Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Something just dawned on me. Did anyone on either side care about the horde druids that were murdered before Cata too? Like, I could get why the alliance wouldn’t care; not their guys. But is it at all brought up that both sides suffered from that?


The night elves were never that strong outside of their heroes, really.

In WC3 the only thing keeping the Warsong from soloing them was the Divine protection of Cenarius.

Clearly the evil horde killed their own druids because they’re just that dastardly and it’s totally not a poorly set up ruse /s


The Night Elves truly are scum. Tyrande and Malfurion couldn’t stop to aid the Tauren? Really?


As a player who latched onto the Tauren as a young teen in classic, the weird disdain the night elves have always had for the Tauren despite “totally being friends and allies” pre-WC3 has always been weird.


I mean, warcraft 3, they were a faction all on their own. They were seriously depowered for the sake of game balance in WoW.

The Warsong needed demon blood to fight them, and even then, when Thrall came to deal with him, Grom was held up in some Canyon to the south.

It is worth noting that in Tarren Gregory’s Tdies of Vengence interview, he heavily implied that the Horde’s main experience fighting the night elves was against civilian lead militias. Which is why the Army of the Black Moon is such a big deal, because it’s really the first time we have seen a mobilized effort from the Kaldorei military.

Carine seemed to think this was the case.

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There were still quite a few people in the city when the Bomb went off. And given what happened to the survivors captured by Garrosh’s troops, they might have been the lucky ones.


What disdain? They taught them druidism and seem to have had okay relations. Atleast until Teldrassil burned up.

You do remember what happened in stonetalon right?


They also sat by while the Centaur were driving them to extinction. Thrall’s Horde is credited with literally saving their race.


Because they had isolated themselves in their lands. They most likely didn’t know what was goin on outside. Nor did they have a responsibility to be everyone’s helper.

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Add that to the long list of Crimes committed by the Horde.

“Oh hey, you’re being killed by an unending swarm of centaur who only exist because one of our beloved wild gods made an oopsy-poopsy? Well good luck with that, we will not be assisting at all”

Even Garrosh was appalled at that, and yeeted the perpetrator.

Just going to point out again.

Horde players believe Blizzard disproportionately villainizes them. Yet here they are, arguing all the villainous deeds the Horde has done.


Because they did not know. They had isolated themselves in their lands, prefering to keep to themselves. And they had no obligation to leave this isolation.

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No, Aki, they seriously weren’t. The idea that the NEs alone should be able to solo even the Kalimdor Horde into perpetuity is based off a single quote from Grommash taken somewhat out of context … and RTS mechanics. Outside of a few of their demigod reps, the NEs have NEVER been portrayed as powerful as many of their players seem to expect. The WotA doesn’t support the idea they are that strong. The WotSS doesn’t. The WotS doesn’t.

Even in WC3, while they were portrayed as “Formidable”, but they weren’t “Overwhelming”. The Warsong Clan alone managed to hold their own and fend off the NEs, despite: Being ambushed; never facing the NEs before; never facing their tactics before; and being locked in the NEs favored terrain. This is not to say that the NEs were weak, but it was only once Cenarius intervened that the Orcs under Grommash were overwhelmed. Which is fairly par for the course tbh.

Then you move into the obvious. If I were to throw one descriptive word at the NE military, it would be “stagnant”. Largely for cultural reasons. If I were to throw one at the Horde military, it would be “adaptive”. Up until the Night Warrior the NEs hadn’t done a single thing to actually maintain their once military edge on Kalimdor, while the Horde has grown explosively. Even IF they were as powerful in WC3 as you seem to think they were, that does not translate into that strength being maintained eternally. And the belief that it should largely comes from the fact that the NE Racial Fantasy is the only one of the PC races that revolves a healthy dose of “maintaining and returning to the status quo”. Because they shouldn’t be expected to change, no one else can.


They had a World Police Force in the Wardens who were constantly abreast of information. It was either incompetence or indifference.


Also a direct line of communications with the Tauren druids in the CC.

If said druids weren’t showing up to moonglade on account of them being dead or preoccupied with not dying, that seems like something someone should have checked on.


No… it is based on the idea that the Night Elves had lived for a few thousands years of relative peace (Since the War of the Shifting Sands). The idea that the are supported by Ancients, Wild Gods, and various woodland denizens of Northern Kalimdor.


The Horde which was made up of a few nearly extinct races. Orcs who just freed themselves from internment camps, Trolls who’s ancestral islands had sunk into the ocean, and Tauren who were being hunted to extinction by the Centaur.

The Warsong needed to drink demon blood to survive the encounter, and no, that has little to do with Cenarius. Cenarius merely rallied the Night Elves, but if you play that level, he actually doesn’t even do anything.

The Kaldorei wipes out several Alliance and Horde operations in Ashenvale before joining forces with them.

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That doesn’t wash when they had strongholds all the way down to Feralas.


The Kaldorei knew what was going on with the scourge another continent away, but didn’t know what was happening to the Tauren? You don’t honestly believe that do you?

Lets face it, the Kaldorei left the Tauren to die and didn’t care one bit about their supposed allies.


That means also that the Tauren have no obligation to give two farts about what happened to them either. Indifference goes both ways.