You literally defeated the Amani again a few years back. Your patron was there, aided by the faction you joined.
He really is. He’s also one of the hottest trolls out there
Speaking of trolls, I’m not a fan of what they did with Vol’jin, I hope we’ll see him more again though
It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but the sooner we get over this storyline here in the Shadowlands, the less we get to hear about Teldrassil in future expansions.
Even though I know rationally that helping the Night Elves in the Shadowlands is the “just” thing to do, even as Horde, Tyrande’s involvement makes me instantly repulsed to the idea.
Imagine if Maiev was the night warrior.
That would be funnier, you would have to help her while she attacks you.
i really wouldve liked for them to quest with vol jin but alas…
I guess that would be funny if you wanted Maiev to be killed.
if you want to enjoy core elements of the story, you need an Audible subscription and enough spare change to buy all of Christie Golden’s books, since not only do they give you stuff that will never, ever be in the game at all, but also retcon and erase things that you actually DO see in the game.
so like what happened to the horde since mop ?
the guy I answer too confirmed it
so the horde ? it seems like you are talking about the horde struggles with crap lore a lot but confusing it with night elfs
still better than most
Sounds like a…nope.
She has an omniscient goddess who let her know when the Legion arrived in Ashenvale in Warcraft 3. I figure Elune can pull Her weight for once.
Yes they did. On these very forums. Regulary. Some saying Orgrimmar. Others saying Tyrande shouldn’t drop this in Shadowlands.
The Zandalari did not combat the Amani during the BC raid and were aiding them during the confrontations with them both in Cata and in MoP. In the span of WoW’s life the Zandalari have never partaken in the defeat of any Forest Troll tribe.
Joining the Horde doesn’t really mean much, as the Zandalari have worked against other tribes with the Horde before when they are being an issue to the world such as the Gurubashi back in Vanilla and the Drakkari when trying to aid the Drakkari Loa. Both of these instances were for the good of the Loa, with the raid on Zul’gurub being for the good of the Gurubashi in general with Hakkar’s defeat.
Regardless, Shandris took part in the eviction of the Amani tribe from their ancestral homeland even after Azshara had taken most of their lands during her rule. To any Troll, an Elf crying about slaughter and loss of home would likely get an eyeroll.
There was actually a thread demanding Blizzard delete the accounts of people who had horde characters on them, for the crimes the Horde committed at teldrassil.
Which I’ll grant is big lol-worthy, but it’s the far end of a bell curve of Alliance players wanting 'revenge".
While all the Horde wants is for the writers to stop being punks.
That same goddess didn’t bother to give her a heads up when the Horde were marshaling to trample through Ashenvale… Twice.
I wouldn’t put much stock in expecting Elune to tell her much when it comes to the Horde.
You must not have been here during BfA, because they quite literally did. That is exactly how the meme of “night elf player” got started, when certain regular posters would make very unrealistic demands as payback for Teldrassil. From narrative “crapping on the Horde” to more game-play oriented “crapping on the Horde” with my favorite being “take gold from the Horde players’ inventory and split it among the night elf playerbase”. I guess when you’re a night elf, you cannot gold farm as efficiently as we on the Horde or something.
Honestly, when I play my Alliance toons I expected some similar remark from the Horde champions like Thrall, Lor’Themar or someone but they’re straight up docile, friendly and up-talk you like you’re a bigshot in their books & it’s rather frustrating.
Like it would be nice if even Lor’Themar or a Blood Elf character could remark their condolences to a Night Elf player towards their people, but then remark a resembling similar hatred for the Alliance to their family being murdered in the purge of Dalaran - then ultimaly advising it’s best to work together for the greater good as together their kinds have done in the past, hoping one day they can strive to avoid those events to both of their peoples ever again.
Ya know … that would actually be interesting. And less predictable.
Doesn’t that completely negate the story reason to have Horde do the quest in the first place? If a Kaldorei champion aids Shandris and Tyrande, then no one from the Horde ever makes any sort of amends for the WoT.
This is proof we should had finished the job and exterminate all the elfies while we could(then do the same with the screecher)
Too bad my Zandalari druid won’t be able to use this haircut to mock Tyrande
Because we get 30g.
She doesn’t have the cosmic clout to kill the PCs tbh. I know “muh elune” and “muh night warrior” but the fate guy in Oribos literally says we have higher powers watching over us.
I am not talking about Zandalari. I am talking about you, a Darkspear troll. What does Zandalari have to do with what you said?
It is debatable to what extent night elves took part in the troll wars. It is also stupid a case to make when you literally join the other faction involved- the blood elves. In the night elves’ eyes, you would just be hypocrites to use that as reasoning for apathy.