Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Tyrande as the Night Warrior just hasn’t really been an effective enough plot point in my opinion. I don’t feel any more strongly, or less strongly about her.

She became the Night Warrior, and we haven’t really seen enough of an impact from that. Night Elves got black eyes as a customization option, but they struggled to reclaim Darkshore despite the Night Warrior being a cosmic-level power up. Most of the Night Warrior’s accomplishments seem to happen off screen.

Show, don’t tell.

It’s not like Tyrande marched on Orgrimmar and started nuking the place with Night Warrior power. Even now she’s supposedly running amok in the Maw or Torghast, but do we see this? No. It’s just taken for granted.

And this doesn’t even carry over to other Night Elves all that much. If the Night Warrior had, for example, been the reason Night Elves got a Paladin class, that their Paladin is basically Night Warrior and they all share in a tiny fraction of Tyrande’s power, that would’ve had more lasting presence and significance.

Right now the Night Warrior feels like a failed plot to try to hold players emotionally hostage for Tyrande’s safety, when I don’t think she’s anywhere near popular enough for that to happen.


Isn’t this a case of becoming what you hate though.

I don’t really care about Tyrande, but the Night Warrior is opening up an entirely new mystery that promises to blossom into an incredible amount of new cosmic lore. The Night Warrior powers are creepy and unexplained, and the power seems to grow over time exponentially. She starts out not so strong, but where does her power cap out? Infinity?

The Night Warrior is a tiny hook that leads to possible First Ones lore. It begs the question of why Elune, if she is a First One, is so incredibly active in mortal life compared to the others. The Night Warrior hints at huge unexplained things under the surface.

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It has potential and I am one of the more diehard Tyrande lovers when it comes to topics like this, but even having that said I do feel like there is still far too much untapped potential with this type of story and unfortunately to me it looks far too much like the same story tropes we’re used to seeing happen to Alliance characters who are given a vengeful streak.

The way I see it I would not be surprised if she gets pacified and go from warmonger to peacemonger, just as what happened to Varian, Jaina, and to some extent Genn. Considering it started with Varian I like to coin the phrase “Musical Varians” as it seems to be a common trope for the Alliance that has been far too player out at this point that it’s derivative now.

At the moment, failure. She’s barely done anything but and all we hear is how the power is consuming her blah, blah, blah. Sure Nathanos getting murdered was neat but the night warrior was hardly needed for that. I’d like to see her do something with the power that makes it worth destroying yourself.


It freaking sucks, it wasnt needed at all, its an excuse they put and i bet they will be going on the angle of “forgive the horde or die because of your power”.

The initial presentation of the night warrior is beyond horrible, its so horrible it had to be changed on the PTR, then another time after release.

Nathanos shouldve died there, then rezzed by a valkyrie, there was no need to rise the night elves as undead (breaking the lore btw), it was gratuitous mustache twirling and it was unneeded.

i havent seen the current version however… yea you cant make a second first impression.

its just so badly done it ruined any impact the night warrior was supposed to have, truly an unneeded power up.

Its more like only wanting to look at the worst of our faction ignoring everything else, thats tribalism at work.

i mean why would you look in a post if you’re going to get incensed?

because you want to be.


The Night Warrior stuff didn’t ruin Tyrande for me, so much as it highlighted a return of Blizzard’s worst trope; feigning character development by making them overpowered. We saw it with Thrall, we saw it with Jaina, we’ve been seeing it with Sylvanas, and now we’re seeing it with Tyrande. At least with Tyrande there’s a story to go with it.


Tyrande has never been a credible threat to me. All I see is a glorified moonwell inspector surrounded by sycophants. They would have been better served having the Night warrior be someone like Maiev, even an unnamed character to take on the role who could better embody the nature of the nightwarrior without the baggage Tyrande brings.


We didn’t have a choice in the matter either. Would you really prefer if they simply dropped the entire thing, leaving Alliance players with absolutely nothing? No justice, no vengeance, nothing. Oh who am I kidding. Of course you would prefer that.


Tyrande is by far my favorite character. I don’t really like what they’ve done with the Night Warrior subject. We’ve barely seen anything from it and nothing she was already capable of doing. Everything so far has been disappointing but there’s still hope they can have this whole thing turn out to be something good and worth of all we’ve had to endure.
All I’m hoping is for Tyrande to stay alive and for Elune to not be turned into something that might crush Night Elf lore.


Maiev is one of my favorite characters. But she is already vengeance powered. The twist works better with Tyrande since she is normally the caring one.

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Still pretending you had any sympathy to begin with, I see.


This is actually one of the best points in this thread. This is a problem with Blizzard’s current writing, if something has to happen in the story it needs to be one of the racial leaders. Why? Why not have Delaryn Summermoon survive the pre-patch, since they introduced her and I thought she was a great character I fell in love with her in pre-patch. To me that is how you introduce new characters and build them up.

But anyways, have Delaryn be apart of War of Thorns and seeing her home get destroyed and Sylvanas burn down Teldrassil, that forces Delaryn to turn to old, forgotten rituals of the Kaldorei. She becomes the Night Warrior and is running amuck killing everything in her path while Tyrande and Malfurion work from the sidelines with the rest of the Kaldorei to reclaim Darkshore.

That would have been more interesting. Or hell even having Sira become the Night Warrior.


It came from BFA. It automatically failed.

Become what I hate? I dunno, I think most of us here would jump at the chance to become the Head Writer for WoW.


I don’t want to be the head writer, but I would love to be a writer that specifically handles any worgen lore because Blizzard right now is just neutering them.

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Night Warrior Tyrande existed to slaughter Horde and give us a massive victory in Darkshore. It felt good at first but considering how she’s been relevant almost everywhere since, it gets boring.

The plot needs to move on from the Night Elves and focus on more interesting races. So I’d say it was a failure.

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My first decision as the Lead Writer would be to make Ji warchief.


I’m a big fan of her back and shoulder development. Big yummy.

Oh. This is about night warrior? The entire story is an expanded last attempt spitball thrown together to make up for the dumpster fire that was BoT and the entire abortion of an expansion story.


Well that most certainly didn’t work.


Some people can’t be satisfied with watching Tyrande solo Horde bases. We call these people “impossible to be pleased.”