Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Only if there’s head pats and belly rubs on saturdays. Than this pupper will gladly join :gift_heart:

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For you, gladly. You can even choose your own personal Succubi or Incubi masseuse!


Woot! Sign me up! :smiley:

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That is literally apologising. Just because dialogues don’t directly say “sorry, please forgive us we’ll do anything” doesn’t make it not true.

And it’s already happening. We’re collecting Nelf souls from the maw and putting them in Ardeweald personally, discounting other dead characters, it seems. We have Thrall personally looking to bring Tyrande Sylv’s head, etc.

And I’m willing to slog through it, if the Horde fans also get something.


And what exactly do you think is the alternative? You can’t drop something of this magnitude. Sure, you could have the Horde do absolutely nothing, but in that case i’d want for the Night elves and the Alliance to carry that grudge until the next war, where they would be quite darkened from what they have gone through.

I can’t think of a good resolution. It just shows how damaging BfA was to the story.

Right now we have several heroes on a quest for Tyrande, we have her dunking on the PC and the entire faction, we also have her not accepting any apologies, BTW, we have Sylv supporters in chains in Org, we have Saurfang dead (and possibly forgotten, he’s in the maw too).



I wonder why.

When they are dead, i’ll celebrate. Or when they actually show regret. I’ll take either, but I prefer the later.

Remind me again how the second most responsible person for Teldrassil dying the way he wanted to, is supposed to bring me joy? Because i’m not seeing, nor feeling it.

The root of this stems from where both factions come out in the end.

Alliance get to beat the bad guy, which does not make up for their loss. Sometimes beating the bad guy means imprisonment, sometimes it means they run away, but in the end? Good guys won. You still have your losses, and that absolutely sucks. And the hollow victory is hollow because in both circumstances, beating the bad guy didn’t actually mean making them answer for their crimes.

But it’s still a hollow win.

Meanwhile, Horde got to help the Alliance beat up… Also the Horde. When the bad guy runs away, that’s our actual leader. And they never leave with just themselves. They always take one or more of our lesser leaders with them. Those lands we conquered get given back (as they should), those early victories were never our victories because they belonged to the bad guy we help the Alliance take down, and our upper leadership is in utter shambles. It took four years for Blizzard to even find a troll to take Vol’jin’s place as the Troll Leader, we’re given a hand-me-down Alliance character working with “I’m not Forsaken, I’m not Horde, I’m a member of the Unseen” Voss for the forsaken (which feels SO GOOD REALLY IT DOES), and the older character of our story who didn’t get killed for warluls have a bad look to them for waiting far too long to do anything.

Maining Alliance, it looks like it feels better to play Horde because it looks like you got to win and get away with it. Maining Horde, it looks like it feels better to play Alliance because you don’t have to kill your own heroes, because you get to be the hero.

It’s typical grass is always greener mentality.


I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just never mentioned in this expansion and ends up as a throwaway line in a novel in two years :man_shrugging:

This is actually also something I’d like to see: saving some Horde souls. At least one! Right now it almost seems like Nelfs are the only ones that went to the maw.

Second, huh?

Yeah dude I feel you. It sucks.


Well, he’s in the maw and there’s no indication we’re ever planning on getting him out. If you think he deserves eternal suffering for buying Sylv’s bull, then he’s getting plenty.

If you have a problem with Blizz writing him as not explicitly a villain, take it to them.


That does beg the question, why aren’t we saving all those horde souls unjustly sent to the Maw? It gives the impression that the horde truely is nothing when we can’t even be bothered to save those souls too.


Hardly the problem. I guess the problem is he’s never really shown to have regret for his part at Teldrassil. I’m sure he does, i’m assuming it, but the story never took it’s time to depict this. It’s just him being sad that the Horde isn’t what he wants to be, and not him being sad for being tricked into participating in yet another genocide.
I care more for regret than punishment or revenge. If the person who wronged me feels regret, and tries to fix what they did, then I don’t feel angry at them anymore. So I would prefer if the Horde showed regret.

We are saving souls, one week at a time. We just don’t know who these shouls belong to.

We are specifically sent to save the kaldorei souls during the Ardenweald campaign. It’s only fair we do the same thing for the horde souls. I find your answer unacceptable and flimsy


Well we aren’t saving other Alliance souls either, are we? No human, no worgen, nothing.

You know, I’ve wrestled internally with the idea that I’d prefer him to care significantly less for dead Nelfs than for the Horde that was in legit danger immediately after Teldrassil.

Sure, sucks that a bunch of peeps died, but priority should be on his own first. “They will come for us now!”, not “On no, Nelfs died”.


Okay, and? The humans can rot in the maw forever for all I care(I don’t btw). Point is, we should save some of the horde souls. To be fair

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til night elves are not alliance.


It is a bad situation all around. I think they are trying to backpedal on sending everyone who got burnt to death in Teldrassil to the maw when they realized perhaps this was a really bad idea. Which it was. Sylvanas (and the Horde) looked bad enough without adding on “AND THEN THEY WENT TO HELL TO BE TORMENTED INTO POWER CORES FOR MINDLESS MURDER MACHINES”.

Sadly, as they are wont to do, Blizzard went about it in the worst possible way.