Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

I am curious when people say this, legitimately. Do you mean in Dalaran? Because didn’t Blizzard come out and say that Jaina killing people was a bug? She only teleports people to jail (which is morally grey at best considering many, if not all, likely were innocent), but that’s a far cry from murdering civilians.

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Do you have a source? I’ve certainly never heard that.
And given BFA’s fight, I don’t believe it’s true.

Let me see if I can find it. I remember it was like a dev answering the question on Twitter or something. They said there was a bug where Jaina kills civilians when she was supposed to just teleport them away to prison.

The irony in all this, of course, was that the Cata war explicitly started due to the Twilight’s hammer, not the horde. Tyrande chose to rip up the peace accords between the horde and alliance.

There was a old tweet about how Jaina killing civilians was unintended. But I think it was a case of someone speaking about stuff they weren’t privy about

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This thread is hilarious.

Horde : BLIZZ stop making us villains!

Also Horde : All of our villainous actions are justified.


And the Horde took it as an excuse to go whole hog and conquer Kalimdor. They were jumping at the chance.

I’m counting her culpability in the Alliance’s misadventures in the barrens and the purge that she ordered.

I get that the devs acknowledged that Jaina machinegunning civillians down left and right during the initial purge was a bug, but she still gave the orders that ended in many, many dead, even if you take their statement to mean she personally killed nobody during the purge (which we know isn’t the case becasue she casually offs a dude in a scripted scene).


“Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer?”
“You will watch your friends die, just as I did!”
Regardless of what they may or may not have said on twitter one billionty years ago, it is now canon. She is a murderer.


Jaina did not kill civilians in Dalaran, she was forced to fight those who violent took up arms against her. You can call that Tyrannical, and that would be fair, but this faction was also being accused of treason at the time.

Next, Theramore did not kill Civilians in Durotar. A Troll quest giver said they had plans to, but there is no evidence of this. Textbook unreliable narrator.

That same quest is named “The War of Northwatch Aggression” which is a refrence to “The War of Northern Aggression”. This makes sense, as “The War of Northern Aggression” is a common name for the civil war used by Confederacy apologists who want to downplay the South’s horrendous deeds. Much like the Horde and the players who play the faction.

Again, pick a lane. It is either the Horde is disproportionately villainized, or their actions are justified. You can’t have both.


They were literally starving to death because the Shattering finished off the job Daelin proudmoore started by defoliating Durotar. Even garrosh was painted as basically being forced into going to war just because it was better than laying down and dying.

All the Night elves would have had to do would be to honor their own treaties with the Horde, and none of this would have happened. Tyrande got baited into doing stupid and self destructive, because that’s a low key character trait of hers at this point.

Meanwhile, if you want to talk about “Jumping at the chance”, Jaina, the “peacelover” chose to pave a bloody swath through the horde’s heartlands to help the night elves rather than… using their large naval capacity to just swing around and directly reenforce the night elf lands?

“Give us food or else we will continue to raid your sacred forests like we have been doing the last eight years.”

Sounds a lot like extortion.

“Go back to sleep and starve.”


Honest question. Do you agree that both sides committed crimes against the other that lead to one side using desperate tactics to secure their lively hood?

The Night elves never should’ve left ashenvale so lightly defended if a small clan was able to be problematic for eight years.

“Give us food, as is our treaty that we worked out beforehand to prevent war, and we will trade our materials to you, as was previously worked out diplomatically”


Absolutely. Neither side has clean hands.

Both have started conflicts that made sense narratively, both sides have started conflicts that made no real sense.

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“We do not negotiate with terrorists”


And who saved them from Daelin in the first place? The one they turned their blades upon. The one who gave everything for the Horde to exist.

That is a poor excuse for invading Ashenvale and butchering the Night elves living there, and you know it. They could have asked the Cenarion circle for aid, for their help in restoring their lands. Instead, they decided to do as they allways do, take from others. Tyrande had no obligation to help the Horde. They had never lifted a finger for her or her people, ever since they met. Then why should she? What you’re describing is protection money. Give us what we want, or bad things will happen.

[quote=“Waygs-bleeding-hollow, post:618, topic:761649”]
Jaina, the “peacelover” chose to pave a bloody swath through the horde’s heartlands to help the night elves

Because of the Horde’s aformentioned invasion of their lands, and the killing of their people.

How exactly would that help the Night elves push the Horde out of Ashenvale? Bombard the entire forest until everything was dead? Not to mention they would have to swing around the entire continent. The logistics alone would be impossible.

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“We have already negotiated with you and if you expect to get what we already promised you, we will label you a terrorist”


It’s a gameplay abstraction but ships seem relatively fast. Transport them to Darkshore and march to the front.

Those troops would be better served pushing horde out of Ashenvale rather than being stalled beause they got stuck in a quagmire because they spent too much time slaughtering civillians.

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The treaties became null and void the moment the Horde continued aggression. Yes, the Twilight’s Hammer framed the Horde, but the Alliance had no way of knowing that.

Believing the Horde continued their aggressions in Ashenvale (Which had been going on for years before), you cannot possibly blame them nullifying their treaties.

And the Horde’s willingness to turn to violence again (Not just to the Alliance, but to eachother, aka Carine and Vol’jinn), no one should of had any reason to believe they didn’t do what the Twilight’s Hammer framed them for.

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