Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

I wish. This nelf detritus is going to be forced down our throats for the next ten years.

“They retconned Cataclysm nearly a decade later to retroactively put all the blame on Garrosh and remove all nuance from the setting” is not the strong defense you think it is. Yeah, they do that often, I don’t care to play along.


Do you know this, or are you merely assuming?

I know it. The original quests from Cata that explain this still exist, and the thing you’re reference is from Chronicles Vol. 3, 8 years after the fact.


Fair. I guess it was to fit more with how Garrosh was depicted in mop. He wasn’t exactly shown to be someone who waits for others to make a move.

Those arrogant Americans shouldn’t have thought about defending their home when those towers got knocked down, the terrorists are rightfully angry that they don’t worship the same religion that they do, what bad people for retaliating.

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What are you even talking about?

I’m saying it’s ridiculous to think that someone should just let their enemies destroy their home, and also how someone should be thought badly of for retaliating.


I know this isn’t really the place for this but if that’s what those wars were about I have bad news for you.

You just described why Theramore was justified though. The problem with Jaina was not that she retaliated, but that she escalated the war from “destruction of military bases where civilian casualties occurred but were not the main objective” to “fullscale genocide with explicit acknowledgement of child death”.

Luckily for Azeroth, everybody forgot 5 seconds later.


Thereamore struck first. They’ve been attacking the horde since Vanilla and invaded the barrens and killed civillians because the night elves were too stupid to realize they were being duped by the Twilight’s hammer.

They weren’t a neutral town that got attacked, they were a vicious imperialist fort that was responsible for wiping civilian towns off the map long before they got hit back.


Theramore being destroyed was justified but people shouldn’t be surprised that Jaina retaliated. Her home got destroyed so she was going to destroy theirs.


This… actually is a sore subject because it was addressed in the RPG, then decanonized.

Azshara WAS renamed… To Azshara, originally being part of Zin-Azshari. This is… likely no longer true, or the Sundering moved Kalimdor waaay further than intended, but this was always the lore of the zone.

Because it was so reminiscent of the Sundering and had the remains of the once greatest city in NE history, on top of being considered fairly cursed, with demons, naga, sea giants, and other nasty nasties, it took on the name Azshara.

Not out of adulation. Out of Condemnation.

“This zone is bad, like the evil queen who ruined it. Lets do some blame and shame”.

Of course, the real shame is, they pulled so much from the RPG for BFA, and all the rest is gone


Wasn’t it a preemptive strike because Garrosh wanted to invade Ashenvale again? He knew that Theramore would be used to interfere.


It’s murky but the timeframe is roughly like this as far as I can remember:

Twilights hammer kills a bunch of druids, blames it on horde

Tyrande rips up the treaties she had with the Horde, which destroys the Horde’s backup source of food and wood (as the shattering is happening and half of Durotar is under water, and starts skirmishes with the orcs.

Garrosh takes this to be a failure of the diplomatic approach, tells the elves to screw off, and Cairne dies, yadda yadda yada.

The Warsong start harvesting Ashenvale again

The alliance starts cutting a bloody swath through the Barrens, rather than just swinging their troops around to ashenvale and reinforcing the night elves directly.


I was talking about Maiev. Maybe I misunderstood. Regardless, I think Maiev is a far better pick for a Kaldorei racial leader, imo.

Are we even sure they every stopped harvesting Ashenvale? I was under the impression that the Warsong’s lumbering operations were actions taken by fringe actors not approved by Thrall.


Welcome to the NitPick Forum.

Now it’s more like High Warrior Monk. :slight_smile:

It’s an interesting paralell Uther was the First Paladin. A group of priests trained for war.

If I’m not mistaken the original Wardens had a simmilar origin which makes Maiev, the Night Elf Uther.

Yes. The deal was for Ashenvale to be left alone in exchange for the night elves not contesting Azshara and trading food/wood with the orcs so there wasn’t an incentive for the orcs to come back.

Then Tyrande cuts off trading food when the orcs are dealing with a famine caused by the cataclysm, Garrosh determines that Thrall’s diplomatic approach was a failure and whooooooops, we’re back at war, because Garrosh would rather punch an elf than let his people starve!


Hard to argue with a lack of results.


I mean, trading with the night elves is a really good idea for both sides! Trading partners usually don’t go to war, and all that.

The problem being that if the night elves are going to yoink the whole deal away the second you actually need those supplies to live… well… we saw how it all panned out.