies from rising her dead people. Felt lot’s of pride there.

After an extended struggle. Excellent showcase of power. Have to win a war of attrition, instead of being able to force them out directly. So strong.

DId we watch the same fight? It took malfurion backstabbing Nathanos for him to run away. Tyrande had to use shadowmeld, because apparently beating Nathanos directly was too much. What an achievment.
Do it on the Alliance side. Then you’ll see what a joke that fight was.

You already know what would make the Night elves happy. So don’t act like this. I believe that you are better. Or atleast that you can be.