Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Jaina had to be physically stopped by Thrall and a dragon aspect from genociding nearly all the orcs and trolls in durotar because like 3 people died in Theramore, but feel free to keep being a prick about your supposed moral superiority~

edit: Seriously, for as much as some blueside posters want to demand retribution for Teldrassil, y’all seem to go into insane contortions to defend the Alliance doing similar things that should require similar resolution.

You don’t even remember their names!


I forged a very deep and emotional bond with the general goods merchant in Dolanaar, you can’t prove I didn’t!

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Wait so… it didn’t happen.


You ask for resolution for acts that happened during a war in which the Horde did much, much worse themselves and already got scot free.


The Shoulders Off For Saurfang movement was so huge that Blizzard informed us that they took notice. Your percentage is wrong.

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Alliance “morality”, everyone.

You can attempt to murder thousands of people, and even be shown to be getting a thrill off the thought of killing the children, but that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person because you were stopped!

Name 1 person who died in Theramore besides Rhonin (who was a dirty mary sue and deserved to eat a mana bomb), and Jaina’s apprentice (who was a dirty gnome and deserved to eat a mana bomb).

Again, you’re arbitrarily setting a line for why you deserve retribution but other’s don’t. It’s a selfish horrible mindset.

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Let’s see. Attempt and eventually see reason after getting your city literally nuked VS actually committing genocide.

General Tiras’alan, the Shattered Sun commander. Marcus Jonathan who was literally the commander of Stormwind’s defense. Hundreds of other people.

No, I’m saying that since the Alliance got 0 retribution for Cataclysm/MoP-era Horde atrocities, it would be incredibly silly for you to ask retribution for the much lesser crimes of the Alliance in the same time period.


It boils down to Those savages deserve everything coming to them, damn the horde player base. Just don’t ask us pearly white soft as snow alliance to answer for our crimes against the horde

And people wonder why my disdain for the alliance is through the roof.


Remember that it’s not “Jaina wanted to launch the wave but didn’t.” It is Jaina launched the wave twice, which was stopped, and was talked down from a third one.


Way to distort what I’m saying and try to spin it as some kind of racist tirade when I’m talking about the scale of the atrocities committed. This board sucks so much nowadays.


But shes willy willy sowwy for doing that and the purge, even though she’s never actually apologized or shown contriteness even once, so it’d be unfair to hold her to 1/100th of the standard that people want to hold the horde to.


I’m not going to argue about who is right or wrong here.

Or intention vs managing to do something vs trying to do something and failing.

But the argument of the loss of X or Y city being meaningless because no known character was there is just annoying.

Its a story, no character is real, but as far as the setting and the story portrays, it was a disaster.

Comparing directly two recent events. Teldrassil and Lordaeron.

Teldrassil: The surrender already happened at the time it was burned down, the war was already won by the Horde and they had the Alliance in their hand. So, it was, in lore, in the story of the game, an act of pure cruelty, that actually was bad for the Horde that would have a bargaining tool against the Alliance if they kept the Kaldorei that didn’t manage to leave in time. The advantage that the Horde could have, was lost because of actions inside the Horde itself.

Lordaeron: Every civilian had already left the city before the Alliance arrived, meaning the only people there were the military, Sylvanas used unpredicted tactics and Blight traps that diminished Alliance forces in a strong way, and almost finished the war itself.

In general: Alliance lost their biggest land on Kalimdor, and Horde lost their biggest land on the Eastern Kingdoms.

But Teldrassil is considered a major victory for the Horde, that themselves screwed up their final victory and Lordaeron is considered as the Horde denying this piece of meaningful victory to the Alliance.


The alliance was at the door when the evacuation was still happening. The start of the Loraedon scenario actually has you rescuing civillians from SI:7 rogues who are trying to kill them.

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The start of the Scenario was the players going up to defend the city, but are intercepted by Night Elf infiltrators. The civilians had already been evacuated.

Again, it is funny to me how Horde players complain about Blizzard always making them the baddies, but will argue at every turn that the Horde is ever in the wrong.


You are outright lying or just never played it. You free civillians like the profession trainers and cockroach vendor from attack. It’s the first thing you do.

It’s crap like this why I can’t respect the alliance stans who have to lie to try to fluff up their faction when Blizzard is already catering to them.

nobody is saying that the horde doesn’t ever do bad things

nobody is saying Teldrassil wasn’t an atrocity

You are literally just accusing people of doing your schtick and hoping nobody calls you out.

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The reason blue side posters disagree is simply because you are comparing a mountain to an ant mound.
But fine. The Horde can have it’s retribution, assuming the Alliance get’s revenge for ALL the Horde has done, not just Teldrassil. Whatever pieces of the Horde that manages to scrape itself off the floor after that can take a swing.


I don’t even like the Alliance. I find the generic human homogenization of the faction gross and boring. So don’t act like you know me.

I have done the scenario multiple times, the first thing you do is kill Night Elf druids who infiltrated UC. I remember this clearly because I was angry that anytime Blizzard wanted Horde canon fodder, they picked out Night Elves.

There are a few people saying that.

Point is, you can’t have your cake and eat it too… Either Blizzard is disproportionately villainizing the Horde, or they aren’t.


Someone angry that blizzard is overly villain-batting the horde is making the exact opposite argument as "The horde never does anything wrong.

Jaina and Sylvanas both tried to massacre large metropolitan populations.

Only Sylvanas will ever experience any consequences for her actions, and that’s not enough for you.

But mention Jaina/Genn or any of the other brutal alliance members who’ve committed warcrimes and Alliance stans can’t help but scream about it being unfair to expect even 1/100th of the retribution they themselves demand.

Hell, mention Tyrande’s repeat unprovoked assaults of the Horde races and suddenly she can do whatever she wants to whoever she wants. Double standards everywhere.

And yet, get butt hurt when anyone brings up the wrong things the Horde does, and argues against it or deflects to some less substantial Alliance equivalent, is my point.

I know it sucks, but at least pick a lane and stay there.


Only one succeded. And only one has ever felt remorse for it. That is the massive difference you simply seem unable to comprehend.

Oh no, I’ll gladly allow the Horde proportionate retribution, as long as the Alliance get’s the same. The Alliance loses Jaina, while the Horde loses their entire military, the royal apothecary society, the warsong clan, and a large chunk of the Forsaken. Seems like a good deal.

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