Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Horde got things too… It’s not about obtainable goods, it’s about the narrative of the story, and in the narrative of the story, the Kaldorei and Kaldorei players deserve justice.

Having the Horde players being humiliated by having to serve Alliance NPCs isn’t justice enough?

What more are you asking for?

Suicidal choices are not allowed. They would simply be self fulfillments of Sylvannas’ original arguments to Saurfang.

This is a crapsack world of adventure. that means it’s not fair, and evil things do happen without ultimate redress.


I don’t care if it’s one or one million. Each and every person who would throw everyone else under the bus like you want are nothing. And deserve nothing.

You and I must have played through different expansions. I would have preferred to have played yours.

And the Alliance, once again, takes it on the chin and has to smile. Walked over like a door mat. No. I think I am beyond done with that. And I am even more done with those who would deny me the satisfaction of having the Horde atone, or be made to atone. Your opinion is worthless. Less than worthless.

As a note, I don’t mind working for/under Alliance reps on principle. Tyrande and the NE reps are a bit of an exception now of course. I mind that working for their reps has become completely synonymous with the deep neglect Blizz has shown towards developing Horde characters and NPCs. They default to Alliance characters so often, there hardly seems room for the Red Team.

Outside of Faction Conflict stories that leaves our pathetic roster in further ruins of course.


Ignoring Teldrassil isn’t throwing anyone under the bus. The Alliance is not punished by ignoring Teldrassil.

The Horde being punished however is throwing the Horde’s playerbase under the bus, which is the only thing you want to do.

The hypocrisy slays me.


Any Horde player that chooses to bond with the Night Fae is definitely NOT getting that option.

Technically speaking those characters are doing the Horde’s attonement for Teldrassil.


Oh we are. An atrocity to rival the scourge, worse than even the old Horde could manage, and we are meant to just forgive and forget? Can you atleast try to understand things from my perspective, or is that beyond you?

If you think the Horde, in a book or whatever, taking responsibility and offering recompense is punishment, then frankly I don’t care whatsoever what you think. Someone with such a fragile ego isn’t worth listening to.

Not even close, bucko. If you’re just going to lie, you’re not worthy of speaking to.

You’re joking right? the closest event we got to this was the Scourge destroying Quel’thalas. The parallells could not have been clearer if they so had drilled it into our collective skulls. How you missed that is a mystery for the ages.

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::He would ever so gently hold your hand as he leads you through the path of discovery.::

Firstly, 90% of the night elven race didn’t die in Teldrassil.
Secondly, the Scourge afflicted more than just Quel’thalas.


Personally? I’m sick of Teldrassil. No matter how it’s ultimately dealt with, it’s NEVER.EVER.GOING.TO.BE.ENOUGH.

The alliance fanatics will just complain the horde got away scot free again. I don’t think Morghel understands, a lot of people are seriously loosing sympathy for them and their constant complaints.

And before anyone starts, I was NEVER a night elf fan. I just love the things associated with them, like the Wild Gods.

And besides, the Scourge destroyed Lordaeron, Dalaran and Quel’thalas. But sure, convince yourself Teldrassil was equal to or worse than those three combined.


Thank you for absolving me of any reason to feel bad about Teldrassil, my man. Really appreciate it. Because honestly, before this post, I was all like “man, I feel bad for those night elf and worgen players who lost a city that was important to them”. But as you clearly demonstrate, some of those players have 0 empathy for the playerbase on the other side. So I no longer need to feel bad for them.

Thanks Morg. You’re a stand-up guy.

You want this argument to go both ways. The narrative way and the player way.

In the narrative, the night elves get their due vengeance when Sylvanas dies, because that is what the narrative has said would square the blood debt. Per Tyrande. Peace can only happen once the banshee’s dead, that’s all she’s asking for.

Asking for the Horde player to suffer more isn’t for the narrative; it’s to make the Alliance player feel good about the Horde player’s suffering.

I’d like to say you can have one but not the other, but that simply isn’t true.

Sorry, no sympathy, you already established why no players should feel bad for your imagined pain. But out of curiosity, how would you have the Horde players atone to the Alliance players for the WoW dev’s decision? How should we, the people behind the other keyboards, make you feel better?

I mean, it’s not really going to matter because


I genuinely don’t want to fan the flames, but Liira? Is that you?


Sending hugs to my favorite blood elf It’s okay dear. Some people aren’t worth your time :gift_heart:


So you agree with Treng, that Teldrassil should just be dropped? Just like that? Because everyone who shares that opinion deserves nothing.
I just want it to matter. That’s all. And i’ll carry tht wish until it’s fulfilled.

Not. I’ve already told you what I want. Feel free to ignore it I guess.

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At this point? Knowing you and your ilk will never be satisfied? Yes, we genuinely want teldrassil to go away.


Show me a single instance of the Horde players helping Tyrande with anything.

Because to me, this isn’t a Horde vs Alliance thing. As far as I am concerned, the Army of the Black Moon stands opposed to both factions.

The Horde is merely the faction that put Teldrassil and countless Kaldorei lives to the torch. And Treng wants to act like he was even sympathetic to the War of Thorns, when that is a lie. Frankly, the more humiliated he can be, the better.

As far as the Horde players who are more cordial in conversation, I have no desire to see them humiliated. I want to see justice in the narrative. From that point forward, it is all a matter on Blizzard’s ability to write it in a satisfying way.

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I have already said what would suffice. I’ll gladly retype it. And no, it doesn’t involve removing the Horde as a faction.

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No, I’m agreeing with you, hon. You said people without empathy for other players deserve no empathy, then promptly demonstrated that you have no empathy for the entire Horde player base because you’re not getting your way. Forget those Horde who have continually and staunchly called Teldrassil repugnant; they too should just get deleted. Your words.

Those are some solid pieces of advice. If you can’t be bothered to give a single crap about the other faction, then you deserve not a single crap given to you.

I mean, it clearly does matter if it’s still a thing in-game, still a thing brought up by NPCs in-game, and absolutely nothing has suggested it won’t be a thing in-game. If that really was all you wanted, you’d have no argument.

Just be honest about what you actually want; the Horde players to have to suffer more than you feel you suffered.

Gives hugs We need another BFF picnic.


If that’s how you read it, you read it wrong. But whatever.

If you had bothered to read a single word that I typed to you earlier, you would know that this is nonsense.