Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Have I said that the Tauren should? But I hope you aren’t comparing not helping someone, to murdering them wholesale.

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You’ve said the entire Horde should. Multiple times.


Well the Horde should care when it’s the Horde evoking malevolence.

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That’s what war has always been about. From the Horde’s viewpoint, the Alliance is always at the point of launching an act of extermination whenever they can feel they can get away with it. Saurfang was sold on doing this war to be pre-emptive and fight the war on the Horde’s terms.

Killing a city full of innocents is an accepted practice of American and Western warfare, whether it’s for testing weapons techniques to be used elsewhere, for “shortening a war” or to send a pre-emptive statement to one of our “allies”.

Well, it’s either that, or option b. And I have no problem with ption b myself.

Or we could just never speak of Teldrassil again.

You would be the one to suggest disenfranchising an entire fandom of this community.

Is the position of the typical Horde player really just “Blizzard should just do what I do and ignore all the bad things my faction does.”


What’s the point of the link? It’s hardly black and white. Either the Horde atones for what they did to the Night elves, or the Night elves will together with the Alliance

There is no word in any lagnuage to describe how much I despise you. Thank god you are mostly alone in having this opinion.

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That’s fantastic, except I’m not. We’re having four years of holding Teldrassil over the Horde’s head.

For the folks in the back, that’s almost half of a decade.

Its not going to stop.

Teldrassil was your fault.

Fortunately you are. Otherwise I would frankly not care whatsoever if the Horde as a playable faction was deleted overnight, and all accounts along with it. Those with no empathy deserves none in return.

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I would settle to just Treng being deleted.

I can understand the frustrations of Horde players… But Treng deserves it.

Actually, Treng should be moved to a 3rd faction that is blamed for everything that happens. And make him apologize for everything.

Especially for posting youtube videos that he probably didn’t even watch.



The Wild Gods have never in their history ever intervened in conflicts between Mortal races.

The woodland serf races bring some variety to the NE ranks, but aren’t exactly formidable foes independently. The Horde had already found a reliable counter to Ancients through Goblin Shredders back in Cata. Actually, Grommash was using Shredders against the NEs effectively back in WC3. Their age is irrelevant, as they developed their entire military around countering the Highborne and as you said “lived in relative peace for 10k years”. They also lack a competent navy, or airforce. And their artillerly is laughably outdated. Overhyped freebies.

The NEs are not, and have never been, so arbitrarily powerful that they just get to invalidate every other races’ racial strengths. Least of all forever. Outside of a tiny handful of reps. That is a fantasy created by NE players who took a few concepts and ran with them to extremes.


Actually it was the fault of the script writers who decreed the path the story should take.
As much as I was personally fond of the Tree, I was willing to accept this decision as a gateway to what could have been a heck of a storyline. Now I just see it as a missed opportunity, or an excuse to remove two unwanted player capitals from the game.

Players on either side had no choice in the matter save for the false choice given much much later to Horde players which had no impact whatsoever… even on their private story.


I mean, I agree… but it was also Trengs fault.

Should have made a separate storyline.

For good reason. With how hard they played it up it will affect the story until it is settled. And not a second later.

Neither did we. We deserve a conclusion. Catharsis, All the things you care absolutely nothing for.

Yet you want to punish Alliance players. Hyppocrite.

And you have disintigrated whatever I had left of mine for you and your ilk.

You’re missin’ the point, chap. Click the up arrow on the quotes. I’m not the only one with this opinion.

Alliance players aren’t being punished. We got the better armor sets from the warfront, a cool looking mount. (The Horde mount does have that gothic appeal) and you got the sympathetic story of reminiscent of the Alamo. (I dare you to go down to Texas and claim that the Alamo isn’t one of their great heroic moments, even if they did lose and were massacred to the last man.)

Horde players have to deal with being sold a false bill of goods, being complicit in what turned out to be sheer pointless villainy on Sylvannas’ part, and the loss of two of their leading characters for no good reason thematic wise.