Tyrande as the Night Warrior: Success or Failure?

Malfurion has been on Demigod level since at least Cataclysm when he held the entirety of Darkshore together on his own. Without his intervention the entire region would of collapsed into the sea. That has always been the crux with him, he is uber powerful but normally has had his hands tied because of his neutral stance.

Malfurion seems to have become a sort of nature spirit at this point, sort of like how Bwonsamdi was once a mortal, but was elevated into being a Loa. If you killed Malf, I bet he’d go to Ardenweald to be reborn, tbh.


I refuse to accept this deal as it doesn’t benefit me, as a forsaken player.

Even if I wasn’t a Forsaken Fan you can’t expect me to just be like “Ya sure said leader left us but I’ll turn around and let her die or accept the alliance should get the kill on them”

If my only options are Evil or Let the Alliance get the kill/ all these things to make up for teld (Which I had no say in btw) I think I’d rather just be evil at the end of the day, atleast I won’t be forced to feel bad.

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That doesn’t mean you can simply go “Night elves shouldn’t get anything huehuehue” and not expect blowback. While I get that being forced to be a villain sucks, it’s equally awful being the victim. All I want regarding Teldrassil is for it to matter, more than it has so far. Or that the Horde tries to atone. That’s it. That’s everything.


You’ve gotten your wish for going on three years. It’s time for the Horde’s wish to be answered.

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What wish is that? You ask 5 Horde fans and you’d get 5 different answers.


Horde characters being the heroes.

Saurfang wasn’t the hero despite the 30 minutes of full cinematics detailing his noble sacrafice to save his Horde from the evil Sylvanas.

The Alliance and especially the night elves should be thanking the Horde for ending the Fourth War through Saurfang’s sacrifice.

Sarcasm aside, Saurfang was the hero of BfA. It was his journey that the players followed (about as well as could be done with Blizzards shotgun storytelling), ending with his heroic sacrifice at the end to expose Sylvanas, cause her to leave and thus bringing the Fourth War to it’s end. Every other character played the supporting role to this arc, and if you don’t believe me I once again point you to the 30 minute Cinematic video Blizzard created called “Saurfang’s Mak’gora”.


One would hope a post Shadowlands time skip would lead to that. Nobody wants the Horde starting another war.

oh please, daiza. Saurfang was written to say that the Horde sucks when he meets with Anduin in the tower near Theramore. He was written to enrage half the Horde and he didn’t stay with the Horde to fight Sylvanas from the first.

He went out giving sylvanas the tiniest scratch, mimicking Broxigar’s fight with Sargeras: Except Sylvanas isn’t Sargeras, so that just made him look even worse.

Saurfang being written like a sadsack is more to do with Blizzard being terrible writers. But it doesn’t change that the story was about Saurfang. He was the Hero. It was his journey that was being followed, from his being a sadsack hoping to die because he felt bad to him choosing to die for the betterment of the Horde.

The story wasn’t good because godsdamn. But he was the hero of the story.


Maybe the horde lead the charge for once or at least have to deal only with Horde characters instead of a dumb human that nobody cares per expansion?

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Somehow misread the title as Tyrande as a succubus.

… I’m simply allowed to have my opinion, I don’t care if there’s blowback because people disagree with it. Welcome to the forums. Nobody agrees on anything,

Hue hue hue? You’re kidding? If a suggestion on ditching the story and moving on because nobody is happy with it comes off as mockery, you need to grow thicker skin.

Wow isn’t real life. Stop taking it personal and acting like I burned your irl world tree. I’m numb to the night elves plight and being insulted for playing horde the past couple years.

You don’t seem to understand the difference between the two sides. One side is unhappy because Teldrassil hasn’t been given a conclusion. Not a satisfying one, at least. For them, just dropping it would be akin to twisting the knife that they were stabbed with. It solves nothing.

Of yourse your side wants it to be ignored. You lose nothing, and gain everything, by having it ignored. Which is why I frankly could not care less about such trash opinions.

I’m not. Doesn’t mean I can’t call you out for not having empathy.


Yea; Malfurion’s power levels are kind of weird. In one book he takes energy from every living thing on Azeroth, including Azeroth herself, and uses it to solo an Old God. When it’s all over Ysera, still a dragon aspect, tells him that he has surpassed her and he is no longer her student, but that she could learn from him.

Then in BFA he runs around as a bear and get taken down by an axe to the back…


Exactly… Horde players saying that Teldrassil was the focus of BfA is ridiculous. Teldrassil was merely a plot device for Saurfang, which, I can’t speak for others, but that is the main reason why it’s so bad. Kaldorei tragedy for the sake of non-Kaldorei story telling.

Yet, Horde players want to “Be the Heroes”… They already got that. In fact, that is really the only thing anyone got in BfA.
Horde players don’t want that, they want to dominate the Alliance through martial might and not get scolded for it… They want to accuse Alliance posters for “Dumping on other players (Horde players) for the faction they choose.” When that is literally what they want.


Thats a major issue when Blizzard tries to use these big city destruction moments. They are only used a bad vehicle to make things happen that has nothing to do with the person involved.

Theramore gets blown up, you’d think the expansion would have Jaina as a focus at least on the Alliance side. No she’s only a plot device to show how much better at High King-ing Varian is getting by the disaster that was the Purge and moral ammunition to convince the more level headed Horde that Garrosh was actually evil.

Teldrassil, nuff said.

Undercity, you’d think the Alliance sieging it would cause more of a uproar for the Forsaken, or hell even them trying to rationalize Sylvanas disregard of it after she plagued it. But nope. That’s only brought up once and that was when a squad of Forsaken are mocking one of their own for being upset his garden got destroyed.


That’s okay, I wasn’t making a deal. I was simply stating a list of criteria that I would find satisfying without requiring the death of Horde characters. What I listed focuses on Night Elf empowerment, and exists entirely independent of the Forsaken. If you want to make a list of things you’d like for the Forsaken that don’t impact the Night Elves, then I’d genuinely love to hear it.

Actually lots of people want to see Sylvanas defeated, Horde and Alliance fans alike. Some because they hate the character from a narrative perspective, others because they’re just tired of seeing her. I hate the character and want to see her crumble. I don’t personally care who or how, I just prefer Tyrande does it because I’m a night elf fan.

None of those things impact the Horde. Like, it’s entirely independent of the Horde, save the Sylvanas kill, which could easily be faction neutral.

Saving the Night Elf souls doesn’t guilt Horde players. Letting Tyrande live doesn’t guilt Horde players. Night Elves moving to a new capital on Hyjal doesn’t guilt Horde players. Returning Ashenvale to its original Alliance/Horde:West/East split doesn’t guilt Horde players.

Sure, some of it might be in faction-neutral content that the Horde might play through, but that’s not necessarily true. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that you’re suggesting any reference to Teldrassil, including a resolution which centers on Night Elf empowerment over Horde villainizing, is “forcing the Horde to feel bad”. And perhaps that’s true: that any reference to Teldrassil will remind Horde players of their being villain batted again. However, ignoring Teldrassil is just as disingenuous to night elf fans.


You certainly did. You helped in the invasion, as far as your character goes.

That makes said character involved. It may not have been the original intention, sure. Nobody is arguing that. But Horde characters are far from innocent in it’s involvement.

But even beyond that.

We know the general idea the Horde had towards the invasion. The Orc and Elf and other characters in the short stories were happy about it. Were all in on the Glory. Were talking about how fun piracy and other stuff was when going after the NE boats.

It’s not Sylvanas. It’s the Horde culture, from top to bottom, that is complicit


If you think this is a good resolution to a story, especially to that of a playable race’s faction, you’re delusional and simply shouldn’t make story suggestions because neither are they good for the story nor are they good for an entire playable faction.

And the above is my opinion and I don’t care what anyone thinks because this is the story forums.