Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

We can’t even say with any certainty that ANYONE in the Horde felt remorse for Teldrassil. Saurfang made ZERO indication that the lives of the Kaldorei were important to him. His first and primary concern was the future of the Horde, and the Tactical blunder that was Teldrassil’s burning.

Baine only ever showed remorse for Jaina and Derek, never any night elf.


Damn. When did she do that?

Was it in Mop when she was continuing to murder blood elves?

Was in in Draenor when she outright threatened the horde PC that she’d kill them if not for Khadghar being there?

Was it in Legion when she quit on the effort to fight the burning legion over the Horde being allowed to help?

Was it in BFA when she pontificated over her father being right to hunt down and attempt to genocide refugees?

When exactly has she been apologetic?

I was refering to Jaina feeling remorse over almost flushing out Orgrimmar. While Sylvanas have never felt regret in her life, or death for that matter.

Also, who cares if Jaina was ever remorseful or not? The Horde slaughtered her friends and people when she was literally the only member of the Alliance that ever vouched for them.

Jaina was pushed to a point that would have broken all of us, the Horde needed no such push.


Jaina threw a genocidal fit because the Horde had the temerity to attack her after she attacked first. It was ok for her troops to kill taurens in the barrens and plan on razing towns in Durotar, but striking her back? Monstrous.

She’s a massive hypocrite, but in being so, is the perfect representation for the Allaince.

Ten seconds after attempting it. She was horrified at what she had almost done.

After what the Horde did to her, how can you blame her? The Horde betrayed her, and destroyed her city. I’m actually quite surprised she let go of her anger so easily. But I am glad she has returned to a more pre-mop personality.

They did not betray her.

She and her troops cut a bloody swath through the barrens, destroying at least two towns, long before Theramore was hit. Theramore was sending troops to attack the horde since Classic.

And even then. Baine warned her of the attack. She could have evacuated and let the Horde have the town, and not lost a single soul. Baine gave her people infinitely more consideration than she gave his.

Hardly a betrayal


The Horde owes it’s existance to Jaina, something not often brought up by Horde posters. If she had not killed her Father, and helped the Horde against her own countrymen, there would not be a Horde today. For that sacrifice, her reward from them was her city destroyed and her people murdered.

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Theramore is odd thing some use as justification for this mystical horde betrayal. While also forgetting the alliance were building a new military base/sea port near dark spear troll territory.

(You’re tasked with attempting with trying to stop the alliance from getting supplies to the new base as a low level troll)

On top of you know, using theramore as you said, to attack all across the barrens, but you know, the horde just had to dare to attack those perfect humans and their human potential and a very valid military target.

But than the alliance does a surprise pikachu face and is like Why j00 do dat for?


The night elves owe the horde for Hyjal, something not often brought up by Alliance posters.

Everyone owes Thrall for Cata, something not often brought up by Alliance posters.

It’s almost as if both sides have helped eachother repeatedly…


Maybe don’t use your city as a MILITARY staging ground to send troops and supplies into the Barrens, assault horde troops and than do a suprise pikachu face when the other side has had enough.

You can’t have it both ways, constantly blame the horde but sweep or ignore alliance crimes that led to said retaliation/action to begin with.


Yup. You stop their plans to Raze Org/Sen’jin/Razor hill to the ground (realistically they had no chance, but they were planning it). But, again, it’s only ever wrong when the Horde goes after Alliance, not the other way around.


What the hell do you think our entire dead cast is?
You’re the ones in character death debt, not us.

To huln, perhaps. And he wasn’t part of the Horde. And the Alliance didn’t shoot him in the back.

But Thrall didn’t have the Alliance destroy Orgrimmar, did they?

And one side has hurt the other far, far more than the other. And for Whatever reason, you think that the Horde can ask for retribution.

And who started the conflict? It wasn’t the Alliance, stop kidding yourselves. It was the horde escalating things as Allways.

If you continue to inject your headcannon into this discussion then i’m done. It’s incredibly disrespectful.

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You literally steal and burn the plans to raze those three towns. At least do the quests before you claim something is headcannon


Posting literal, actual in-game quest objectives is now headcanon?


Not true, in Tides of War, it was made very clear that the Horde’s attack on Northwatch was unexpected. You can read about it in detail in Tides of War, I think chapter 8? Chapter 9 for Jaina’s response to the attack on Northwatch (Perth Stormhoof warning Jaina of the attack).

Hell, Jaina had thought the war was over, she thought there was going to be a period of healing before the attack. Saying Garrosh’s conquest of Theramore was a retaliation is wishful thinking of Horde players who, yet again, want to complain about the Horde being overvillainized, yet want to debate that their villainy is even villainy.

Which is it? Was Garrosh a genocidal brute? Or wasn’t he?


Damn, Jaina didn’t get away scot free for murdering all those civilians. I feel so bad for her, being blindsided by consequences for her actions like that.


What civilians?

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Fine, i’d forgotten about that quest. But you do understand there’s a difference between Theramor, and Northwatch? The whole army at durotar was Northwatch, sent by the Alliance. Theramore had nothing to do with it.
And I might add, those plans were created because of Horde agresssion. Disproportinate? Sure. But the Alliance didn’t start it.