Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

While we never see the HQ, the Gnomes have at least TWO covert operations forces: Gnomeregan Covert Ops and the Gnomish Elite Aerial Rangers. I believe Stormwind, Darnassus, Gnomeregan, Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Silvermoon are the player factions with major covert surveillance organizations.

Funny you get so worked up over this yet the room goes quiet when you remember the forsaken story has dropped off the face of the planet and their leader turned into a villain.

But yea let’s cater to the night elf fan base because they are the only victims here

Nowhere did I say it was a good conclusion. If a ship is sinking you jump off, you don’t try to patch it up with bondo and call it good.

You guys need to go outside and breath the air


…this is a game. I play alliance as well. You’re acting like I insulted your way of life. Get a grip dude.

Case and point why I don’t even bother trying to reason with you. You a see a red avatar with a different opinion and you plug your ears and get defensive. And you expect me to have empathy for you? I don’t have any to spare for toxic saps


Shandris? When?

Looks like my opinion struck a nerve.

No, but how can you expext me to take you seriously when you don’t even understand the difference between the two sides regarding Teldrassil? Tell me, how exactly would ignoring and forgetting about it help us? I can’t think of any positives.


::He would look at Azshara’s name not changing in ten thousand years.::
Tell me more.


I know this is probably pointless. But eh, it’s a slow night at work.

Yeah, they didn’t bother to change the name that already existed (probably because they generally regarded the place as cursed and haunted).

That’s considerably different from naming new places for Horde figures after their genocidal rampage across two planets.


Even the US is changing monuments to racists.


So you’re saying he’s wrong because your headcanon contradicts it?

Still better than kramering onto an inhabited planet, taking up all the choice real-estate, and then naming the whole shebang after yourself out of arrogance. damn draenei.

Come on now. Valen and co were anything but arrogant. Hell, he was borderline apologising for breathing Draenor’s air, so hard was he trying not to impose. I am generally of the opinion that the Draenei are not guilt free, but they weren’t arrogant.


Draeneis are the most lawful good culture of any playable race.



They’re not building new monuments to them, are they?

I speculated on a reason as to why it wasn’t changed (that’s why I said “probably because”, not “Because”… do try and keep up). I don’t know why they didn’t change the name, save that it wasn’t out of any kind of reverence for Azshara, or the regime she represented.

He’s not wrong because of my side speculation as to their reasoning. He’s wrong because failing to change the existing name a place already has is not the same as building whole new places and naming them in honor genocidal maniacs after said attempted genocides.


No. They’re allowing the monument to Azshara stand.
It’s also important to note that there was absolutely no way to know that Azshara is called Azshara without having heard from night elf sources.

There’s a royal house of the Alliance that’s literally named “Trollbane” after how many Trolls they genocided in their campaigns to steal their lands, and I don’t see any Alliance characters making a peep about that.

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You do know the purpose of a monument, right? Kind of the opposite of “desolate, haunted ruins that were mostly an afterthought, until our new neighbors started squatting there”.

I mean, I think it was wrong. By the same token I think the Night Elves were right to open fire on invaders in their lands, I think the Amani were right to defend theirs. I guess take it up with a Human fan, 'cus I ain’t one.

It’s just also not lost on me that that conflict was started by Elves, the majority of which are now Horde, and the last time the Amani got thrashed in their own home, it was at the behest of a Darkspear chieftain.


I know what the purpose of an evocative memorial is.
I also know what the purpose of leaving a land named after someone is.

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They dropped the purge/Taraujo insanely fast. And just this week I had to rescue Jaina even though she’s responsible for tons of civillian death and wanted to kill civilians on a scale larger than Teldrassil and was stopped before she could.

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Please stop. This is objectively false. Orgrimmar is one city, Teldrassil was a WHOLE ZONE. It had Darnassus and several villages all throughout the tree, and furbolgs. This isn’t even a close comparison.


Dardillien: There are more night elves in Teldrassil than members of the Horde in durotar.