Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

You still don’t get it do you? Of how bfa is affected by both cata and mop? Of how there is more to a story than characters and zones? When you do, perhaps you’ll understand.

Whether you believe it or not, i’ve never been that interested in Night elves. Worgens have been my jam for a long time. And it’s not because of the Night elves specifically that I refuse to let Teldrassil go.

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Imagine the lack of self awareness in this post, being directed to a Horde player.


I almost knocked myself out when my head hit the desk :gift_heart:


Oh I know first hand how it affected the faction. It was the reason I left after all. But I realized, as the expansion rolled by, that allways being on the reciving end of atrocity after atrocity get’s tiresome as well. Bfa was, to put it simply, the last straw. I’m fine with forgetting everything else, as long as Teldrassil is answered for.

Long as you understand that it’s likely not going to end the way you want to and that you’ll stop talking about it once this expac is over with.


There’s little in this setting that I want more than for the Horde to beat the Alliance in a straight up fair war with no civilian or baby murder and no cheating, but you don’t see me whinging about it incessantly. It’ll never happen.


I’ve been nothing but consistent with saying that the horde needs more feel good/uplifting moments and more grey acts from the alliance that the horde and its players can justify as being evil.

Hugs As I’ve said multiple times, being a worgen fan, I truely understand where you guys are coming from and I do sympathize


You know what, I’d be fine with bearing thru a story or two of Horde characters groveling if Horde stans get a genuine feel-good moment for it that doesn’t involve being friends with the Alliance. Not saying it should be done against the Alliance, but it shouldn’t hinge on their approval.

it wouldn’t be the best solution, but it’s something I, personally, would be fine with.

I’ll stop talking about it once it’s settled. And not a second before.

No, instead you whine incessantly about how you believe that the Alliance has it so much better than the Horde. Big improvement.

And i’m fine with that. happy even. As long as it plays into Teldrassil.

I too am a worgen main, and I know how bad the Horde has it. Never denied that. Thing is, I also know how bad Teldrassil felt, and how it will feel a thousand times worse if it doesn’t get a satisfying conclusion. And no, it doesn’t involve removing the Horde.

I have no interest in groveling. And believe it or not, I hope the Horde can feel proud again. Just not off the backs of the Alliance.

Necessary, due to nefpa trying to impugn on Blizzard to punish the Horde playerbase.

You think somehow your whining will cancel out their whining? Big brain.

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If only.


I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel bad for teldrassil, it was a pretty crappy moment, and I did legit cry while rescuing the civilians. Don’t think I;m heartless or anything, I’m just tired of some people claiming vengeance should come at the cost of the horde players suffering for it.

I mentioned that the people directly involved in the burning and those who stood by and let it happen should be punished. We just don’t need to drag the horde players through the mud in the process


Your solution involved Horde characters perpetually apologising. You understand that Horde fans don’t want to watch their characters constantly apologise and beg for forgiveness. That’s anti-fun. That doesn’t generate pride at all!

Though, tbh, you already kinda have that with Thrall, who goes to Tyrande and promises her Sylv’s head or whatever, even though nobody asked.


And I agree with this. All I want. Problem is the guy above me doesn’t.

Not neccesarily. Just have the Horde leadership take responsibility for not acting against Sylvanas sooner, offer reparations, while also showing through bits of dialogue that the Horde populace at large did not support and feel awful about what happened to the night elves. After that, I’ll be satisfied. Or it’s option b, and involves Turalyon, the light, and a fair ammount of Alliance greyness.

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Any Horde player doing the Ardenweald campaign is going to be enlisted by Shandris to save her min’do. And to save Kal’dorei souls in the Maw.

The Army of the Black Moon and the Darkshore Warfront’s relevance have been left behind along with the last expansion. And where did you get the idea that the Army of the Black Moon is hostile to the Alliance, given that it’s the Alliance Raid that both works with them and secures their victory?

You’re still dodging the question. What constitutes justice? What are the minimum standards for satisfaction?


Dude was the Horde playerbase penalized and humbled. We’ve been dealing with this for two years.
Thrall going before Tyrande and promising her Sylvanas’s head (despite Sylvanas being more of a villain unto the Horde than alliance) was not enough for Morghel because nothing will ever be enough.

They’re riding the Schadenfreude train.

The more I read these threads on the Story Forum the more I want to be in a 3rd faction. Who’s with me?

The Council of the Black Harvest is now recruiting. We don’t care about the factions, just us. Never mind that pesky fine print at the bottom about souls and power. It’s nothing really. Just lawyer stuff that’s boring to read.

Come join the darker side of Azeroth. We have cookies and ice cream! BBQ every Sunday.

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Tbh I wish the Knights of the Ebon Blade / Scourge were their own faction. I can get behind playing an anti hero or anti villain when it’s the point of the faction.


Excuse me. This is the person who killed who knows how many people in northern eastern kingdoms, and destroyed Gilneas. And who Destroyed Teldrassil. More of a villain, pfft.

Clearly not, if you’re any indication.

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