Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Even if his statement was true (it’s not!), it’s still an abominally evil act that Jaina never repented for, and we as horde players had to rescue her from her entirely deserved imprisonment in wow hell. It sux.


That she also never did. Did you forget the little detail that she changed her mind, and regretted her attempt about 10 seconds later?


Top kek. You think Orgrimmar had a larger population than Teldrassil? One city, compared to a landmass?

And guess what they also dropped? Southshore, Theramore, Gilneas. Each had more people in them than Taurajo. And each of them have remained unanswered. And now we have yet another, except this one was worse, a lot worse. And maybe, if we’re lucky, they will actually not drop this one, like they dropped the rest.


Jaina: Wants to flood Org, but doesn’t.

Sylvanas: Wants to start a war that Saurfang agrees to, and burn down Teldrassil knowing it sends all those souls to super hell AND DOES IT.

And then I the Alliance player had to work with Saurfang and make him out to be a hero when he was perfectly okay with attacking the Night Elves and killing them and was complicit in the genocide of the Night Elves. AND took part of the genocide of the Draenei. Take a seat man.


Was literally in the act while two massively powerful characters stop her from doing so.


According to the RPG, Azshara was named by night elves after the Sundering in order to remember their dead queen- once glorious, now ruined, just like the zone itself. It was not named to glorify a past conqueror or tyrant.

Intention often matters- Germany still retains a lot of its monuments and memorials in museums so that memory is not erased. Colonizers like Great Britain tried to erase the memory of their crimes by removing all traces of a genocidal colonial past from their history books. But there are other ways to retain memory without glorifying said aspects and Germany is a good example- in particular their N*zi memorials.


And yet she didn’t. If we count attempted genocides as genocides, then the Horde’s list would be long indeed.


“She only TRIED to kill hundreds of thousands, taking specific relish in the thought of children dying, she’s not evil, because she was stopped!”


The RPG isn’t canon.

Alliance players are funny hypocrites sometimes.

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Not saying that. I’m saying by your logic, the Horde has done far, far worse, that have not been answered for. You’re nothing but a hyppocrite, trying to deflect blame.


She was able to be talked down though. Sylvanas and the Horde have actually COMMITTED genocide. Like Jaina is no saint, but to put her on the same level is laughable.


Jaina tried to destroy Orgrimmar by herself after feeling betrayal and anger towards the Horde.

The horde simply complied to their leader when she decided to Burn a whole big tree that was a nation’s capital.


Closest we have to a source for it. But you’d choose speculation as usual to favor your stance.

Look in the mirror, blue avatar dude.


Speculation over something that isn’t canon?

Your speculation is so far off from what we know about current night elves that the RPG speculation is closer. But both your speculation and the RPG speculation are non- canon.
It’s all or nothing buddy.


According to you. Your speculation is that “it’s to remind people that Azshara sucks” but I don’t believe for one iota of an instant that Azshara didn’t named Azshara after herself.

There’s tons of things named after her.

Azshara as a zone didn’t exist before the Sundering. You’re wrong. It was part of Zin-Azshari.

Edit: it makes even more sense for night elves to name it after the Sundering and change it from "Glory of Azshara " to simply “Azshara”, a desolate ruin of the capital.


I can’t believe the Horde would betray her by checks notes defending themselves in a war that she started. That definitely makes her actions more reasonable.

I don’t get why people imagine that if you fire a gun and the gun jams, you’re a better person than if it hadn’t jammed. The results are different, but you still took the action fully intending for the person to die.



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A 5 year old can tell the difference.


Yes. Fewer letters, added an A. Still sharing the same nomenclature which the night elves held up instead of tearing down.