Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

It’s just experience talking, that no resolution is ever 'good enough," and the Alliance players will careen headfirst down a slippery-slope argument, culminating in “DELETE THE HORDE!!!” being the only “acceptable” resolution.

Would you rather have all your leaders killed / villained, your entire storyline turned inside out, and be forced through questlines where you are a Schutzstaffel officer?

And like I said, I support the premise; I just don’t imagine it’ll be deemed “sufficient,” and the demands for “delete the horde!” will continue to detail every attempt to discuss any subject in this neighborhood.

I think you’re too focused on the story forum in particular where no one is ever happy. BFA was the first time I saw that kind of discontent with the story leak into every avenue of WoW, and imx most are not as… fanatically devoted to Horde or Alliance identity as those here.


A failure because it has created two problems

  1. Overexposing the night elves at storylines they have no reason to participate and thus alienating Nelves that only want Tyrande doing an actual move that avenge the event of Teldrassil

  2. Horde player-base now have to deal with the game ashaming us because we picked this faction and most of the content will revolve around nelves and how important and “awesome” are Tyrande and Ysera.

Basically the writers managed to somehow piss both fandom while also subtely told us to roll humans so they can do better “fast food” writing.

If only they would take the effort they did with the new races in this expansion but with the playable ones, the fandom will be more happy in general and the storylines more enjoyable.


The Crimson Ring enslaved just about everybody, and despite Slavery being Illegal in the Horde (Except for the Forsaken, who enslaved living humans), the Crimson Ring and the Slave Trade was systemically ingrained in the culture of the Horde. Case in point, Valeera was bought from an Orcish Prison in Orgrimmar.

Internment camps?

Plants with anima in Shadowlands…

You have, in the past, repeatedly tried to downplay the burning of Teldrassil.


When you find a crossbow but no bolts for it… there’ s not much else you can do with it. He was playing by Classic mechanics. :slight_smile:


Who says it didn’t have bolts?

By the fact that he didn’t mention finding any…

Why would there be a crossbow on a weapons rack without bolts?

Because maybe it was taken from someone who expended them all before they were defeated perhaps?

These were weapon racks, there to store weapons for the Jailer’s army. I suppose they could have stored the crossbow there and the bolts elsewhere, but if that is the case, then the Jailer’s army really has some logistic and organizational issues.

Edit: Or maybe a discipline issue, which would stand to reason, because torture isn’t exactly an effective motivator.

Besides throwing his axe at a god is a classic Orc tradition.

Where’s the dissonance? Why should I feel bad irl to appease night elf restitution and retribution? Iv seen plenty of posters saying that’s what needs to happen for “believable restitution”.

Kudos to those who actually keep it in game instead of making it personal though.

Thrall was using a crossbow as a melee weapon and I think he mentioned there were no bolts. Regardless if there were bolts or not… thrall didn’t see or use them.

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At what point did my thread become a discussion about Thrall’s weapon choice.


Probably because while Jaina and Tyrande are nuking monsters in the maw, blizzard thought it’d be a good idea to start the expansion of death and afterlives by babysitting thrall and finding him the perfect weapon at build a weapon workshop.

Horde pride is a joke lmao why did they make that quest a thing


That’s cause most of those posters are incredibly annoying and engender only spite.

Besides, most Horde posters just don’t want the game to insult them at every turn for picking Horde. If your “retribution” demands dumping on other players for things that aren’t their fault, pick better retribution.


I want every quest giver to have a prompt that opens the Cash Shop and offers Horde players a faction change.


How are internment camps questionable?

Anima aren’t souls though, it’s an essence that comes from them. That’s like saying nectar is flowers. Saying plants have souls makes you sound like Alex Jones.

Maybe not a fully fledged soul, but I think maybe there’s something there. Druids can talk to them, and in some cases (like Teldrassil) they can talk back. And then you have plant people, like botani and ancients.

Though, I honestly suspect sentience, sapience, and soulhood are too deep and nuanced for Blizz (gestures at their attempts at a morally grey war, and there current riff on free will)


The Night Warrior creates so many problems for the Lore. For instance if the Night Warrior has always been known within Night Elf history, then why wasn’t it used for all three Burning Legion invasions? It was the end of the world, that’s a very good time to “break glass in case of an emergency!” Also if it was known throughout the Night Elf kingdom then why didn’t Azshara use the ritual herself, or have an underling like Xavius use it to crush the Night Elf rebellion? Don’t ask questions, just consume product.

As a side note, I must have missed something but when did Tyrande before the Night Warrior and Malfurion become demigods? Isn’t Cenarius a demigod and is still a league above Malfurion? Hence Cenarius leading the fight against Ragnaros in Cataclysm? Also Malfurion needed our help fighting Cenarius in the Emeral Nightmare? I’m chalking it all up to fanaticism.

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Figurative vs literal