Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

And only you can see no difference between the two…


Highborne renamed their capital to Zin Azshari because they loved Azshara.

Azshara later renamed it to Azshara because she is full of herself.

Source: WOTA books.

She tried to flood orgrimmar in retaliation to the bombing of Theramore, before that she always tried to make the Horde and Alliance to stop fighting.

Does that mean she was right? No. But she had her reasons. And the Horde is more than justified in hating her for that attempt.

But here is the thing, you stab me, and i get scarred, and i go after you, ready to break your spine and make you never walk again, someone talks me out of it as i am about to do it. You can still hate me for trying to do that, in the same way i can still hate you for the stab.


?? Source?
I think you wrote the opposite.

Are you drunk? I literally just told you the difference in the two.

Well of Eternity, I remember she either decided to rename or renamed it because she really thought herself to be the best thing ever.

That was Elune something.

Or it was Azshara changed to Zin-Azshari.

Even then, by design Theramore was gonna be empty of civillian life when it got bombed.

She could have popped everyone away and not lost a soul but she was arrogant enough to think she should and could defend it against the horde that was rightfully angry about Theramore troops committing or aiding in atrocities against the people of the Horde.

if she’s willing to commit genocide because she’s mad that Theramore got what was coming to it, then she is, in laymens terms, not a good person.


I mean, the book, well of eternity, the first one of the WOTA trilogy.

The capital had a name in reference to elune, and then was renamed to Zin Azshari, but it is described how Azshara thought that it wasn’t enough, and that the name would be simply Azshara

Im drunk, and I still know your difference ignores the meaning behind the change.


But it was never changed in the book?

Not sure now, just assuming it was, because of the name of the Zone.

The bombing of Theramore was in response to a largescale military invasion of Durotar and the Barrens by Theramore that broke a peace treaty and threatened Orgrimmar itself. Jaina can be mad about the retaliation, but it makes her a hypocrite, not the peacenik she pretends to be.

An important factor people like to leave out is that Jaina wasn’t ready to launch the wave. She launched it. Others stopped it, not her.




Like i said. Horde is justified in hating Jaina because of that. In their eyes, she is the villain here.
Same for purge of Dalaran.
Same for Dazar’alor.


No, she is a villain. She is evil. She attempted genocide twice.


Apparently not. Which is kind of the issue.


What issue?

Saying someone has a motive for something doesn’t excuse said actions.


The issue that they aren’t allowed to hate her for those things.


And this was in turn because Garrosh wanted to conquer the entirety of Kalimdor, starting with a renewed offense in Ashenvale. In response, Theramore reached out to the Kaldorei and started to supply the Alliance bases in the southern barrens. It was the Horde who were the agressors. It’s all on the wiki.


We need to go back to how bad the nightwarrior sucks and how it will have as much relevance as a wet fart.